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Merge pull request #2096 from jdchristensen/misc-cleanups
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Misc cleanups to Overture, Colimits/Quotient
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jdchristensen authored Sep 21, 2024
2 parents 74bc2f5 + e323ac8 commit 6c4c76c
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Showing 8 changed files with 76 additions and 69 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -339,6 +339,11 @@ The inverse function can then be referred to as `foo ^-1`. Avoid
using `equiv_foo` unless you really do need an `Equiv` object, rather
than a function which happens to be an equivalence.

On the other hand, sometimes it is easier to define an equivalence
by composing together existing equivalences, in which case one goes
immediately to the last step, defining `equiv_foo`. If the equivalence
is used frequently as an ordinary function, one might also define `foo`
as the underlying function of `equiv_foo`; see `path_equiv`, as an example.

## 3. Records, Structures, Typeclasses ##

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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions theories/Algebra/Groups/QuotientGroup.v
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Expand Up @@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ Section GroupCongruenceQuotient.
srapply Quotient_rec2.
- intros x y.
exact (class_of _ (x * y)).
- intros x x' p y y' q.
apply qglue.
by apply iscong.
- intros x x' y p. apply qglue. by apply iscong.
- intros x y y' q. apply qglue. by apply iscong.

Global Instance congquot_mon_unit : MonUnit CongruenceQuotient.
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16 changes: 6 additions & 10 deletions theories/Algebra/Rings/Localization.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,13 +166,11 @@ Section Localization.
Instance plus_rng_localization : Plus (Quotient fraction_eq).
srapply Quotient_rec2.
- rapply fraction_eq_refl.
- cbn.
intros f1 f2.
exact (class_of _ (frac_add f1 f2)).
- cbn beta.
intros f1 f1' p f2 f2' q.
by apply qglue, frac_add_wd.
- intros f1 f1' f2 p. by apply qglue, frac_add_wd_l.
- intros f1 f2 f2' q. by apply qglue, frac_add_wd_r.

(** *** Multiplication operation *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,15 +210,13 @@ Section Localization.
Instance mult_rng_localization: Mult (Quotient fraction_eq).
srapply Quotient_rec2.
- rapply fraction_eq_refl.
- cbn.
intros f1 f2.
exact (class_of _ (frac_mult f1 f2)).
- cbn beta.
intros f1 f1' p f2 f2' q.
transitivity (class_of fraction_eq (frac_mult f1' f2)).
+ by apply qglue, frac_mult_wd_l.
+ by apply qglue, frac_mult_wd_r.
- intros f1 f1' f2 p; cbn beta.
by apply qglue, frac_mult_wd_l.
- intros f1 f2 f2' q; cbn beta.
by apply qglue, frac_mult_wd_r.

(** *** Zero element *)
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions theories/Algebra/Rings/QuotientRing.v
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Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ Section QuotientRing.
srapply Quotient_rec2.
- exact (fun x y => class_of _ (x * y)).
- intros x x' p y y' q; simpl.
apply qglue.
by rapply iscong.
- intros x x' y p. apply qglue. by apply iscong.
- intros x y y' q. apply qglue. by apply iscong.

Instance one_quotient_abgroup : One (QuotientAbGroup R I) := class_of _ one.
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17 changes: 3 additions & 14 deletions theories/Basics/Overture.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -655,10 +655,9 @@ Existing Class Funext.
Axiom isequiv_apD10 : forall `{Funext} (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) f g, IsEquiv (@apD10 A P f g).
Global Existing Instance isequiv_apD10.

Definition path_forall `{Funext} {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} (f g : forall x : A, P x) :
f == g -> f = g
(@apD10 A P f g)^-1.
Definition path_forall `{Funext} {A : Type} {P : A -> Type} (f g : forall x : A, P x)
: f == g -> f = g
:= (@apD10 A P f g)^-1.

Global Arguments path_forall {_ A%_type_scope P} (f g)%_function_scope _.

Expand All @@ -674,9 +673,6 @@ Global Arguments path_forall {_ A%_type_scope P} (f g)%_function_scope _.
#[export] Hint Resolve idpath inverse : path_hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve idpath : core.

Ltac path_via mid :=
apply @concat with (y := mid); auto with path_hints.

(** ** Natural numbers *)

(** Natural numbers. *)
Expand All @@ -688,13 +684,6 @@ Scheme nat_ind := Induction for nat Sort Type.
Scheme nat_rect := Induction for nat Sort Type.
Scheme nat_rec := Induction for nat Sort Type.

(** These schemes are therefore defined in Spaces.Nat *)
Scheme nat_ind := Induction for nat Sort Type.
Scheme nat_rect := Induction for nat Sort Type.
Scheme nat_rec := Minimality for nat Sort Type.

Declare Scope nat_scope.
Delimit Scope nat_scope with nat.
Bind Scope nat_scope with nat.
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions theories/Basics/Tactics.v
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ Require Import Basics.Overture.

(** This module implements various tactics used in the library. *)

(** If the goal is [x = z], [path_via y] will replace this with two goals, [x = y] and [y = z]. *)
Ltac path_via mid :=
apply @concat with (y := mid); auto with path_hints.

