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Homework rozin wed afternoon

thealina edited this page Nov 20, 2013 · 113 revisions


  • Each week you must complete two items for your homework.

    • Post documentation of your assignment. This can be a short blog post with screenshots / video documentation and/or a Processing.js implementation of your sketch. It should include something visual and your source code.
    • Place a copy of your sketch folder in our class' shared dropbox folder. Contact @shiffman if you do not have access to the folder.
  • A word about JavaScript mode and Processing.js

    • JavaScript mode in Processing is a nice magic trick that allows you to run a Processing sketch in a web browser. However, there are lots of reasons why it may not work from obvious ones like no third party libraries to less obvious ones like no functions with the same name as a variable. To make matters worse, some of Processing's 2.0 API is not implemented for JS. Use JavaScript mode cautiously and don't let it get in the way of the important stuff like just making what you want to make.
    • Instructions for JavaScript Mode


Alina Balean, How I’m wasting time online. A visualization. blog post // [drop box] (

Pairs for final project workshop Nov 13th

3:15- 3:30 and 3:30 - 3:45

Balean, Alina <—> Yu, Hsiang-Ying

Sayici, Batu <—> Smith, Kina

Huang, Bing <—> Mo, Ran

Wu, Chin-Hsuan <—> Narciso Gouveia da Silva, Rodrigo

Melancon, Daniel <—> Osmany, Sabrina

Wang, Danqing <—> Manson, Sheri

Kim, Eunjin <—> Forchheimer, Susanne

3:45 - 4:00 and 4:00 - 4:15

Balean, Alina <—> Smith, Kina

Sayici, Batu <—> Mo, Ran

Huang, Bing <—> Narciso Gouveia da Silva, Rodrigo

Wu, Chin-Hsuan <—> Osmany, Sabrina

Melancon, Daniel <—> Manson, Sheri

Wang, Danqing <—> Forchheimer, Susanne

Kim, Eunjin <—> Yu, Hsiang-Ying

4:15- 4:35 - break

4:35 - 4:50 and and 4:50 - 5:05

Balean, Alina <—> Mo, Ran

Sayici, Batu <—> Narciso Gouveia da Silva, Rodrigo

Huang, Bing <—> Osmany, Sabrina

Wu, Chin-Hsuan <—> Manson, Sheri

Melancon, Daniel <—> Forchheimer, Susanne

Wang, Danqing <—> Yu, Hsiang-Ying

Kim, Eunjin <—> Smith, Kina

5:05 - 5:20 and 5:20 - 5:35

Balean, Alina <—> Narciso Gouveia da Silva, Rodrigo

Sayici, Batu <—> Osmany, Sabrina

Huang, Bing <—> Manson, Sheri

Wu, Chin-Hsuan <—> Forchheimer, Susanne

Melancon, Daniel <—> Yu, Hsiang-Ying

Wang, Danqing <—> Smith, Kina

Kim, Eunjin <—> Mo, Ran

Final Project Proposals

*"Alina" [email protected], blog post
*"Kina Smith" [email protected], blog post
*"Batu" [email protected], blog post
*"Rodrigo Narciso" [email protected], blog post
*"Susanne Forchheimer" [email protected], blog post
*"Chin-hsuan Wu" [email protected], "Bing Huang" [email protected] blog post

Week 5 couples for "class swapping"

  • E-mail the code for a class to your assigned partner on the wiki. You'll get one from them too. Try incorporating the class sent to you into your sketch. Write some thoughts about this process on your blog -- Did anything not work? Could you follow your partner's code? Were comments helpful? (If you are feeling saucy, you could try to use github for this collaboration.)

*"Bing Huang" [email protected], "Chin-Hsuan Wu" [email protected], dropbox

*"Danqing Wang" [email protected], "Alina Balean" [email protected], [dropbox] (

*"Eunjin Kim" [email protected], "Rosalie Yu" [email protected],

*"Ran Mo" [email protected], "Rodrigo Narciso Gouveia da Silva" [email protected],

*"Sabrina Osmany" [email protected], "Batu Sayici" [email protected],

*"S Manson" [email protected], [dropbox] "Daniel Melancon" [email protected],[dropbox] (

*"Susanne Forchheimer" [email protected] "Kina Smith" [email protected],

Week 4

*"Susanne Forchheimer" [email protected], -- [dropbox] (, [Buttongame - functions] (

*"Kina Smith" [email protected], --[dropbox] (, [wk4 Homework] (

*"Bing Huang" [email protected],--[dropbox] (

*"Rosalie Yu" [email protected], --[dropbox] (, [Mood] (

*"Rodrigo Narciso" [email protected], --[dropbox] (

*"Dan Melancon" [email protected], --[dropbox] (

*"Chin-hsuan Wu" [email protected], --[dropbox] (

*"Sabrina Osmany" [email protected],--dropbox

Week 3

*"Mo Ran" [email protected], -- [dropbox] (

*"Bing Huang" [email protected], -- [dropbox] (

*"Kina Smith" [email protected], -- [wk3Homework] (, [dropbox] (

*"Susanne Forchheimer" [email protected], -- [Buttongame and 10Print] (

*"Rosalie Yu" [email protected], -- [Manicolor] (

*"Dan Melancon" [email protected], --[Ellipse Variations] (

*"Alina Balean [email protected] & Batu Sayici" [email protected], -- [Death By Corners] (

*"Sabrina Osmany [email protected],--[Concentricity] (

Week 2 pairs

*"Alina Balean" [email protected], "Batu Sayici" [email protected], [Death by Cars] (

*"Bing Huang" [email protected], [Simple Pong Bing_Version] ( "Daniel Melancon" [email protected], [Psychedelic Pong] (

*"Danqing Wang" [email protected], [pong!] ( "Chin-Hsuan Wu" [email protected], -- THE LINES, PINGPONG

*"Eunjin Kim" [email protected], "Hsiang-Ying Yu" [email protected], -- THE END, Rainbow

*"Kina Smith" [email protected], "Ran Mo" [email protected], -- Our World dropbox

*"Rodrigo Narciso Gouveia da Silva" [email protected], - [Colors poetry] ( "S Manson",(CTU_CPU_Animation: "Susanne Forchheimer" [email protected] (dropbox PaintSonic :

*"Sabrina Osmany" [email protected] -- ColourWheel | [Video] (

Week 1

Assignment: Create your own screen drawing: self-portrait, alien, monster, etc. Use only 2D primitive shapes – arc(), curve(), ellipse(), line(), point(), quad(), rect(), triangle() – and basic color functions – background(), colorMode(), fill(), noFill(), noStroke(), stroke(). Remember to use size() to specify the dimensions of your window.