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Algebra operations
Alizter authored Apr 5, 2021


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2 parents a36f823 + 7137029 commit dd3c399
Showing 8 changed files with 475 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions _CoqProject
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@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ theories/Spaces/Finite/Fin.v

@@ -352,6 +353,7 @@ theories/Spectra/Coinductive.v


# Algebra
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions theories/Algebra/Universal/Operation.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
(** This file continues the development of algebra [Operation]. It
gives a way to construct operations using (conventional) curried
functions, and shows that such curried operations are equivalent
to the uncurried operations [Operation]. *)

Require Export HoTT.Algebra.Universal.Algebra.

Require Import

Import notations_algebra.

(** Functions [head_dom'] and [head_dom] are used to get the first
element of a nonempty operation domain [a : forall i, A (ss i)]. *)

Monomorphic Definition head_dom' {σ} (A : Carriers σ) (n : nat)
: forall (N : n > 0) (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (a : forall i, A (ss i)),
A (fshead' n N ss)
:= match n with
| 0 => fun N ss _ => Empty_rec N
| n'.+1 => fun N ss a => a fin_zero

Monomorphic Definition head_dom {σ} (A : Carriers σ) {n : nat}
(ss : FinSeq n.+1 (Sort σ)) (a : forall i, A (ss i))
: A (fshead ss)
:= head_dom' A n.+1 tt ss a.

(** Functions [tail_dom'] and [tail_dom] are used to obtain the tail
of an operation domain [a : forall i, A (ss i)]. *)

Monomorphic Definition tail_dom' {σ} (A : Carriers σ) (n : nat)
: forall (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (a : forall i, A (ss i)) (i : Fin (pred n)),
A (fstail' n ss i)
:= match n with
| 0 => fun ss _ i => Empty_rec i
| n'.+1 => fun ss a i => a (fsucc i)

Monomorphic Definition tail_dom {σ} (A : Carriers σ) {n : nat}
(ss : FinSeq n.+1 (Sort σ)) (a : forall i, A (ss i))
: forall i, A (fstail ss i)
:= tail_dom' A n.+1 ss a.

(** Functions [cons_dom'] and [cons_dom] to add an element to
the front of a given domain [a : forall i, A (ss i)]. *)

Monomorphic Definition cons_dom' {σ} (A : Carriers σ) {n : nat}
: forall (i : Fin n) (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (N : n > 0),
A (fshead' n N ss) -> (forall i, A (fstail' n ss i)) -> A (ss i)
:= fin_ind
(fun n i =>
forall (ss : Fin n -> Sort σ) (N : n > 0),
A (fshead' n N ss) -> (forall i, A (fstail' n ss i)) -> A (ss i))
(fun n' => fun _ z => match z with tt => fun x _ => x end)
(fun n' i' _ => fun _ _ _ xs => xs i').

Definition cons_dom {σ} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n.+1 (Sort σ))
(x : A (fshead ss)) (xs : forall i, A (fstail ss i))
: forall i : Fin n.+1, A (ss i)
:= fun i => cons_dom' A i ss tt x xs.

(** The empty domain: *)

Definition nil_dom {σ} (A : Carriers σ) (ss : FinSeq 0 (Sort σ))
: forall i : Fin 0, A (ss i)
:= Empty_ind (A o ss).

(** A specialization of [Operation] to finite [Fin n] arity. *)

Definition FiniteOperation {σ : Signature} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ) : Type
:= Operation A {| Arity := Fin n; sorts_dom := ss; sort_cod := t |}.

(** A type of curried operations
CurriedOperation A [s1, ..., sn] t := A s1 -> ... -> A sn -> A t.
>> *)

Fixpoint CurriedOperation {σ} (A : Carriers σ) {n : nat}
: (FinSeq n (Sort σ)) -> Sort σ -> Type
:= match n with
| 0 => fun ss t => A t
| n'.+1 =>
fun ss t => A (fshead ss) -> CurriedOperation A (fstail ss) t

(** Function [operation_uncurry] is used to uncurry an operation
operation_uncurry A [s1, ..., sn] t (op : CurriedOperation A [s1, ..., sn] t)
: FiniteOperation A [s1, ..., sn] t
:= fun (x1 : A s1, ..., xn : A xn) => op x1 ... xn
See [equiv_operation_curry] below. *)

Fixpoint operation_uncurry {σ} (A : Carriers σ) {n : nat}
: forall (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ),
CurriedOperation A ss t -> FiniteOperation A ss t
:= match n with
| 0 => fun ss t op _ => op
| n'.+1 =>
fun ss t op a =>
operation_uncurry A (fstail ss) t (op (a fin_zero)) (a o fsucc)

Local Example computation_example_operation_uncurry
: forall
(σ : Signature) (A : Carriers σ) (n : nat) (s1 s2 t : Sort σ)
(ss := (fscons s1 (fscons s2 fsnil)))
(op : CurriedOperation A ss t) (a : forall i, A (ss i)),
operation_uncurry A ss t op
= fun a => op (a fin_zero) (a (fsucc fin_zero)).

