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Use type inference to decide the return type of the broadcast syntax
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Add much more tests to ensure the behavior of the broadcast syntax is
as consistent as possible on different julia versions.
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yuyichao committed Sep 6, 2016
1 parent 7c285d1 commit c6477a8
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Showing 2 changed files with 176 additions and 8 deletions.
152 changes: 145 additions & 7 deletions src/Compat.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ using Base.Meta
"""Get just the function part of a function declaration."""
withincurly(ex) = isexpr(ex, :curly) ? ex.args[1] : ex

if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+2254"
immutable Val{T} end
export Val

if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+1419"
export UInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128
const UInt = Uint
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,6 +436,143 @@ end

istopsymbol(ex, mod, sym) = ex in (sym, Expr(:(.), mod, Expr(:quote, sym)))

if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+4002"
typealias Array0D{T} Array{T,0}
@inline broadcast_getindex(arg, idx) = arg[(idx - 1) % length(arg) + 1]
# Optimize for single element
@inline broadcast_getindex(arg::Number, idx) = arg
@inline broadcast_getindex(arg::Array0D, idx) = arg[1]

# If we know from syntax level that we don't need wrapping
@inline broadcast_getindex_naive(arg, idx) = arg[idx]
@inline broadcast_getindex_naive(arg::Number, idx) = arg
@inline broadcast_getindex_naive(arg::Array0D, idx) = arg[1]

# For vararg support
@inline getindex_vararg(idx) = ()
@inline getindex_vararg(idx, arg1) = (broadcast_getindex(arg1, idx),)
@inline getindex_vararg(idx, arg1, arg2) =
(broadcast_getindex(arg1, idx), broadcast_getindex(arg2, idx))
@inline getindex_vararg(idx, arg1, arg2, arg3, args...) =
(broadcast_getindex(arg1, idx), broadcast_getindex(arg2, idx),
broadcast_getindex(arg3, idx), getindex_vararg(idx, args...)...)

@inline getindex_naive_vararg(idx) = ()
@inline getindex_naive_vararg(idx, arg1) =
(broadcast_getindex_naive(arg1, idx),)
@inline getindex_naive_vararg(idx, arg1, arg2) =
(broadcast_getindex_naive(arg1, idx),
broadcast_getindex_naive(arg2, idx))
@inline getindex_naive_vararg(idx, arg1, arg2, arg3, args...) =
(broadcast_getindex_naive(arg1, idx),
broadcast_getindex_naive(arg2, idx),
broadcast_getindex_naive(arg3, idx),
getindex_naive_vararg(idx, args...)...)

# Decide if the result should be scalar or array
# `size() === ()` is not good enough since broadcasting on
# a scalar should return a scalar where as broadcasting on a 0-dim
# array should return a 0-dim array.
@inline should_return_array(::Val{true}, args...) = Val{true}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}) = Val{false}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1) = Val{false}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1::AbstractArray) = Val{true}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1::AbstractArray,
arg2::AbstractArray) = Val{true}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1,
arg2::AbstractArray) = Val{true}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1::AbstractArray,
arg2) = Val{true}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1, arg2) = Val{false}()
@inline should_return_array(::Val{false}, arg1, arg2, args...) =
should_return_array(should_return_array(Val{false}(), arg1, arg2),

@inline broadcast_return(res1d, shp, ret_ary::Val{false}) = res1d[1]
@inline broadcast_return(res1d, shp, ret_ary::Val{true}) = reshape(res1d, shp)

@inline need_full_getindex(shp) = false
@inline need_full_getindex(shp, arg1::Number) = false
@inline need_full_getindex(shp, arg1::Array0D) = false
@inline need_full_getindex(shp, arg1) = shp != size(arg1)
@inline need_full_getindex(shp, arg1, arg2) =
need_full_getindex(shp, arg1) || need_full_getindex(shp, arg2)
@inline need_full_getindex(shp, arg1, arg2, arg3, args...) =
need_full_getindex(shp, arg1, arg2) || need_full_getindex(shp, arg3) ||
need_full_getindex(shp, args...)

function rewrite_broadcast(f, args)
nargs = length(args)
# This actually allows multiple splatting...,
# which is now allowed on master.
# The previous version that simply calls broadcast so removing that
# will be breaking. Oh, well....
is_vararg = Bool[isexpr(args[i], :...) for i in 1:nargs]
names = [gensym("broadcast") for i in 1:nargs]
new_args = [is_vararg[i] ? Expr(:..., names[i]) : names[i]
for i in 1:nargs]
# Optimize for common case where we know the index doesn't need
# any wrapping
naive_getidx_for = function (i, idxvar)
if is_vararg[i]
Expr(:..., :($Compat.getindex_naive_vararg($idxvar,
:($Compat.broadcast_getindex_naive($(names[i]), $idxvar))
always_naive = nargs == 1 && !is_vararg[1]
getidx_for = if always_naive
function (i, idxvar)
if is_vararg[i]
Expr(:..., :($Compat.getindex_vararg($idxvar,
:($Compat.broadcast_getindex($(names[i]), $idxvar))
@gensym allidx
@gensym newshape
@gensym res1d
@gensym idx
@gensym ret_ary

