npm install node-microsvc-lib --save
Creating a microservice app:
"use strict";
import {Microservice, ConsoleLogger} from "node-microsvc-lib";
// factories/modules
import {RequestLogger} from "./factories/request_logger";
import {HealthCheck} from "./factories/health_check";
import {TestRestCtrl} from "./factories/rest_service";
// configs
import configs = require("./config/config");
const logger = new ConsoleLogger();
// create microservice appv
const app = new Microservice(configs, logger);
app.register_dependency("logger", logger);
app.register_factory("request_logger", RequestLogger);
app.register_factory("test_rest_ctrl", TestRestCtrl);
app.register_factory("health_check", HealthCheck);
process.on("uncaughtException", (err:Error)=>{
app.init((err?: Error) => {
if (err)
return logger.error(err);"APP STARTED");
The Microservice instance expects a ServiceConfigs instance.
This ServiceConfigs instance requires the base dir __dirname
, an instance of AppBaseConfigs and an (optional) instance of IConfigsProvider.
Three sets of configuration values exist:
- Parameters - that can be of type STRING, BOOL, INT_NUMBER or FLOAT_NUMBER;
- Feature Flags - always of boolean type;
- Secrets - always of string type.
This is the object that the Microservice requires to source all its runtime configs.
Optional instance that fetches all config values from an external service such as consul or hashicorp vault.
Optional instance that fetches all config values from an external service such as consul or hashicorp vault.
The order of loading:
- params.js file - ServiceParams instance gets loaded along with the default values;
- params.ENV_NAME.js file - the one that overrides values in ServiceParams per env;
- IConfigsProvider - if a correspondent key name exists the value from the provider overrides the current one;
- Environment vars - all parameters can be overridden by passing an uppercase env var with the param key name
In summary, env vars always win (if defined).
"use strict";
import {ServiceConfigs, AppBaseConfigs} from "node-microsvc-lib";
let app_base_confs = new AppBaseConfigs();
app_base_confs.env = process.env.APP_ENV || 'dev_local';
app_base_confs.solution_name = "my_solution";
app_base_confs.app_name = "my_app";
app_base_confs.app_version = "0.0.1";
app_base_confs.app_api_prefix = "";
app_base_confs.app_api_version = "1";
export = new ServiceConfigs(__dirname, app_base_confs, null);
"use strict";
import {ServiceParams, ServiceParam, PARAM_TYPES, ServiceFeatureFlag, ServiceSecret} from "node-microsvc-lib";
let params = new ServiceParams();
params.add_param(new ServiceParam("test_param",
PARAM_TYPES.STRING, "default_val",
"test param to be overridden by env_var"));
params.add_feature_flag(new ServiceFeatureFlag("RUN_EXPRESS_APP",
true, "start the express application"));
params.add_secret(new ServiceSecret("secret1", null, "db password example"));
export = params;
config/params.APP_ENV.ts (optional file see step 2 above)
"use strict";
import {ServiceParams, ServiceParam, PARAM_TYPES, AppBaseConfigs} from "node-microsvc-lib";
module.exports = function(app_base_confs:AppBaseConfigs, service_params:ServiceParams){
// do whatever overrides with it
service_params.add_param(new ServiceParam("test_param", PARAM_TYPES.STRING,
"per_env_value", "kafka broker connection string - ex:"));
NVM - Node Version Manager -
curl -o- | bash
After NVM is installed, execute this to download and install the correct node version:
nvm install 10.15.0