(** Function [operation_curry] is used to curry an operation
operation_curry A [s1, ..., sn] t (op : FiniteOperation A [s1, ..., sn] t)
: CurriedOperation A [s1, ..., sn] t
:= fun (x1 : A s1) ... (xn : A xn) => op (x1, ..., xn)
See [equiv_operation_curry] below. *)

Fixpoint operation_curry {σ} (A : Carriers σ) {n : nat}
: forall (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ),
FiniteOperation A ss t -> CurriedOperation A ss t
:= match n with
| 0 => fun ss t op => op (Empty_ind _)
| n'.+1 =>
fun ss t op x =>
operation_curry A (fstail ss) t (op o cons_dom A ss x)

Local Example computation_example_operation_curry
: forall
(σ : Signature) (A : Carriers σ) (n : nat) (s1 s2 t : Sort σ)
(ss := (fscons s1 (fscons s2 fsnil)))
(op : FiniteOperation A ss t)
(x1 : A s1) (x2 : A s2),
operation_curry A ss t op
= fun x1 x2 => op (cons_dom A ss x1 (cons_dom A _ x2 (nil_dom A _))).

Lemma expand_cons_dom' {σ} (A : Carriers σ) (n : nat)
: forall (i : Fin n) (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (N : n > 0)
(a : forall i, A (ss i)),
cons_dom' A i ss N (head_dom' A n N ss a) (tail_dom' A n ss a) = a i.
intro i.
induction i using fin_ind; intros ss N a.
- unfold cons_dom'.
rewrite compute_fin_ind_fin_zero.
by destruct N.
- unfold cons_dom'.
by rewrite compute_fin_ind_fsucc.

Lemma expand_cons_dom `{Funext} {σ} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n.+1 (Sort σ)) (a : forall i, A (ss i))
: cons_dom A ss (head_dom A ss a) (tail_dom A ss a) = a.
funext i.
apply expand_cons_dom'.

Lemma path_operation_curry_to_cunurry `{Funext} {σ} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ)
: operation_uncurry A ss t o operation_curry A ss t == idmap.
intro a.
induction n as [| n IHn].
- funext d. refine (ap a _). apply path_contr.
- funext a'.
refine (ap (fun x => x _) (IHn _ _) @ _).
refine (ap a _).
apply expand_cons_dom.

Lemma path_operation_uncurry_to_curry `{Funext} {σ} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ)
: operation_curry A ss t o operation_uncurry A ss t == idmap.
intro a.
induction n; [reflexivity|].
funext x.
refine (_ @ IHn (fstail ss) (a x)).
refine (ap (operation_curry A (fstail ss) t) _).
funext a'.
unfold cons_dom, cons_dom'.
rewrite compute_fin_ind_fin_zero.
refine (ap (operation_uncurry A (fstail ss) t (a x)) _).
funext i'.
now rewrite compute_fin_ind_fsucc.

Global Instance isequiv_operation_curry `{Funext} {σ} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ)
: IsEquiv (operation_curry A ss t).
srapply isequiv_adjointify.
- apply operation_uncurry.
- apply path_operation_uncurry_to_curry.
- apply path_operation_curry_to_cunurry.

Definition equiv_operation_curry `{Funext} {σ} (A : Carriers σ)
{n : nat} (ss : FinSeq n (Sort σ)) (t : Sort σ)
: FiniteOperation A ss t <~> CurriedOperation A ss t
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (operation_curry A ss t) _.

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion theories/Spaces/Finite.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

Require Export Finite.Fin.
Require Export Finite.FinNat.
Require Export Finite.FinInduction.
Require Export Finite.Finite.
Require Export Finite.Tactics.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions theories/Spaces/Finite/Fin.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Local Open Scope nat_scope.

(** A *finite set* is a type that is merely equivalent to the canonical finite set determined by some natural number. There are many equivalent ways to define the canonical finite sets, such as [{ k : nat & k < n}]; we instead choose a recursive one. *)

Fixpoint Fin (n : nat) : Type
Fixpoint Fin (n : nat) : Type0
:= match n with
| 0 => Empty
| S n => Fin n + Unit
@@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ Proof.
+ rewrite path_fin_fsucc_incl, path_nat_fin_incl.
apply IHn.
+ reflexivity.

