I needed to extract a RomFS image from a FOSCAM firmware upgrade, but bat-romfsck choked on it and romfsck.c was... a little lacking.
romfsck2.py handles all romfs images I could find and includes checksum validation, checks for self-referencing inodes and checks for symlinks that escape the filesystem, with an optional mode that verifies the image without extracting.
It supports both Python 2.6+ and Python 3.
Licensed under the GPLv2 as I looked at both bat-romfsck.py and romfsck.c while writing it.
romfsck2.py [OPTIONS...] romfs_file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x dest_directory unpack the filesystem to this directory
-p, --paranoid die on checksum and recursion errors
--no-cleanup don't clean up the directory if extraction fails
A binary template for 010 Editor (ROMFS.bt,) released into the public domain since it's only based on romfs.txt from the kernel documentation.
A set of test images that demonstrate invalid recursive structures and symlinks that would escape the filesystem