This is an example how to open a browser from a node cli script to use the OIDC authorization code flow.
When running the script, it starts an HTTP server listening on a local port which gets called at the end of the auth call via the passed redirect_uri. It then stops the HTTP server, parses the query parameters to retrieve the auth code. With that auth code the script then calls the token endpoint to get an access_token. At the end the script just dumps the token response body for demonstration purposes.
For easy setup, a docker compose file is provided that starts a keycloak container
to act as the identity provider.
In case you want to use your own keycloak server somewhere (or a totally
different OIDC server) or can't use the local ports 8080 and 8081, have a look
at index.js
and adjust to your needs.
Install the required packages with your preferred tool, i.e. pick one of
npm install yarn install pnpm install
Start the keycloak container with docker
docker compose up -d
Wait a bit until the keycloak container is up and running. It's ready when
docker logs -f keycloak_oidc_with_cli
shows "Running the server in development mode. DO NOT use this configuration in production." -
Get the ID of the
Open http://localhost:8080 and login with "admin/admin"
Navigate to "Clients > admin-cli"
Copy the ID from the URL
e.g. "b3a1ad77-e61d-4526-8847-a2c47f0bd347" when the full URL is http://localhost:8080/admin/master/console/#/master/clients/b3a1ad77-e61d-4526-8847-a2c47f0bd347/settings
Initial terraform setup and import of the
clientterraform init terraform import keycloak_openid_client.admin-cli master/b3a1ad77-e61d-4526-8847-a2c47f0bd347
Allow authorization code flow (standard flow in keycloak terms) and add allowed redirect URI to the local script callback
terraform apply
If you don't want to use terraform for the keycloak docker container, or you want to
use your existing keycloak server, simply edit the admin-cli
client in the
keycloak admin console.
Enable the "Standard flow" checkbox under "Capability config" and then add
"http://localhost:8081/*" in the "Valid redirect URIs" under "Access settings".
Use your preferred tool to start the script, i.e. pick one of
npm start
yarn start
pnpm start
This will open a browser tab to call the auth endpoint. If you aren't logged in already, enter "admin/admin" as credentials. When login was successful, or you already have an active session, the browser will then show a message that you can close the window. Back in the terminal where you started the script you will then see a dump of the response body of the token endpoint call.