(** The following tactic is designed to be more or less interchangeable with [induction n as [ | n' IH ]] whenever [n] is a [nat] or a [trunc_index]. The difference is that it produces proof terms involving [fix] explicitly rather than [nat_ind] or [trunc_index_ind], and therefore does not introduce higher universe parameters. It works if [n] is in the context or in the goal. *)
Ltac simple_induction n n' IH :=
try generalize dependent n;
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91 changes: 53 additions & 38 deletions theories/Colimits/Quotient.v
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Require Import PropResizing.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

(** * The set-quotient of a type by an hprop-valued relation
(** * The set-quotient of a type by a relation
We aim to model:
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ Inductive Quotient R : Type :=
We do this by defining the quotient as a 0-truncated graph quotient.
Throughout this file [a], [b] and [c] are elements of [A], [R] is a relation on [A], [x], [y] and [z] are elements of [Quotient R], [p] is a proof of [R a b]. *)
Some results require additional assumptions, for example, that the relation be hprop-valued, or that the relation be reflexive, transitive or symmetric.
Throughout this file [a], [b] and [c] are elements of [A], [R] is a relation on [A], [x], [y] and [z] are elements of [Quotient R], [p] is a proof of [R a b].

Definition Quotient@{i j k} {A : Type@{i}} (R : Relation@{i j} A) : Type@{k}
:= Trunc@{k} 0 (GraphQuotient@{i j k} R).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ Arguments Quotient_rec_beta_qglue : simpl never.

Notation "A / R" := (Quotient (A:=A) R).

(* Quotient induction into a hprop. *)
(** Quotient induction into an hprop. *)
Definition Quotient_ind_hprop {A : Type@{i}} (R : Relation@{i j} A)
(P : A / R -> Type) `{forall x, IsHProp (P x)}
(dclass : forall a, P (class_of R a))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,12 +125,51 @@ Proof.
exact (dclass a b c).

Definition Quotient_ind2 {A : Type} (R : Relation A)
(P : A / R -> A / R -> Type) `{forall x y, IsHSet (P x y)}
(dclass : forall a b, P (class_of R a) (class_of R b))
(dequiv_l : forall a a' b (p : R a a'),
transport (fun x => P x _) (qglue p) (dclass a b) = dclass a' b)
(dequiv_r : forall a b b' (p : R b b'), qglue p # dclass a b = dclass a b')
: forall x y, P x y.
intro x.
srapply Quotient_ind.
- intro b.
revert x.
srapply Quotient_ind.
+ intro a.
exact (dclass a b).
+ cbn beta.
intros a a' p.
by apply dequiv_l.
- cbn beta.
intros b b' p.
revert x.
srapply Quotient_ind_hprop; simpl.
intro a; by apply dequiv_r.

Definition Quotient_rec2 {A : Type} (R : Relation A) (B : Type) `{IsHSet B}
(dclass : A -> A -> B)
(dequiv_l : forall a a' b, R a a' -> dclass a b = dclass a' b)
(dequiv_r : forall a b b', R b b' -> dclass a b = dclass a b')
: A / R -> A / R -> B.
srapply Quotient_ind2.
- exact dclass.
- intros; lhs nrapply transport_const.
by apply dequiv_l.
- intros; lhs nrapply transport_const.
by apply dequiv_r.

Section Equiv.

Context `{Univalence} {A : Type} (R : Relation A) `{is_mere_relation _ R}
`{Transitive _ R} `{Symmetric _ R} `{Reflexive _ R}.

(* The proposition of being in a given class in a quotient. *)
(** The proposition of being in a given class in a quotient. This requires [Univalence] so that we know that [HProp] is a set. *)
Definition in_class : A / R -> A -> HProp.
intros x b; revert x.
Expand All @@ -140,20 +182,20 @@ Section Equiv.
apply (transitivity p).

(* Being in a class is decidable if the Relation is decidable. *)
(** Being in a class is decidable if the relation is decidable. *)
Global Instance decidable_in_class `{forall a b, Decidable (R a b)}
: forall x a, Decidable (in_class x a).
by srapply Quotient_ind_hprop.

(* if x is in a class q, then the class of x is equal to q. *)
(** If [a] is in a class [x], then the class of [a] is equal to [x]. *)
Lemma path_in_class_of : forall x a, in_class x a -> x = class_of R a.
srapply Quotient_ind.
{ intros x y p.
{ intros a b p.
exact (qglue p). }
intros x y p.
intros a b p.
funext ? ?.
apply hset_path2.
Expand All @@ -167,7 +209,7 @@ Section Equiv.
cbv; reflexivity.

(** Thm 10.1.8 *)
(** Theorem 10.1.8. *)
Theorem path_quotient (a b : A)
: R a b <~> (class_of R a = class_of R b).
Expand All @@ -176,33 +218,7 @@ Section Equiv.
- apply related_quotient_paths.

Definition Quotient_rec2 {B : Type} `{IsHSet B} {dclass : A -> A -> B}
{dequiv : forall a a', R a a' -> forall b b',
R b b' -> dclass a b = dclass a' b'}
: A / R -> A / R -> B.
clear H. (* Ensure that we don't use Univalence. *)
intro x.
srapply Quotient_rec.
- intro b.
revert x.
srapply Quotient_rec.
+ intro a.
exact (dclass a b).
+ cbn beta.
intros a a' p.
by apply (dequiv a a' p b b).
- cbn beta.
intros b b' p.
revert x.
srapply Quotient_ind.
+ cbn; intro a.
by apply dequiv.
+ intros a a' q.
apply path_ishprop.

(** The map class_of : A -> A/R is a surjection. *)
(** The map [class_of : A -> A/R] is a surjection. *)
Global Instance issurj_class_of : IsSurjection (class_of R).
apply BuildIsSurjection.
Expand All @@ -212,8 +228,7 @@ Section Equiv.
by exists a.

(* Universal property of quotient *)
(* Lemma 6.10.3 *)
(** The universal property of the quotient. This is Lemma 6.10.3. *)
Theorem equiv_quotient_ump (B : Type) `{IsHSet B}
: (A / R -> B) <~> {f : A -> B & forall a b, R a b -> f a = f b}.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Diagrams/CommutativeSquares.v
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.PathGroupoids.
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.PathGroupoids Basics.Tactics.

(** * Comutative squares *)

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