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Guide for programming in Assembly. More stuff added as i learn.


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Guide for programming in Assembly. More stuff added as i learn.


Assembly has pre-made variables called 'Registers' that can be used for interrupts, memory access, store information, etc

Some registers have other versions of themselves, for example, AX is a 16-bit register and AL (8-bit register) is the lower bytes of AX

Here's a list of general purpose registers for 16, 32 and 64 bits:

8-bits 16-bits 32-bits 64-bits
AL(low) AX(low) EAX(low) RAX
AH(high) AX(low) EAX(low) RAX
BL(low) BX(low) EBX(low) RBX
BH(high) BX(low) EBX(low) RBX
CL(low) CX(low) ECX(low) RCX
CH(high) CX(low) ECX(low) RCX
DL(low) DX(low) EDX(low) RDX
DH(high) DX(low) EDX(low) RDX
(null) BP(low) EBP(low) RBP
(null) SI(low) ESI(low) RSI
(null) DI(low) EDI(low) RDI

There's also another thing to notice, when you are in 16-bits you can only use your registers and the 8-bit ones,

On 32-bit you can access 16-bit registers but not 8-bit, similar in 64-bits you can access 32-bit but not 16-bit or lower

The Stack

The stack is used for storing temporal information and calling functions

The way on how it works is that it starts at a certain address and it adds or removes bytes as needed (like a pile of books)

There are certain commands to interact with the stack:

  • push

    Adds data at the top of the stack


    push AX ; Stores the data inside AX into the stack
    push 30 ; Stores the number 30 into the stack
    push dword 50 ; Stores the number 50 but as a dword (16-bits/2 bytes) into the stack
  • pusha

    Adds all the registers' data into the stack

    Its like using lots of 'push' commands with the registers (its not always recommended cuz it takes quite a bit of space in the stack)

  • pop

    Retrieves and removes data from the stack


    pop AX ; Stores the last 2 bytes added to the stack into AX (16-bits)
    pop dword [0x8000] ; Stores the last 2 bytes added to the stack into the memory address 0x8000
  • popa

    Retrieves all the last registers' data added into the stack

Now, when the 'call' function uses the stack, it pushes the current memory address, and the 'ret' function jumps to the last address stored in the stack

We can do something similar to jump to an specific address, like in this example:

push 0x8000 ; We push the address we want to jump to

There's something important to notice when using the stack, when you 'pop' data you have to do it the reversed way of how you 'pushed' them.

For example, if i pushed AX and then CX, i have to pop CX and then AX, otherwise it won't retrieve the right data

General Commands

  • Setting values

    It can be used to set variables


    mov destiny, source


    mov ax, 0 ; this sets ax with 0
    mov ax, 0 + 1 ; this sets ax with 1 (0 + 1)
    mov ax, bx ; this sets ax with the data stored in bx
  • Jump

    Jumps to a label, but code after it gets "lost" (basically, it dosen't get executed)


    jmp labelName


    jmp mylabel ; Jumps to mylabel
    mov ax, 0 ; this won't be executed since the computer is running stuff from mylabel's code and onwards
    mov ax, bx ; sets ax with bx
    ; code after this will be executed
  • Labels

    These can be used to create points in code that can be accessed later.

    Usage :



    jmp mylabel ; jump to mylabel
    ; more code
    mylabel: ; the label
    mov ax, 0 ; sets ax to 0
  • Calls

    Jumps to a label but after the function/label ended execution its capable of returning to where it was originally


    call labelname


    call mylabel ; call mylabel
    mov ax, bx ; unlike jmp, this code WILL be executed after mylabel returns
    ; more code
    mylabel: ; the label
    mov ax, 0 ; sets ax to 0
    ret ; return to where it was before
  • Return

    Exits an ongoing label/function.




    call mylabel ; calls mylabel
    ; after 'ret' it continues execution here
    mov bx, ax ; set bx with ax
    ; more code
    mylabel: ; the label or function
    mov ax, 0 ; sets ax to 0
    ret ; returns
  • Define Byte

    Used to define 1 or multiple bytes


    db value
    db value1, value2
    mybyte db value


    mytext db "Hello World!", 0 ; 'Hello World!' text with a NULL byte at the end. its memory address can be found by accessing 'mytext'
  • Define Word

    Used to define 1 or multiple words (2 bytes, equivalent to a 'short'/'ushort' type in C# or a 16-Bit integer)


    dw value
    dw value1, value2
    wordname dw value


    dw 0AA55h ; MBR signature in hexadecimal (bytes 55 and AA)
    dw 0FF02h, 0AA55h ; 2 bytes and the MBR signature (first 02 and FF, finally 55 and AA)
  • Define Doubleword

    Used to define 1 or multiple doublewords (4 bytes, equivalent to a 'int'/'uint' type in C# or a 32-Bit integer)


    dd value
    dd value1, value2
    ddname dd value


    dd 100000 ; 32-bit integer, in 16-bit this number would not be possible 
  • Define Quadword