Lemma path_nat_fin_zero {n} : fin_to_nat (@fin_zero n) = 0.
induction n as [|n' IHn].
- reflexivity.
- trivial.

Lemma path_nat_fin_last {n} : fin_to_nat (@fin_last n) = n.
28 changes: 22 additions & 6 deletions theories/Spaces/Finite/FinInduction.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Definition fin_ind (P : forall n : nat, Fin n -> Type)
{n : nat} (k : Fin n)
: P n k.
refine (transport (P n) (homot_fin_to_finnat_to_fin k) _).
refine (transport (P n) (path_fin_to_finnat_to_fin k) _).
refine (finnat_ind (fun n u => P n (finnat_to_fin u)) _ _ _).
- intro. apply z.
- intros n' u c. apply s. exact c.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Lemma compute_fin_ind_fin_zero (P : forall n : nat, Fin n -> Type)
: fin_ind P z s fin_zero = z n.
unfold fin_ind.
generalize (homot_fin_to_finnat_to_fin (@fin_zero n)).
generalize (path_fin_to_finnat_to_fin (@fin_zero n)).
induction (path_fin_to_finnat_fin_zero n)^.
intro p.
by induction (hset_path2 1 p).
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ Lemma compute_fin_ind_fsucc (P : forall n : nat, Fin n -> Type)
: fin_ind P z s (fsucc k) = s n k (fin_ind P z s k).
unfold fin_ind.
generalize (homot_fin_to_finnat_to_fin (fsucc k)).
generalize (path_fin_to_finnat_to_fin (fsucc k)).
induction (path_fin_to_finnat_fsucc k)^.
intro p.
refine (ap (transport (P n.+1) p) (compute_finnat_ind_succ _ _ _ _) @ _).
generalize dependent p.
induction (homot_fin_to_finnat_to_fin k).
induction (homot_fin_to_finnat_to_fin k)^.
induction (path_fin_to_finnat_to_fin k).
induction (path_fin_to_finnat_to_fin k)^.
intro p.
now induction (hset_path2 1 p).
@@ -51,4 +51,20 @@ Definition fin_rec (B : nat -> Type)
: (forall n : nat, B n.+1) -> (forall (n : nat), Fin n -> B n -> B n.+1) ->
forall {n : nat}, Fin n -> B n
:= fin_ind (fun n _ => B n).

Lemma compute_fin_rec_fin_zero (B : nat -> Type)
(z : forall n : nat, B n.+1)
(s : forall (n : nat) (k : Fin n), B n -> B n.+1) (n : nat)
: fin_rec B z s fin_zero = z n.
apply (compute_fin_ind_fin_zero (fun n _ => B n)).

Lemma compute_fin_rec_fsucc (B : nat -> Type)
(z : forall n : nat, B n.+1)
(s : forall (n : nat) (k : Fin n), B n -> B n.+1)
{n : nat} (k : Fin n)
: fin_rec B z s (fsucc k) = s n k (fin_rec B z s k).
apply (compute_fin_ind_fsucc (fun n _ => B n)).
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions theories/Spaces/Finite/FinNat.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ Proof.
(hset_path2 1 (@path_succ_finnat n u u.2)) idpath).

Definition is_bounded_fin_to_nat {n} (k : Fin n) : fin_to_nat k < n.
Monomorphic Definition is_bounded_fin_to_nat {n} (k : Fin n)
: fin_to_nat k < n.
induction n as [| n IHn].
- elim k.
@@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ Proof.
+ apply leq_refl.

Definition fin_to_finnat {n} (k : Fin n) : FinNat n
Monomorphic Definition fin_to_finnat {n} (k : Fin n) : FinNat n
:= (fin_to_nat k; is_bounded_fin_to_nat k).

Fixpoint finnat_to_fin {n : nat} : FinNat n -> Fin n
Monomorphic Fixpoint finnat_to_fin {n : nat} : FinNat n -> Fin n
:= match n with
| 0 => fun u => Empty_rec u.2
| n.+1 => fun u =>
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ Proof.
- exact (ap fsucc IHn).

Lemma homot_finnat_to_fin_to_finnat {n : nat} (u : FinNat n)
Lemma path_finnat_to_fin_to_finnat {n : nat} (u : FinNat n)
: fin_to_finnat (finnat_to_fin u) = u.
induction n as [| n IHn].
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ Proof.
exact (ap S (IHn (x; h))..1).

