My personal NixOS config.
Feel free to use this repo as inspiration, but be aware
- I am still learning Nix
- This is speciffically built for me to use and is not a framework
I plan to eventually move into full automation with tools like OpenTofu and others.
I might also add docs if I can actually focus for more than 20 minutes.
This repo is licensed under the MIT License
(With exceptions noted below.)
This does not necessarily extend to any upstream components.
A list of tools and components this repo is built with is listed at the top of this readme.
The list is kept on a best effort basis; please notify me or make a pull request if I have missed anything.
Other components or software not listed in this readme may also be included, such components may have individual licenses. Where apropriate, licenses and/or readmes for other components may be included at the root directory of that component.
The SquidNix logo located in the artwork directroy consists of two individually licensed portions.
- The portion consisting of an illustrated squid with a top hat and monocle © 2023 by Jack "GiggleSquid" Connors is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- The Nix snowflake portion is adapted based on the NixOS logo disigned by Tim Cuthbertson (@timbertson) and is licensed under CC BY 4.0