    Used to define 1 or multiple quadwords (8 bytes, equivalent to a 'long'/'ulong' type in C# or a 64-Bit integer)


    dq value
    dq value1, value2
    dqname dq value


    dq 10345879094 ; 64-bit integer, in 32-bit it wouldn't be possible
  • Define Ten Bytes

    Used to define sets of 10 bytes


    dt value
    dt value1, value 2
    dtname dt value


    hello dt "HelloWorld" ; "HelloWorld" text. its 10 ASCII characters (10 bytes) which means it can be used with 'dt'
  • Times

    Used to fill data a certain amount of times


    times number db data
    variableName times number db data


    myArray times 10 db 0 ; Creates an empty "array/variable" called myArray with a size of 10 bytes
    times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 ; Fills with zeroes since the end of the program until it reaches 510 (used for MBR/bootloaders)
  • Increment

    Increments 1 from a variable (Equivalent in C# to variable++;)


    inc variable


    aNumber db 14 ; Declare a byte with a value of 14
    inc byte [aNumber] ; Increments 1 (14 + 1 = 15)
    mov AX, 20
    inc AX ; We should get 21 (20 + 1 = 20)
  • Decrement

    Decrements 1 from a register or memory space (Equivalent in C# to variable--;)


    dec variable


    aNumber db 15 ; Declare a byte with a value of 15
    dec byte [aNumber] ; Decrements 1 (15 - 1 = 14) | You need to specify the size of the variable, in this case its a byte
    mov AX, 10
    dec AX ; We get 9 (10 - 1 = 9)
  • Addition

    Basic Addition function (Equivalent in C# to variable += number;)


    add destination, source
    add destination, number


    firstNumber db 1 ; Declare a byte with a value of 1
    secondNumber db 2 ; Declare a byte with a value of 2
    mov AL, byte [firstNumber] ; We can't directly use firstNumber + secondNumber, we have to store at least one of them into a register
    add AL, secondNumber ; Add secondNumber with firstNumber and store it in AL (2 + 1 = 3)
  • Subtraction

    Basic Subtraction function (Equivalent in C# to variable -= number;)


    sub destination, source
    sub destination, number


    firstNumber db 1 ; Declare a byte with a value of 1
    secondNumber db 2 ; Declare a byte with a value of 2
    mov AL, byte [firstNumber] ; We can't directly use firstNumber - secondNumber, we have to store at least one of them into a register
    sub AL, secondNumber ; Subtract secondNumber with firstNumber and store it in AL (2 - 1 = 1)
  • BIOS Interrupts

    Used to send an interrupt


    int value


    int 13h ; BIOS Interrupt used for disk access
  • Comparison

    Used to compare 2 values to later use a conditional jump.


    cmp firstValue, secondValue


    counter db 0 ; Create a counter and start from 0
    loop: ; The test loop
    inc counter ; Increment the counter by 1
    cmp byte [counter], 10 ; Compare the counter with 10 (We have to specify the size here, cuz its not a register)
    jle loop ; Jump to 'loop' if the first value (counter) is less or equal to the second value (10) from the last comparison
  • Conditional Jumps

    Here is a list of jump commands that can be used with comparison (cmp)


    cmp firstValue, secondValue ; First make a comparison between two values
    ; Then use one of the commands from the list below
    Name for signed data Name for UNsigned data Description
    je or jz je or jz Jumps if both values are equal
    jne or jnz jne or jnz Jumps if both values are NOT equal
    jg or jnle ja or jnbe Jump if the first value is greater than the second value
    jge or jnl jae or jnb Jump if the first value is greater or equal than the second value
    jl or jnge jb or jnae Jump if the first value is less than the second value
    jle or jng jbe or jna Jump if the first value is less or equal than the second value
  • XOR

    Can be used to set a value as 0 without using mov (Its useful cuz it uses sighly less space)

    Plus, it works for Bitwise operations.


    xor firstValue, secondValue ; used for Bitwise operations
    xor value, value ; better alternative to mov value, 0


    xor ax, ax ; set ax to 0

Extra Details

  • Real Mode 1MB of RAM

    Sometimes in Real Mode (16-bits) you are limited to 1MB of RAM even when valid 16-bit addresses exceed 1MB

    There is something called 'A20 Line' which is a method that allows the code to bypass the 1MB restriction

    I'll probably make someday a tutorial on that either here or somewhere else

  • Bits

    This is used at the start of a program to specify the bits that its going to work with

    (Usually, bootloaders use Real mode and Operating systems use either Protected or Long mode)

    BITS 16 = Real mode BITS 32 = Protected mode BITS 64 = Long mode

  • MBR small details/notes

    [BITS 16] ; The bootloader uses 16-bit Real Mode
    [org 0x7C00] ; This is to specify that the code starts at memory address 0x7C00

    must be at the start of the program

  • Pointers

    Brackets ( [ & ] ) are used for pointers (equivalent to * in C# and & in C)


    mov AL, [0x8000] ; This will take the value from 0x8000 and store it in AL, it can also be used with registers but not all of them
    mov AX, [BX] ; Example using a register (BX), it takes the value inside BX as a memory address
    mov [0x8000], AL ; We can also store things into memory

Interrupts Usage

When using BIOS Interrupts you'll need some information stored in registers before calling the interrupt.

