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support argument names in function type (closes #4799) (#6428)
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nadako authored and Simn committed Jul 3, 2017
1 parent 75bd60b commit b225e9f
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Showing 9 changed files with 89 additions and 42 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/macro/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,6 +425,8 @@ and encode_ctype t =
4, [encode_array ( encode_path tl); encode_array ( encode_field fields)]
| CTOptional t ->
5, [encode_ctype t]
| CTNamed (n,t) ->
6, [encode_placed_name n; encode_ctype t]
encode_enum ~pos:(Some (pos t)) ICType tag pl

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,6 +725,8 @@ and decode_ctype t =
CTExtend ( decode_path (decode_array tl), decode_field (decode_array fl))
| 5, [t] ->
CTOptional (decode_ctype t)
| 6, [n;t] ->
CTNamed ((decode_string n,p), decode_ctype t)
| _ ->
raise Invalid_expr),p

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/syntax/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ and complex_type =
| CTParent of type_hint
| CTExtend of placed_type_path list * class_field list
| CTOptional of type_hint
| CTNamed of placed_name * type_hint

and type_hint = complex_type * pos

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,7 +551,8 @@ let map_expr loop (e,p) =
let tl = tpath tl in
let fl = cfield fl in
CTExtend (tl,fl)
| CTOptional t -> CTOptional (type_hint t)),p
| CTOptional t -> CTOptional (type_hint t)
| CTNamed (n,t) -> CTNamed (n, type_hint t)),p
and tparamdecl t =
let constraints = type_hint t.tp_constraints in
let params = tparamdecl t.tp_params in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,6 +751,7 @@ let s_expr e =
| CTAnonymous fl -> "{ " ^ String.concat "; " ( (s_class_field tabs) fl) ^ "}";
| CTParent(t,_) -> "(" ^ s_complex_type tabs t ^ ")"
| CTOptional(t,_) -> "?" ^ s_complex_type tabs t
| CTNamed ((n,_),(t,_)) -> n ^ " : " ^ s_complex_type tabs t
| CTExtend (tl, fl) -> "{> " ^ String.concat " >, " ( (s_complex_type_path tabs) tl) ^ ", " ^ String.concat ", " ( (s_class_field tabs) fl) ^ " }"
and s_class_field tabs f =
match f.cff_doc with
Expand Down
81 changes: 48 additions & 33 deletions src/syntax/parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,6 +281,7 @@ let reify in_macro =
| CTParent t -> ct "TParent" [to_type_hint t p]
| CTExtend (tl,fields) -> ct "TExtend" [to_array to_tpath tl p; to_array to_cfield fields p]
| CTOptional t -> ct "TOptional" [to_type_hint t p]
| CTNamed (n,t) -> ct "TNamed" [to_placed_name n; to_type_hint t p]
and to_type_hint (t,p) _ =
(* to_obj ["type",to_ctype t p;"pos",to_pos p] p *)
to_ctype (t,p) p
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,49 +934,63 @@ and parse_complex_type_inner = parser
| [< >] -> serror())
| [< '(Question,p1); t,p2 = parse_complex_type_inner >] ->
CTOptional (t,p2),punion p1 p2
| [< n = dollar_ident; s >] ->
(match s with parser
| [< '(DblDot,_); t = parse_complex_type_inner >] ->
let p1 = snd n in
let p2 = snd t in
CTNamed (n,t),punion p1 p2
| [< s >] ->
let n,p = n in
let t,p = parse_type_path2 None [] n p s in
CTPath t,p
| [< t,p = parse_type_path >] ->
CTPath t,p

and parse_type_path s = parse_type_path1 None [] s

and parse_type_path1 p0 pack = parser
| [< name, p1 = dollar_ident_macro pack; s >] ->
if is_lower_ident name then
(match s with parser
| [< '(Dot,p) >] ->
if is_resuming p then
raise (TypePath (List.rev (name :: pack),None,false))
parse_type_path1 (match p0 with None -> Some p1 | Some _ -> p0) (name :: pack) s
| [< '(Semicolon,_) >] ->
error (Custom "Type name should start with an uppercase letter") p1
| [< >] -> serror())
let sub,p2 = (match s with parser
| [< '(Dot,p); s >] ->
(if is_resuming p then
raise (TypePath (List.rev pack,Some (name,false),false))
else match s with parser
| [< '(Const (Ident name),p2) when not (is_lower_ident name) >] -> Some name,p2
| [< '(Binop OpOr,_) when do_resume() >] ->
set_resume p;
raise (TypePath (List.rev pack,Some (name,false),false))
| [< >] -> serror())
| [< >] -> None,p1
) in
let params,p2 = (match s with parser
| [< '(Binop OpLt,_); l = psep Comma parse_type_path_or_const; '(Binop OpGt,p2) >] -> l,p2
| [< >] -> [],p2
) in
tpackage = List.rev pack;
tname = name;
tparams = params;
tsub = sub;
},punion (match p0 with None -> p1 | Some p -> p) p2
parse_type_path2 p0 pack name p1 s
| [< '(Binop OpOr,_) when do_resume() >] ->
raise (TypePath (List.rev pack,None,false))