Lemma homot_fin_to_finnat_to_fin {n : nat} (k : Fin n)
Lemma path_fin_to_finnat_to_fin {n : nat} (k : Fin n)
: finnat_to_fin (fin_to_finnat k) = k.
induction n as [| n IHn].
@@ -187,5 +188,5 @@ Defined.

Definition equiv_fin_finnat (n : nat) : Fin n <~> FinNat n
:= equiv_adjointify fin_to_finnat finnat_to_fin
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions theories/Spaces/Finite/FinSeq.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
Require Import

(** Finite-dimensional sequence. It is often referred to as vector,
but we call it finite sequence [FinSeq] to avoid confusion with
vector from linear algebra.
Note that the induction principle [finseq_]*)

Definition FinSeq@{u} (n : nat) (A : Type@{u}) : Type@{u} := Fin n -> A.

(** The empty finite sequence. *)

Definition fsnil {A : Type} : FinSeq 0 A := Empty_rec.

Definition path_fsnil `{Funext} {A : Type} (v : FinSeq 0 A) : fsnil = v.
apply path_contr.

(** Add an element in the end of a finite sequence, [fscons'] and [fscons]. *)

Definition fscons' {A : Type} (n : nat) (a : A) (v : FinSeq (pred n) A)
: FinSeq n A
:= fun i => fin_rec (fun n => FinSeq (pred n) A -> A)
(fun _ _ => a) (fun n' i _ v => v i) i v.

Definition fscons {A : Type} {n : nat} : A -> FinSeq n A -> FinSeq n.+1 A
:= fscons' n.+1.

(** Take the first element of a non-empty finite sequence,
[fshead'] and [fshead]. *)

Definition fshead' {A} (n : nat) : n > 0 -> FinSeq n A -> A
:= match n with
| 0 => fun N _ => Empty_rec N
| n'.+1 => fun _ v => v fin_zero

Definition fshead {A} {n : nat} : FinSeq n.+1 A -> A := fshead' n.+1 tt.

Definition compute_fshead' {A} n (N : n > 0) (a : A) (v : FinSeq (pred n) A)
: fshead' n N (fscons' n a v) = a.
destruct n; [elim N|].
exact (apD10 (compute_fin_rec_fin_zero _ _ _ _) v).

Definition compute_fshead {A} {n} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
: fshead (fscons a v) = a.
apply compute_fshead'.

(** If the sequence is non-empty, then remove the first element. *)

Definition fstail' {A} (n : nat) : FinSeq n A -> FinSeq (pred n) A
:= match n with
| 0 => fun _ => Empty_rec
| n'.+1 => fun v i => v (fsucc i)

(** Remove the first element from a non-empty sequence. *)

Definition fstail {A} {n : nat} : FinSeq n.+1 A -> FinSeq n A := fstail' n.+1.

Definition compute_fstail' {A} n (a : A) (v : FinSeq (pred n) A)
: fstail' n (fscons' n a v) == v.
intro i.
destruct n; [elim i|].
exact (apD10 (compute_fin_rec_fsucc _ _ _ _) v).

Definition compute_fstail `{Funext} {A} {n} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
: fstail (fscons a v) = v.
funext i.
apply compute_fstail'.

(** A non-empty finite sequence is equal to [fscons] of head and tail,
[path_expand_fscons'] and [path_expand_fscons]. *)

Lemma path_expand_fscons' {A : Type} (n : nat)
(i : Fin n) (N : n > 0) (v : FinSeq n A)
: fscons' n (fshead' n N v) (fstail' n v) i = v i.
induction i using fin_ind.
- apply compute_fshead.
- apply (compute_fstail' n.+1 (fshead v) (fstail v)).

Lemma path_expand_fscons `{Funext} {A} {n} (v : FinSeq n.+1 A)
: fscons (fshead v) (fstail v) = v.
funext i.
apply path_expand_fscons'.

(** The following [path_fscons'] and [path_fscons] gives a way to construct
a path between [fscons] finite sequences. They cooperate nicely with
[path_expand_fscons'] and [path_expand_fscons]. *)

Definition path_fscons' {A} n {a1 a2 : A} {v1 v2 : FinSeq (pred n) A}
(p : a1 = a2) (q : forall i, v1 i = v2 i) (i : Fin n)
: fscons' n a1 v1 i = fscons' n a2 v2 i.
induction i using fin_ind.
- exact (compute_fshead _ _ @ p @ (compute_fshead _ _)^).
- refine (_ @ (compute_fstail' n.+1 a2 v2 i)^).
exact (compute_fstail' n.+1 a1 v1 i @ q i).