(Some interrupts store result values)

Take a look at the data tables to know what you need to specify for an specific interrupt.

Note: this section is not complete

  • INT 10h (Graphics)

    • AH 00h (Enable Video Mode)

      Main interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 00h
      AL Video mode


      Register Data
      AL Video mode flag (30h if mode is 0-5 and 7 3Fh if mode = 6 20h if mode is > 7)
    • AH 01h (Set Text Mode Cursor Shape)

      Note: This function changes the shape of text mode cursor.

      Each character usually uses 8 scan lines.

      CX = 0607h is a regular cursor

      CX = 0007h is a full cursor

      CX = 2607h is an invisible cursor

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 01h
      CH Initial Scan Line
      CL Final Scan Line
    • AH 02h (Set Cursor Position)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 02h
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)
      DH Row (X)
      DL Column (Y)
    • AH 03h (Get Cursor Information)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 03h
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)


      Register Data
      CH Initial Scan Line
      CL Final Scan Line
      DH Row (X)
      DL Column (Y)
    • AH 08h (Get Character and Color from Cursor)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 08h
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)


      Register Data
      AH Color
      AL Character
    • AH 09h (Write Character on the Cursor Position)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 09h
      AL Character
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)
      BL Color
      CX Number of times to write the character
    • AH 0Ah (Only Write Character on the Cursor Position)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 0Ah
      AL Character
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)
      CX Number of times to write the character
    • AH 0Bh (Change Background Color)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 0Bh
      BH 00h
      BL Color
    • AH 0Ch (Set Graphic Pixel)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 0Ch
      AL Color
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)
      CX X
      DX Y
    • AH 0Eh (Teletype Output)

      I recommend this command for displaying characters

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 0Eh
      AL Character to write
      BH Page
      BL Foreground color
    • AH 0Dh (Get Graphic Pixel)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 0Dh
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)
      CX X
      DX Y


      Register Data
      AL Color
    • AH 13h (Write String)

      Main Interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 13h
      AL Write mode (Update cursor after writing = 80h Text uses alternating chars and attributes = 40h Both modes: C0h)
      BH Page (0-3 in modes 2 & 3 0 - 7 in modes 0 & 1 0 on graphics modes)
      BL Color
      CX String Length
      DH Row (X)
      DL Column (Y)
      ES:BP String position
  • INT 12h (Get Memory Size)


    Register Description
    AX Number of Kilobytes of memory
  • INT 13h (Disk Access)

    • AH 42h (Reading from a Sector with LBA)

      Main interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 42h
      DL Drive number
      DS:SI Disk address packet

      Disk address packet:

      Size Description
      Byte Size of packet (10h or 18h)
      Byte Reserved (0h)
      Word Number of blocks (LBA) to transfer
      DWord Transfer buffer
      QWord Starting block number (LBA)


      Register Description
      CF Clear if success
      AH 00h
      CF Set on error
      AH Error code
    • AH 43h (Writing to a Sector with LBA)

      Main interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 43h
      AL Write flags
      DL Drive number
      DS:SI Disk address packet

      Disk address packet:

      Size Description
      Byte Size of packet (10h or 18h)
      Byte Reserved (0h)
      Word Number of blocks (LBA) to transfer
      DWord Transfer buffer
      QWord Starting block number (LBA)


      Register Description
      CF Clear if success
      AH 00h
      CF Set on error
      AH Error code
  • INT 16h (Keyboard)

    • AH 00h (Get Keystroke)

      Main interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 00h


      Register Description
      AH BIOS Scan code
      AL ASCII Character
  • INT 1Ah (System Time)

    • AH 00h (Get System Time)

      Main interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 00h


      Register Description
      CX Higher bytes of the Number of Clock Ticks since Midnight
      DX Lower bytes of the Number of Clock Ticks since Midnight
      AL Midnight flag (If it isn't a value of 0, Midnight passed since the last time the interrupt was used)

      For reference: Each second is around 18.2 Clock Ticks

    • AH 01h (Set System Time)

      Main interrupt:

      Register Data
      AH 01h
      CX Higher bytes of the Number of Clock Ticks since Midnight
      DX Lower bytes of the Number of Clock Ticks since Midnight

      For reference: Each second is around 18.2 Clock Ticks


Guide for programming in Assembly. More stuff added as i learn.







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