This model is part of Cisco openh264 project for encoder conformance test. In this test, all cases of all test sequences will be tested and check that whether the reconstructed YUV is the same with JM decoder's YUV. if yes, the test case will be marked as passed and SHA1 string will be generated, otherwise, marked as unpassed and no SHA1 string for this test case in SHA1 table file(XXX.yuv_AllCases_SHA1_Table.csv)
The output of the test are those files in ./FinalResult, espectially the summary files named as XXX.Summary.log. and cases passed status in files named as XXX_AllCasesOutput.csv.And SHA1 table files can be found in folder ./SHA1Table. For those temp data generated during test, can be found ./AllTestData/xxx.yuv/
For Cisco openh264 project,please refer to https://github.com/cisco/openh264.
SGE system based test----each test YUV as single job and will be asigned to different host
1. change your test configure by editing file CaseConfigure/case_XXX.cfg; 2. for how to generate your personal test case, please refer to section "how to configure test case"; 3. ./run_Main.sh SGETest ./CaseConfigure/case_XXX.cfg; 4. wait for the final test result; 5. you can check you test result in ./AllTestData/XXX.yuv/result/XXX.Testlog or XXX_AllCasesOutput.csv file; during your test, those files will update case by case.
Local test----run all test yuv under single host
1. change your test configure by editing file CaseConfigure/case_XXX.cfg; 2. for how to generate your personal test case, please refer to section "how to configure test case"; 3. ./run_Main.sh LocalTest ./CaseConfigure/case_XXX.cfg; 4. wait for the final test result; 5. you can check you test result in ./AllTestData/XXX.yuv/result/XXX.Testlog or XXX_AllCasesOutput.csv file; during your test, those files will update case by case.
- step 1. script will clone latest openh264 codec from your given github based openh264 address and branch to local host;
- step 2. script will automatically build and updaed openh264 codec in folder ./Codec;
- for step 1~2,please refer to section "how to update your test codec";
- step 3. prepare all test space for each test YUV;
- step 4. run all test cases for all test YUVs;
- step 5. for SGE test, script will detectced that whether all submitted jobs have be finished very 60 minutes. the test time depends on the capability of SGE system;
- step 6. for loacl test, script will test all YUVs one by one, so the run time depends on how many cases and how many test YUV in your configure file;
- step 7. final test result for all test YUVs will be copied to folder ./FinalResult and ./SHA1Table.
SGE system based test(mulit-jobs running under diffierent hosts)
- SVC single spatial layer
- SVC multiple spatial layers
Local single host runnig for all jobs
- SVC single spatial layer
- SVC multiple spatial layers
Test space for each test sequence, this folder will be generated in the early test stage. Test space for each sequence looks like ./AllTestData/xxx.yuv, and each of test space contain the test codec , case configure file and shell script file which copied from ./Codec, ./CaseConfigure, ./Scripts respectively.For temp data generated during test, can be found under folder ./AllTestData/XXX.yuv/TempData(or issue, result)
You can configure your test case by editing configure file ./CaseConfigure/case.cfg. For more detail about how to generate test cases using case.cfg, please refer to script file ./Scripts/run_GenerateCase.sh
1. openh264 codec: encoder, decoder and configure file layerXX.cfg welsenc.cfg; 2. JM decoder,JSVM decoder and bit stream extractor for multilayer test; 3. downsample and cropper for those resolution are non multiple of 16 4. for how toupdate your test codec,please go to section "how to update you test codec"
All test sequences' test result will be copied to folder ./FinalResult. XXX_AllCasesOutput.csv contain the passe status of all cases(passed or unpassed etc.) XXX_AllCases_SHA1_Table.csv contain the SHA1 string of those passed cases XXX_.TestLog test log of each test bit stream XXX_.Summary.log test summary of each test bit stream
the script files
all SHA1 table of each test sequence.
1. no matter you choose A or B, the macro "WELS_TESTBED" must be enable,
so that the reconstrution YUV file will be dumped during the encoding proccess.
2. if you choose A, you need to open the macro by
adding "#define WELS_TESTBED" in file codec/encoder/core/inc/as264_common.h;
3. if you choose B, script
will do it automatically.
4. for both A or B. you need to disable function called "runUnpdateCodec",
just comment it out in script file
./run_PrepareAllTestData.sh like #runUnpdateCodec in runMain function.
update your test codec manually build your private openh264, and copied h264enc, h264dec, layer0.cfg layer1.cfg layer2.cfg layer3.cfg welsenc.cfg, welsenc.cfg to folder ./Codec manually.
update automatically just given your openh264 repository's directory, and run script file
./run_UpdateCodec.sh ${YourOpenH264Dir} and the script file will complete below tasks: ----enable macro for dump reconstructed YUV in codec/encoder/core/inc/as264_common.h ----build codec ----copy h264enc h264dec layer0.cfg layer1.cfg layer2.cfg layer3.cfg welsenc.cfg to ./Codec
-1. Edit configure file ./CaseConfigure/case.cfg
using white space to separate the value of test parameter
eg: IntraPeriod: -1 30
using white space to separate the value of test parameter
eg: IntraPeriod: -1 30
-2. if you want to change the combination order of test parameter or anything else,
please refer to script file ./Scripts/run_GenerateCase.sh and change the script if you want.
-3. SVC single sptatial layer
chane setting in case.cfg as below:
MultiLayer: 0 # 0 single layer 1 multi layer
UsageType: 0 #0: camera video 1:screen content
-4. SVC multiple spatial layers
chane setting in case.cfg as below:
MultiLayer: 0 # 0 single layer 1 multi layer
UsageType: 0 #0: camera video 1:screen content
-5. SCC
chane setting in case.cfg as below:
MultiLayer: 0 # 0 single layer 1 multi layer
UsageType: 1 #0: camera video 1:screen content
-6. TestYUV
input yuv setting, change the dir based on your test sequence folder.
TestYUVDir: /home/Video/YUV
and script will prepare (down sample for multiple layers etc.)
final test input yuv under:
--SGE test, under /home/$SGEhost/SGEJobID_$SGEJobID/
--LocalTest. under ./AllTestData/$TestYUVName/
-1.Basic check:
1. please refer to run_CheckBasicCheck.sh
2. check below item:
--Encoded failed check, like core down, encoder command line incorrect, input YUV does not exist etc.
--croped RecYUV if the resulution of input is not multiple of 16, RecYUV should need to
be cropped used the same resoulion of input YUV. This step is prapare for JSVM check.
--encoded number check when rc is off.
-2.JSVM check:
1. plese refer to run_CheckByJSVMDecoder.sh
2. check item listed as below:
--extracted bit steam for multiple spatial layer case;
--decoded by JSVM, failed or succeed;
--decoded by h264dec encoder, failed or succeed;
--check whether JSVMDecYUV is the same with RecYUV
--check whether JSVMDecYUV is the same with DecYUV