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Merge pull request #1766 from jdchristensen/wildcat-improvements
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Wildcat improvements
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jdchristensen authored Sep 27, 2023
2 parents 1afeacf + 8294fa6 commit a3bde18
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Showing 11 changed files with 403 additions and 167 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions theories/Algebra/AbGroups/Abelianization.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ Definition group_precomp {a b} := @cat_precomp Group _ _ a b.

Class IsAbelianization {G : Group} (G_ab : AbGroup)
(eta : GroupHomomorphism G G_ab)
:= isequiv0gpd_isabel : forall (A : AbGroup),
:= issurjinj_isabel : forall (A : AbGroup),
IsSurjInj (group_precomp A eta).
Global Existing Instance isequiv0gpd_isabel.
Global Existing Instance issurjinj_isabel.

(** Here we define abelianization as a HIT. Specifically as a set-coequalizer of the following two maps: (a, b, c) |-> a (b c) and (a, b, c) |-> a (c b).
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions theories/Basics/Notations.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ Reserved Infix "$o@" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix "$@" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix "$@L" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix "$@R" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix "$@@" (at level 30).
Reserved Infix "$=>" (at level 99).
Reserved Notation "T ^op" (at level 3, format "T ^op").
Reserved Notation "f ^-1$" (at level 3, format "f '^-1$'").
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions theories/Pointed/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -712,6 +712,18 @@ Proof.
+ intros x; exact (s x).

Global Instance hasmorext_core_ptype `{Funext} : HasMorExt (core pType).
snrapply Build_HasMorExt.
intros a b f g.
unfold GpdHom_path.
cbn in f, g.
(* [GpdHom_path] and the inverse of [equiv_path_pequiv] are not definitionally equal, but they compute to definitionally equal things on [idpath]. *)
apply (isequiv_homotopic (equiv_path_pequiv f g)^-1%equiv).
intro p; induction p; cbn.

(** pType is a univalent 1-coherent 1-category *)
Global Instance isunivalent_ptype `{Univalence} : IsUnivalent1Cat pType.
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions theories/Types/Equiv.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,16 @@ Section AssumeFunext.
(* Coq can find this instance by itself, but it's slow. *)
:= equiv_isequiv (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2).

(** The inverse equivalence is homotopic to [ap equiv_fun], so that is also an equivalence. *)
Global Instance isequiv_ap_equiv_fun `{Funext} {A B : Type} (e1 e2 : A <~> B)
: IsEquiv (ap (x:=e1) (y:=e2) (@equiv_fun A B)).
snrapply isequiv_homotopic.
- exact (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)^-1%equiv.
- exact _.
- intro p. exact (ap_compose (fun v => (equiv_fun v; equiv_isequiv v)) pr1 p)^.

(** This implies that types of equivalences inherit truncation. Note that we only state the theorem for [n.+1]-truncatedness, since it is not true for contractibility: if [B] is contractible but [A] is not, then [A <~> B] is not contractible because it is not inhabited.
Don't confuse this lemma with [trunc_equiv], which says that if [A] is truncated and [A] is equivalent to [B], then [B] is truncated. It would be nice to find a better pair of names for them. *)
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20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions theories/WildCat/Core.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,15 +117,7 @@ Definition cat_assoc_opp {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A}
: h $o (g $o f) $== (h $o g) $o f
:= (cat_assoc f g h)^$.

Definition Comp2 {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b c : A}
{f g : a $-> b} {h k : b $-> c}
(q : h $-> k) (p : f $-> g)
: (h $o f $-> k $o g)
:= ??
Infix "$o@" := Comp2.
(** Whiskering and horizontal composition of 2-cells. *)

Definition cat_postwhisker {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b c : A}
{f g : a $-> b} (h : b $-> c) (p : f $== g)
Expand All @@ -139,6 +131,16 @@ Definition cat_prewhisker {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b c : A}
:= fmap (cat_precomp c h) p.
Notation "p $@R h" := (cat_prewhisker p h).

Definition cat_comp2 {A} `{Is1Cat A} {a b c : A}
{f g : a $-> b} {h k : b $-> c}
(p : f $== g) (q : h $== k )
: h $o f $== k $o g
:= (q $@R _) $@ (_ $@L p).

Notation "q $@@ p" := (cat_comp2 q p).

(** Monomorphisms and epimorphisms. *)

Definition Monic {A} `{Is1Cat A} {b c: A} (f : b $-> c)
:= forall a (g h : a $-> b), f $o g $== f $o h -> g $== h.

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227 changes: 176 additions & 51 deletions theories/WildCat/Equiv.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Definition cate_adjointify {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A}
(f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> a)
(r : f $o g $== Id b) (s : g $o f $== Id a)
: a $<~> b
:= @Build_CatEquiv _ _ _ _ _ _ a b f (catie_adjointify f g r s).
:= Build_CatEquiv f (fe:=catie_adjointify f g r s).