Definition compute_path_fscons' {A} (n : nat)
(a : A) (v : FinSeq (pred n) A) (i : Fin n)
: path_fscons' n (idpath a) (fun j => idpath (v j)) i = idpath.
induction i using fin_ind; unfold path_fscons'.
- rewrite compute_fin_ind_fin_zero.
refine (ap (fun p => p @ _) (concat_p1 _) @ _).
apply concat_pV.
- rewrite compute_fin_ind_fsucc.
refine (ap (fun p => p @ _) (concat_p1 _) @ _).
apply concat_pV.

Definition path_fscons `{Funext} {A} {n} {a1 a2 : A} (p : a1 = a2)
{v1 v2 : FinSeq n A} (q : v1 = v2)
: fscons a1 v1 = fscons a2 v2.
funext i. apply path_fscons'.
- assumption.
- intro j. exact (apD10 q j).

Lemma compute_path_fscons `{Funext} {A} {n} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
: path_fscons (idpath a) (idpath v) = idpath.
refine (ap (path_forall _ _) _ @ eta_path_forall _ _ _).
funext i. exact (compute_path_fscons' n.+1 a v i).

(** The lemmas [path_expand_fscons_fscons'] and [path_expand_fscons_fscons]
identify [path_expand_fscons'] with [path_fscons'] and
[path_expand_fscons] with [path_fscons]. *)

Lemma path_expand_fscons_fscons' {A : Type} (n : nat)
(N : n > 0) (a : A) (v : FinSeq (pred n) A) (i : Fin n)
: path_expand_fscons' n i N (fscons' n a v) =
path_fscons' n (compute_fshead' n N a v) (compute_fstail' n a v) i.
induction i using fin_ind; unfold path_fscons', path_expand_fscons'.
- do 2 rewrite compute_fin_ind_fin_zero.
refine (_ @ concat_p_pp _ _ _).
refine (_ @ (ap (fun p => _ @ p) (concat_pV _))^).
exact (concat_p1 _)^.
- do 2 rewrite compute_fin_ind_fsucc.
refine (_ @ concat_p_pp _ _ _).
refine (_ @ (ap (fun p => _ @ p) (concat_pV _))^).
exact (concat_p1 _)^.

Lemma path_expand_fscons_fscons `{Funext}
{A : Type} {n : nat} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
: path_expand_fscons (fscons a v) =
path_fscons (compute_fshead a v) (compute_fstail a v).
refine (ap (path_forall _ _) _).
funext i.
pose (p := eisretr apD10 (compute_fstail' n.+1 a v)).
refine (_ @ (ap (fun f => _ f i) p)^).
exact (path_expand_fscons_fscons' n.+1 tt a v i).

(** The induction principle for finite sequence, [finseq_ind].
Note that it uses funext and does not compute. *)

Lemma finseq_ind `{Funext} {A : Type} (P : forall n, FinSeq n A -> Type)
(z : P 0 fsnil) (s : forall n a (v : FinSeq n A), P n v -> P n.+1 (fscons a v))
{n : nat} (v : FinSeq n A)
: P n v.
induction n.
- exact (transport (P 0) (path_fsnil v) z).
- refine (transport (P n.+1) (path_expand_fscons v) _).
apply s. apply IHn.

Lemma compute_finseq_ind_fsnil `{Funext} {A : Type}
(P : forall n, FinSeq n A -> Type) (z : P 0 fsnil)
(s : forall (n : nat) (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A), P n v -> P n.+1 (fscons a v))
: finseq_ind P z s fsnil = z.
exact (ap (fun x => _ x z) (hset_path2 1 (path_fsnil fsnil)))^.

Lemma compute_finseq_ind_fscons `{Funext} {A : Type}
(P : forall n, FinSeq n A -> Type) (z : P 0 fsnil)
(s : forall (n : nat) (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A), P n v -> P n.+1 (fscons a v))
{n : nat} (a : A) (v : FinSeq n A)
: finseq_ind P z s (fscons a v) = s n a v (finseq_ind P z s v).
induction (path_expand_fscons_fscons a v)^.
set (p1 := compute_fshead a v).
set (p2 := compute_fstail a v).
induction p1, p2.
exact (ap (fun p => transport _ p _) (compute_path_fscons _ _)).

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Spaces/Finite/Finite.v
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@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ Qed.

(** A function from [nat] to a finite set must repeat itself eventually. *)
Section Enumeration.
Context `{Funext} {X} `{Finite X} (e : nat -> X).
Context `{Funext} {X} `{Finite@{_ Set _} X} (e : nat -> X).

Let er (n : nat) : Fin n -> X
:= fun k => e (nat_fin n k).

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