and parse_type_path2 p0 pack name p1 s =
if is_lower_ident name then
(match s with parser
| [< '(Dot,p) >] ->
if is_resuming p then
raise (TypePath (List.rev (name :: pack),None,false))
parse_type_path1 (match p0 with None -> Some p1 | Some _ -> p0) (name :: pack) s
| [< '(Semicolon,_) >] ->
error (Custom "Type name should start with an uppercase letter") p1
| [< >] -> serror())
let sub,p2 = (match s with parser
| [< '(Dot,p); s >] ->
(if is_resuming p then
raise (TypePath (List.rev pack,Some (name,false),false))
else match s with parser
| [< '(Const (Ident name),p2) when not (is_lower_ident name) >] -> Some name,p2
| [< '(Binop OpOr,_) when do_resume() >] ->
set_resume p;
raise (TypePath (List.rev pack,Some (name,false),false))
| [< >] -> serror())
| [< >] -> None,p1
) in
let params,p2 = (match s with parser
| [< '(Binop OpLt,_); l = psep Comma parse_type_path_or_const; '(Binop OpGt,p2) >] -> l,p2
| [< >] -> [],p2
) in
tpackage = List.rev pack;
tname = name;
tparams = params;
tsub = sub;
},punion (match p0 with None -> p1 | Some p -> p) p2

and type_name = parser
| [< '(Const (Ident name),p) >] ->
if is_lower_ident name then
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/typing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -547,6 +547,7 @@ and load_complex_type ctx allow_display p (t,pn) =
| CTParent t -> load_complex_type ctx allow_display p t
| CTPath t -> load_instance ~allow_display ctx (t,pn) false p
| CTOptional _ -> error "Optional type not allowed here" p
| CTNamed _ -> error "Named type not allowed here" p
| CTExtend (tl,l) ->
(match load_complex_type ctx allow_display p (CTAnonymous l,p) with
| TAnon a as ta ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,7 +688,8 @@ and load_complex_type ctx allow_display p (t,pn) =
| _ ->
TFun ( (fun t ->
let t, opt = (match fst t with CTOptional t -> t, true | _ -> t,false) in
"",opt,load_complex_type ctx allow_display p t
let t, n = (match fst t with CTNamed (n,t) -> t,fst n | _ -> t,"") in
n,opt,load_complex_type ctx allow_display p t
) args,load_complex_type ctx allow_display p r)

and init_meta_overloads ctx co cf =
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions std/haxe/macro/Expr.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -535,6 +535,11 @@ enum ComplexType {
Represents an optional type.
TOptional( t : ComplexType );

Represents a named type.
TNamed( n : String, t : ComplexType );

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions std/haxe/macro/Printer.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ class Printer {
case TAnonymous(fields): "{ " + [for (f in fields) printField(f) + "; "].join("") + "}";
case TParent(ct): "(" + printComplexType(ct) + ")";
case TOptional(ct): "?" + printComplexType(ct);
case TNamed(n,ct): n + ":" + printComplexType(ct);
case TExtend(tpl, fields): '{> ${" >, ")}, ${", ")} }';

Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/unit/src/unit/HelperMacros.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ class HelperMacros {
return macro $v { Std.string( };

static public macro function typeString(e) {
var typed = haxe.macro.Context.typeExpr(e);
var s = haxe.macro.TypeTools.toString(typed.t);
return macro $v{s};

static public macro function typedAs(actual:haxe.macro.Expr, expected:haxe.macro.Expr) {
var tExpected = haxe.macro.Context.typeof(expected);
var tActual = haxe.macro.Context.typeof(actual);
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions tests/unit/src/unit/issues/Issue2958.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package unit.issues;

import unit.HelperMacros.typeString;

private typedef Asset<@:const T> = String;

class Issue2958 extends Test {
Expand All @@ -9,11 +11,4 @@ class Issue2958 extends Test {
"unit.issues._Issue2958.Asset<[\"test\", 1]>"

static macro function typeString(e)
var typed = haxe.macro.Context.typeExpr(e);
var s = haxe.macro.TypeTools.toString(typed.t);
return macro $v{s};
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions tests/unit/src/unit/issues/Issue4799.hx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package unit.issues;

import unit.HelperMacros.typeErrorText;
import unit.HelperMacros.typeString;

class Issue4799 extends Test {
function test() {
var f : arg1:Int->?arg2:String->Float->Void;
eq(typeString(f), "arg1 : Int -> ?arg2 : String -> Float -> Void");

eq(typeErrorText((null : arg:Int)), "Named type not allowed here");

// TODO: maybe we could actually allow this?
eq(typeErrorText((null : Int->returnValue:Int)), "Named type not allowed here");

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