(** This one we define to construct the whole inverse equivalence. *)
Definition cate_inv {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} (f : a $<~> b) : b $<~> a.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,39 @@ Proof.
apply cate_buildequiv_fun'.

(** If [g] is a section of an equivalence, then it is the inverse. *)
Definition cate_inverse_sect {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b} (f : a $<~> b)
(g : b $-> a) (p : f $o g $== Id b)
: cate_fun f^-1$ $== g.
refine ((cat_idr _)^$ $@ _).
refine ((_ $@L p^$) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (cate_issect f $@R _ $@ _).
apply cat_idl.

(** If [g] is a retraction of an equivalence, then it is the inverse. *)
Definition cate_inverse_retr {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b} (f : a $<~> b)
(g : b $-> a) (p : g $o f $== Id a)
: cate_fun f^-1$ $== g.
refine ((cat_idl _)^$ $@ _).
refine ((p^$ $@R _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@L cate_isretr f $@ _).
apply cat_idr.

(** It follows that the inverse of the equivalence you get by adjointification is homotopic to the inverse [g] provided. *)
Definition cate_inv_adjointify {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A}
(f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> a) (r : f $o g $== Id b) (s : g $o f $== Id a)
: cate_fun (cate_adjointify f g r s)^-1$ $== g.
apply cate_inverse_sect.
exact ((cate_buildequiv_fun f $@R _) $@ r).

(** The identity morphism is an equivalence *)
Global Instance catie_id {A} `{HasEquivs A} (a : A)
: CatIsEquiv (Id a)
Expand All @@ -119,10 +152,11 @@ Global Instance symmetric_cate {A} `{HasEquivs A}
:= fun a b f => cate_inv f.

(** Equivalences can be composed. *)
Definition compose_cate {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b c : A}
(g : b $<~> c) (f : a $<~> b) : a $<~> c.
Global Instance compose_catie {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b c : A}
(g : b $<~> c) (f : a $<~> b)
: CatIsEquiv (g $o f).
refine (cate_adjointify (g $o f) (f^-1$ $o g^-1$) _ _).
refine (catie_adjointify _ (f^-1$ $o g^-1$) _ _).
- refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine ((_ $@L cat_assoc_opp _ _ _) $@ _).
refine ((_ $@L (cate_isretr _ $@R _)) $@ _).
Expand All @@ -135,6 +169,10 @@ Proof.
apply cate_issect.

Definition compose_cate {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b c : A}
(g : b $<~> c) (f : a $<~> b) : a $<~> c
:= Build_CatEquiv (g $o f).

Notation "g $oE f" := (compose_cate g f).

Definition compose_cate_fun {A} `{HasEquivs A}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,6 +244,81 @@ Definition compose_hV_h {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b c : A} (f : b $-> c) (g : b $<~>
(f $o g^-1$) $o g $== f :=
cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ (f $@L cate_issect g) $@ cat_idr f.

(** Equivalences are both monomorphisms and epimorphisms (but not the converse). *)

Definition cate_monic_equiv {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} (e : a $<~> b)
: Monic e.
intros c f g p.
refine ((compose_V_hh e _)^$ $@ _ $@ compose_V_hh e _).
exact (_ $@L p).

Definition cate_epic_equiv {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} (e : a $<~> b)
: Epic e.
intros c f g p.
refine ((compose_hh_V _ e)^$ $@ _ $@ compose_hh_V _ e).
exact (p $@R _).

(** Some lemmas for moving equivalences around. Naming based on EquivGroupoids.v. More could be added. *)

Definition cate_moveL_V1 {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} {e : a $<~> b} (f : b $-> a)
(p : e $o f $== Id _)
: f $== cate_fun e^-1$.
apply (cate_monic_equiv e).
exact (p $@ (cate_isretr e)^$).

Definition cate_moveL_1V {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} {e : a $<~> b} (f : b $-> a)
(p : f $o e $== Id _)
: f $== cate_fun e^-1$.
apply (cate_epic_equiv e).
exact (p $@ (cate_issect e)^$).

Definition cate_moveR_V1 {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} {e : a $<~> b} (f : b $-> a)
(p : Id _ $== e $o f)
: cate_fun e^-1$ $== f.
apply (cate_monic_equiv e).
exact (cate_isretr e $@ p).

Definition cate_moveR_1V {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} {e : a $<~> b} (f : b $-> a)
(p : Id _ $== f $o e)
: cate_fun e^-1$ $== f.
apply (cate_epic_equiv e).
exact (cate_issect e $@ p).

(** Lemmas about the underlying map of an equivalence. *)

Definition cate_inv2 {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} {e f : a $<~> b} (p : cate_fun e $== cate_fun f)
: cate_fun e^-1$ $== cate_fun f^-1$.
apply cate_moveL_V1.
exact ((p^$ $@R _) $@ cate_isretr _).

