This is the PyTorch implementation by @HelloElwin for MAERec proposed in the paper Graph Masked Autoencoder for Sequential Recommendation published in SIGIR'23 by Yaowen Ye, Lianghao Xia, and Chao Huang.
MAERec is a simple yet effective graph masked autoencoder that adaptively and dynamically distills global item transitional information for self-supervised augmentation through a novel adaptive transition path masking strategy. It naturally addresses the data scarcity and noise perturbation problems in sequential recommendation scenarios and avoids issues in most contrastive learning-based methods.
We suggest the following environment for running MAERec:
Please first unzip the desired dataset in the dataset folder, and then run
- Amazon Books:
python --data books
- Amazon Toys:
python --data toys
- Retailrocket:
python --data retailrocket
More explanation of model hyper-parameters can be found here.
The dataset should be structured into four files for MAERec:
a list of user sequences for trainingtst
a list of user sequences for testingneg
the negative samples for each test sequencetrn
the i-i graph, which can be generated using the following code:
def construct_graphs(num_items=54756, distance=3, path='./books/'):
with open(path + 'seq', 'rb') as fs:
seq = pickle.load(fs)
user = list()
r, c, d = list(), list(), list()
for i, seq in enumerate(seqs):
print(f"Processing {i}/{len(seqs)} ", end='\r')
for dist in range(1, distance + 1):
if dist >= len(seq): break;
r += copy.deepcopy(seq[+dist:])
c += copy.deepcopy(seq[:-dist])
r += copy.deepcopy(seq[:-dist])
c += copy.deepcopy(seq[+dist:])
d = np.ones_like(r)
iigraph = csr_matrix((d, (r, c)), shape=(num_items, num_items))
print('Constructed i-i graph, density=%.6f' % (len(d) / (num_items ** 2)))
with open(prefix + 'trn', 'wb') as fs:
pickle.dump(iigraph, fs)
If you find this work helpful to your research, please kindly consider citing our paper:
title={Graph Masked Autoencoder for Sequential Recommendation},
author={Ye, Yaowen and Xia, Lianghao and Huang, Chao},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'23), July 23-27, 2023, Taipei, Taiwa},