4.9.2 - The Image Editor Update [Patch 2]
Added new bat skin model
Added bedrock attachable preview support for nested binding
Per texture UV workflow improvements
Fixed #2149 Cannot click on input box in dialog file picker
Fixed reference appearing behind 2D editor by default
Fixed #2124 Converting cube to mesh changes rotation
Fixed error in bbmodel merging
Fixed typo in shared actions
Fixed texture resizing issue with per texture UV size
Fixed layer changes not marking texture as internal
Fixed icon crop on android
Fixed mobile panels displaying when not selected
Fixed unable to select animations on mobile
Fixed mobile color picker size issue
Fixed double panel issue in mobile layout
Fixed visual issue in Predicate editor
Fixed issue with brush blend modes at full opacity
Fixed issues with new image project dialog
Fixed #2142 stretched image size
Fixed missing image when canceling dialog
Fixed "toggle all grids" icon
Fixed top/bottom slot panels in image editor
Fixed layer resize handles not working with UV overlay enabled
Copy pasting tweaks
Fixed issue with duplicating texture selection
You can’t perform that action at this time.