Books v0.4.5
Closed issues:
- Support Windows and MacOS (#64)
- Add Plots.jl support (#86)
- Improve include (#88)
- Write a gen which takes a Markdown file (#119)
- Capitalize the build methods (#120)
- Can arbitrary code length be allowed? (#121)
- Improve alignment on sections in menu (#122)
- Implement note box (#123)
- Maybe take some design ideas from Jupyter Book (#124)
- Place footer at bottom of screen (#126)
- Hide lines in code which ends with # hide (#127)
- Inconsistency between the module for evaluation of sco and @sco (#130)
- Dollar signs are evaluated at the wrong moment inside sc (#134)
- @sco and @sc should be able to handle methods with arguments (#136)
Merged pull requests:
- Rethink the cairosvg dependency (#107) (@rikhuijzer)
- Add support for AlgebraOfGraphics (#113) (@rikhuijzer)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Tectonic" to "0.5" (#114) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add support for Plots and Makie (#116) (@rikhuijzer)
- Optimize filter for includes (#118) (@rikhuijzer)
- Fix note box and long section names (#125) (@rikhuijzer)
- Add sc and sco (#128) (@rikhuijzer)
- Fix some problems found by JET (#129) (@rikhuijzer)
- Change default module to Main (#131) (@rikhuijzer)
- Add Julia 1.7 to CI (#132) (@rikhuijzer)
- Assume less in @sc and @sco (#137) (@rikhuijzer)
- Place footer at bottom of screen (#138) (@rikhuijzer)