This application makes use of the core JS/CSS/HTML code found in the web repo. For issues related to the actual app experience, please post issues in the web repo.
npm run setup
npm run dev
# In another terminal
npm start
Before making a pull request, make sure to check the output of the following commands:
npm run lint
npm test
Pull requests should target the dev
Build for all platforms:
electron-packager . "Standard Notes" \
--platform=all \
--icon=icon/icon \
--overwrite \
--osx-sign='Mac Developer ID Application: xxx' \
npm run dist
npm run dist-win
npm run dist-linux
npm run dist-mac
On Linux, download the latest AppImage from the Releases page, and give it executable permission:
chmod u+x standard-notes*.AppImage
The Standard Notes desktop client is also available through a variety of package managers:
- [unofficial] AUR: standardnotes-desktop, non binary package - built from source, currently maintained by danielhass