Releases: GSA/
Release 2.1.1
What we made better
There are two pages where a list was not rendering because there was not a space between the line of text above it and the start of the un-ordered list. This fix makes those unordered lists render properly.
- About page —
- User Experience Community of Practice —
Made the events listing on the Homepage not appear if there are no events (#169)
Removed the contact page and all references to it and redirected it to the About page
Added a Contact Us section to the About Page
Made it clear that part of the Federalist event is online
Removed the event-type prefix from event titles
Release 2.1.0
What we published
A Better DigitalGov — A blog post about how we’re trying something new here, something better.
U.S. Web Design Standards + DigitalGov — A blog post announcing that the U.S. Web Design Standards team has moved over to OPP and joined the DigitalGov team.
About DigitalGov — A significant update to our About page
Release 2.0.3
What we improved
- Converted two
pages to markdown to fix some display problems introduced in the migration. (#192) - Fixed the styling on
elements in posts/pages (#192) - Fixed an issue where a thick green bar appeared at the right edge of dropdown menus (#201)
- Fixed broken links to documents and non-html content on our Resources page and throughout the site (#204)
Release 2.0.2
- Typo in address on the Workshop: Making Government Websites with GitHub, Federalist & U.S. Web Design Standards event page
- Light copy edit/grammar fixes
- Updated location/venue name & address in the event generator
Issue: #203
Release 2.0.1
- Fixed a problem with the way a list displayed in the Making Government Websites with GitHub, Federalist, & U.S. Web Design Standards event.
Release 2
This is our second release of
Release 1
The initial release of on Federalist.