RP Twitch Multiscreen is web app to to watch any number of Twitch streams at the same time.
I'm a big fan roleplay games on Twitch since I've discovered them. One day I found myself opening multiple tabs in my browser and changing from one to other in order to follow all the stories from different characters perspectives. That's why I decided to build a multistream app for myself. Now it's open for anyone to use!
This is just a POC, there's still room for improvement. I'm actively working on this project but any suggestion, idea or PR would be more than welcome 🙂
Try it yourself with this live demo
- [Refactor] Code cleanup
- [Feature] Integrate stream chat
- [Feature] Allow creating clips for all streams at once
- [Feature] Improve Keyboard and mouse shorcuts
- [Feature] Channels autocomplete (w/ Twitch API)
- [Feature] Localization
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
# generate static project
$ yarn generate