res1d_expr = quote
$res1d = [$f($([naive_getidx_for(i, idx) for i in 1:nargs]...))
for $idx in $allidx]
if !always_naive
res1d_expr = quote
if $Compat.need_full_getindex($newshape, $(new_args...))
$res1d = [$f($([getidx_for(i, idx) for i in 1:nargs]...))
for $idx in $allidx]

return quote
# The `local` makes sure type inference can infer the type even
# in global scope as long as the input is type stable
local $(names...)
$([:($(names[i]) = $(is_vararg[i] ? args[i].args[1] : args[i]))
for i in 1:nargs]...)
local $newshape = $Base.Broadcast.broadcast_shape($(new_args...))
# `eachindex` is not generic enough
local $allidx = 1:prod($newshape)
local $ret_ary = $Compat.should_return_array(Val{false}(),
local $res1d
$Compat.broadcast_return($res1d, $newshape, $ret_ary)

function _compat(ex::Expr)
if ex.head === :call
f = ex.args[1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,11 +691,12 @@ function _compat(ex::Expr)
return Expr(ex.head, _compat(ex.args[1]), QuoteNode(ex.args[2].args[1].args[1]))
elseif isexpr(ex.args[2], :tuple)
# f.(arg1, arg2...) -> broadcast(f, arg1, arg2...)
return Expr(:call, :broadcast, _compat(ex.args[1]), map(_compat, ex.args[2].args)...)
return rewrite_broadcast(_compat(ex.args[1]),
map(_compat, ex.args[2].args))
elseif !isa(ex.args[2], QuoteNode) &&
!(isexpr(ex.args[2], :quote) && isa(ex.args[2].args[1], Symbol))
# f.(arg) -> broadcast(f, arg)
return Expr(:call, :broadcast, _compat(ex.args[1]), _compat(ex.args[2]))
return rewrite_broadcast(_compat(ex.args[1]), [_compat(ex.args[2])])
elseif ex.head === :import
if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+4340" && length(ex.args) == 2 && ex.args[1] === :Base && ex.args[2] === :show
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,11 +811,6 @@ if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+4502"
export keytype, valtype

if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+2254"
immutable Val{T} end
export Val

if VERSION < v"0.4.0-dev+2840"
Base.qr(A, ::Type{Val{true}}; thin::Bool=true) =
Base.qr(A, pivot=true, thin=thin)
Expand Down
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ for (Fun, func) in [(:AndFun, :&),
(:DotMulFun, :.*),
(:RDivFun, :/),
(:DotRDivFun, :./),
(:LDivFun, :\),
(:LDivFun, :\ ),
(:IDivFun, :div),
(:DotIDivFun, @compat(Symbol(""))),
(:ModFun, :mod),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1182,6 +1182,36 @@ let x = rand(3), y = rand(3)
@test @compat(sin.(cos.(x))) == map(x -> sin(cos(x)), x)
@test @compat(atan2.(sin.(y),x)) == broadcast(atan2,map(sin,y),x)
let x0 = Array(Float64), v, v0
x0[1] = rand()
v0 = @compat sin.(x0)
@test isa(v0, Array{Float64,0})
v = @compat sin.(x0[1])
@test isa(v, Float64)
@test v == v0[1] == sin(x0[1])
let x = rand(2, 2), v
v = @compat sin.(x)
@test isa(v, Array{Float64,2})
@test v == [sin(x[1, 1]) sin(x[1, 2]);
sin(x[2, 1]) sin(x[2, 2])]
let x1 = [1, 2, 3], x2 = ([3, 4, 5],), v
v = @compat atan2.(x1, x2...)
@test isa(v, Vector{Float64})
@test v == [atan2(1, 3), atan2(2, 4), atan2(3, 5)]
# Do the following in global scope to make sure inference is able to handle it
@test @compat(sin.([1, 2])) == [sin(1), sin(2)]
@test isa(@compat(sin.([1, 2])), Vector{Float64})
@test @compat(atan2.(1, [2, 3])) == [atan2(1, 2), atan2(1, 3)]
@test isa(@compat(atan2.(1, [2, 3])), Vector{Float64})
@test @compat(atan2.([1, 2], [2, 3])) == [atan2(1, 2), atan2(2, 3)]
@test isa(@compat(atan2.([1, 2], [2, 3])), Vector{Float64})
# And make sure it is actually inferrable
f15032(a) = @compat sin.(a)
@inferred f15032([1, 2, 3])
@inferred f15032([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

if VERSION v"0.4.0-dev+3732"
@test Symbol("foo") === :foo
Expand Down

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