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Ensure that docker is installed.

Configure django:

$ cp media_management_api/settings/ media_management_api/settings/

Start docker services:

$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose exec web python migrate
$ docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
$ open http://localhost:9000

If you have not created the docker image yet before the previous step

$ docker build -t harvard-atg/media_management_api .
$ docker tag harvard-atg/media_management_api:latest harvard-atg/media_management_api:dev

Setting up dev environment


The requirements are stored in pyproject.toml, and poetry.lock contains the actual dependencies as installed in the virtual environment that can be used for development. Poetry installation instructions are available in Poetry documentation.

With poetry installed, you can specify a python executable with poetry env use /path/to/python, so it plays nice with pyenv. Then a poetry install will install dependencies and poetry shell will get you into the environment. Add dependencies with poetry add packagename, or poetry add --dev packagename for dev dependencies. Check out Poetry documentation for a full overview.

Pre-commit hooks

After setting up and activating your environment, run

pre-commit install

to set up pre-commit hooks, then run

pre-commit run --all-files

to make sure that it works. Once configured, the pre-commit hooks will enforce code style standards on commit locally, so you can reformat your code before pushing upstream.

Other tasks

  • Access postgres database: docker-compose exec db psql -U media_management_api
  • Run unit tests: docker-compose exec web python test

Update the Coverage Badge

$ coverage run --source='.' test
$ coverage-badge -f -o coverage.svg
  • Then commit and push the changes!