The project begin in 2021, and the objetive is create a secure application to create password with the idea of not collecting data from passwords.
The program is under license view the section license.
Sword Lite have some Functions:
- Create secure password
- Advance settings to create a password
- And a password chek
- Download the Phyton IDE:
- Download the software:
MacOS, Linux & Windows
Option 1: Download the .zip in the Code Button.
Option 2: Clone the repositorie (with GitHub Desktop)from:
Option 3: Clone the repositorie (whith git):
git clone
- Check if you have python installed:
python --version
- If version is Python 3 or later go to the point 3. The program requires phyton 3, to update or install visit:
- Download the software:
MacOS, Linux & Windows
Option 1: Download the .zip in the Code Button.
Option 2: Clone the repositorie (with GitHub Desktop)from:
Option 3: Clone the repositorie (whith git):
git clone
- Go to the directory where do you have the software (Sword)
- Use
git pull
to update the program
Uninstall the program and install the latest version. (Read the section Installtion)
- Open the IDE and press command + O or Ctrl. + O
- Find the directory where do you download the software or where do you have the software. And press open or similar.
- Now you have a screen with two windows a Shell and a window whit the code press the window whith the code and use Funcion 5.
- Go to the directory where do you have the software (Sword)
- Use
cd Other versions
- Use
python3 Server
. (Version for no graphical interface)
You can colaborate in the project developing it o making issues in the section issues in GitHub.
The code is under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, view the license at: