Like a classical curl URL | sh
, but safer and faster.
Open the Withcraft/Terminal/Prompt and type + press [ENTER]
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh
If you don't trust downloading+executing a script, you can do it locally.
Open terminal and type following by pressing [ENTER]
Floflis, Floflis-based distros such as UniOS and any other that uses nu shell:
git clone ; cd shit
After reviewing the code of
chmod +x ; sh ./
git clone && cd shit
After reviewing the code of
chmod +x && sh ./
Open the Witchcraft/Prompt/Terminal and type:
shit <IPFS-CID>
Example, to install Rust:
shit QmVoGaTVUVzgHEwyyiKsYcQG36AFZezb1kvGEFPwYsyN92
- First, the CID is sent to the hardcoded IPFS gateway ( - soon™ it will change, with gateway options including local go-ipfs)
- Our program uses the local go-ipfs (you need it installed - automatic install using Plugz, soon™) to match the CID of the downloaded script with the requested one
- You are prompted to (both in the Terminal and in the text editor/gedit app - generic text editor soon) to review the contents of the .sh you are about to install
- After a "y" (yes), the script starts!
"shit" is a portmanteau between "sh" and "it" (let's sh it).
A portmanteau isn't a shit; but shit is a portmanteau.
Sorry for the name 💩
Nomenclature's purpose: tell how shitty it is to install a .sh script directly from a URL you found from a random potential troll somewhere
But at least its less shitty than curl | sh
; Sorry Rust lang.