Definition cate_inv_compose {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b c : A} (e : a $<~> b) (f : b $<~> c)
: cate_fun (f $oE e)^-1$ $== cate_fun (e^-1$ $oE f^-1$).
refine (_ $@ (compose_cate_fun _ _)^$).
apply cate_inv_adjointify.

Definition cate_inv_V {A} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} (e : a $<~> b)
: cate_fun (e^-1$)^-1$ $== cate_fun e.
apply cate_moveR_V1.
symmetry; apply cate_issect.

(** Any sufficiently coherent functor preserves equivalences. *)
Global Instance iemap {A B : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{HasEquivs B}
(F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
Expand All @@ -223,6 +336,46 @@ Definition emap {A B : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{HasEquivs B}
: F a $<~> F b
:= Build_CatEquiv (fmap F f).

Definition emap_id {A B : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{HasEquivs B}
(F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} {a : A}
: cate_fun (emap F (id_cate a)) $== cate_fun (id_cate (F a)).
refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ _).
refine (fmap2 F (id_cate_fun a) $@ _ $@ (id_cate_fun (F a))^$).
rapply fmap_id.

Definition emap_compose {A B : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{HasEquivs B}
(F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
{a b c : A} (f : a $<~> b) (g : b $<~> c)
: cate_fun (emap F (g $oE f)) $== fmap F (cate_fun g) $o fmap F (cate_fun f).
refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ _).
refine (fmap2 F (compose_cate_fun _ _) $@ _).
rapply fmap_comp.

(** A variant. *)
Definition emap_compose' {A B : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{HasEquivs B}
(F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
{a b c : A} (f : a $<~> b) (g : b $<~> c)
: cate_fun (emap F (g $oE f)) $== cate_fun ((emap F g) $oE (emap F f)).
refine (emap_compose F f g $@ _).
refine (compose_cate_fun _ _ $@ _).
exact (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@@ cate_buildequiv_fun _).

Definition emap_inv {A B : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{HasEquivs B}
(F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
{a b : A} (e : a $<~> b)
: cate_fun (emap F e)^-1$ $== cate_fun (emap F e^-1$).
refine (cate_inv_adjointify _ _ _ _ $@ _).
exact (cate_buildequiv_fun _)^$.

(** When we have equivalences, we can define what it means for a category to be univalent. *)
Definition cat_equiv_path {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} (a b : A)
: (a = b) -> (a $<~> b).
Expand All @@ -242,6 +395,7 @@ Definition cat_path_equiv {A : Type} `{IsUnivalent1Cat A} (a b : A)

Record core (A : Type) := { uncore : A }.
Arguments uncore {A} c.
Arguments Build_core {A} a : rename.

Global Instance isgraph_core {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
: IsGraph (core A).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,54 +485,25 @@ Proof.
- apply cate_isretr.

(** ** Pre/post-composition with equivalences *)

(** Precomposition with a cat_equiv is an equivalence between the homs *)
Definition equiv_precompose_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A}
{x y z : A} (f : x $<~> y)
: (y $-> z) <~> (x $-> z).
Global Instance hasequivs_core {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A}
: HasEquivs (core A).
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
1: exact (fun g => g $o f).
1: exact (fun h => h $o f^-1$).
{ intros h.
apply path_hom.
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@ _).
{ rapply cat_postwhisker.
apply cate_issect. }
apply cat_idr. }
intros g.
apply path_hom.
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@ _).
{ rapply cat_postwhisker.
apply cate_isretr. }
apply cat_idr.

(** Postcomposition with a cat_equiv is an equivalence between the homs *)
Definition equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A}
{x y z : A} (f : y $<~> z)
: (x $-> y) <~> (x $-> z).
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
1: exact (fun g => f $o g).
1: exact (fun h => f^-1$ $o h).
{ intros h.
apply path_hom.
refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
refine (_ $@ _).
{ rapply cat_prewhisker.
apply cate_isretr. }
apply cat_idl. }
intros g.
apply path_hom.
refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
refine (_ $@ _).
{ rapply cat_prewhisker.
apply cate_issect. }
apply cat_idl.
srapply Build_HasEquivs.
1: exact (fun a b => a $-> b). (* In [core A], i.e. [CatEquiv' (uncore a) (uncore b)]. *)
all: intros a b f; cbn; intros.
- exact Unit. (* Or [CatIsEquiv' (uncore a) (uncore b) (cate_fun f)]? *)
- exact f.
- exact tt. (* Or [cate_isequiv' _ _ _]? *)
- exact f.
- reflexivity.
- exact f^-1$.
- refine (compose_cate_fun _ _ $@ _).
refine (cate_issect _ $@ _).
symmetry; apply id_cate_fun.
- refine (compose_cate_fun _ _ $@ _).
refine (cate_isretr _ $@ _).
symmetry; apply id_cate_fun.
- exact tt.

(** * Initial objects and terminal objects are all respectively equivalent. *)
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