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Module Updater

CanadaHonk edited this page Mar 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

This wiki page explains the advantages of OpenAsar with the module updater (updating on Linux).

Parallel downloading (and installing)


The original (Discord's) uses a queue system, so it downloads each module one by one, then installs one by one after all have been downloaded, like:

  1. Check for any module updates
  2. If some, for each module with an update available, add it to the download queue
  3. Download all updates in queue one by one (A..., B..., C...)
  4. Install all updates in queue one by one


OpenAsar instead uses a parallel system, where it downloads each module at once simultaneously and then installs them once download is completed. This makes it so each module does not wait for any others and is completed independently. For example:

  1. Check for any module updates
  2. If some, for each module with an update available:
    1. Start downloading now
    2. Once downloaded, install now


  • Updating is overall 2-4x faster
  • Size of code is halved (lines + bytes)
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