Breaking Changes
- Modify the non Chinese text in the right-click menu of the table, and convert the first lower case letter to upper case letter
- Contextmenu of table, remove callback function
callback({type, selection})
replace withafterMenuClick({ type, selectionRangeKeys, selectionRangeIndexes })
refer to detail
Cell selection refer to detail
- Add multi column selection feature
- Add multi row selection feature
- Cell selection feature, adding header and column indicator effects
- Cell selection feature, add range selection instance method
setRangeCellSelection({ startRowKey,startColKey,endRowKey,endColKey,isScrollToStartCell })
- Cell selection feature, add cell select all instance method
Table contextmenu refer to detail
- Add table header contextmenu
- Add table body contextmenu
- Add table body contextmenu callback
beforeShow({ isWholeRowSelection, selectionRangeKeys, selectionRangeIndexes, })
- Add theme vars
- @ve-table-head-indicator-active-text-color
- @ve-table-body-indicator-active-text-color
- @ve-table-header-cell-indicator-active-background-color
- @ve-table-body-cell-indicator-active-background-color
Contextmenu comp adds instance method
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the problem that the menu could not be expanded and collapsed after the right menu expansion node was clicked
Breaking Changes
- 修改表格右键菜单的非中文文字,将开头小写字母转大写字母
- 表格右键菜单功能,移除回调函数
callback({type, selection})
使用afterMenuClick({ type, selectionRangeKeys, selectionRangeIndexes })
替代 查看详情
单元格选择功能 查看详情
- 添加多列选择功能
- 添加多行选择功能
- 单元格选择功能,添加表头和列指示器效果
- 单元格选择功能,添加区域选择实例方法
setRangeCellSelection({ startRowKey,startColKey,endRowKey,endColKey,isScrollToStartCell })
- 单元格选择功能,添加单元格全选实例方法
表格右键菜单功能 查看详情
- 表格 header 添加右键菜单功能
- 表格 body 右键菜单功能增强
- 表格 body 右键菜单功能添加回调方法
beforeShow({ isWholeRowSelection, selectionRangeKeys, selectionRangeIndexes, })
- 添加主题变量
- @ve-table-head-indicator-active-text-color
- @ve-table-body-indicator-active-text-color
- @ve-table-header-cell-indicator-active-background-color
- @ve-table-body-cell-indicator-active-background-color
Bug Fixes
- 修复右侧菜单展开节点被点击后,菜单无法展开折叠的问题