Bash and Python scripts collection to benchmark Kubernetes cluster performance. Modified to meet ATLAS P1 Kubernetes cluster's demands by me, FilipKatulski, during my cooperation with EP-ADT-DQ group at ATLAS project, CERN.
The creator of the original version is Alexis Ducastel [email protected], which can be found here.
knb : Kubernetes Network Benchmark
knb is a bash script that will start a networking benchmark on a target Kubernetes cluster.
Here are some highlights:
- Plain bash script with very few dependencies
- Complete benchmark takes only 2 minutes
- Ability to select only a subset of benchmark tests to run
- Testing both TCP and UDP bandwidth
- Automatic detection of CNI MTU
- Includes host cpu and ram monitoring in benchmark report
- Ability to create static graph images based on the result data using plotly/orca (see examples below)
- No ssh access required, just an access to the target cluster through standard kubectl
- Custom kubeconfig file can be specified as a parameter
- No need for high privileges, the script will just launch very lightweight pods on two nodes.
- Based on very lights containers images :
- infrabuilder/bench-iperf3, is used to run benchmark tests
- infrabuilder/bench-custom-monitor, is used to monitor nodes
- Ability to run the whole suite in a container olegeech/k8s-bench-suite:
- Image is based on the bitnami/kubectl
- Nodes for testing can be auto-preselected
This script needs a valid kubectl
setup with an access to the target cluster.
Binaries dependencies for the host that will execute knb :
- awk
- grep
- tail
- date
- kubectl
- jq (for plotting)
Choose two nodes to act as server/client on your cluster (for example node1 and node2) . Then start the knb :
./knb --verbose --client-node node1 --server-node node2
If you omit the --verbose
flag, it will also complete, but you will have no output until the end of the benchmark.
Environment variables:
Auto-selects a few nodes from cluster for running testsMASTER_ELIGIBLE
Master nodes can also be chosen
You need to mount a valid kubeconfig inside the container and provide all other required flags to knb:
docker run -e NODE_AUTOSELECT=1 -it --hostname knb --name knb --rm -v /home/user/my-graphs:/my-graphs -v /path/to/my/kubeconfig:/.kube/config olegeech/k8s-bench-suite --verbose --plot --plot-dir /my-graphs
Simple benchmark from "node1" to "node2" in verbose mode :
knb -v -cn node1 -sn node2
Benchmark from "nA" to "nB" and save data in file
knb -cn nA -sn nB -o data -f mybench.knbdata
Generate report in json from previous benchmark data file
knb -fd mybench.knbdata -o json
Plot graphs from previous benchmark data file
knb -fd mybench.knbdata --plot --plot-args '--width 900 --height 600'
To run benchmark from node A to node B, showing only result in yaml format :
knb -cn A -sn B -o yaml
To run benchmark from node Asterix to node Obelix, with the most verbose output and a result as json in a
file :knb --debug -cn Asterix -sn Obelix -o json -f res.json
Running benchmark in namespace
:knb -n myns -cn node1 -sn node2
Run only idle and tcp benchmark :
knb -cn clientnode -sn servernode -ot idle,tcp
To display usage, use the -h
flag :
aducastel@infrabuilder:~/k8s-bench-suite$ ./knb -h
knb is a network benchmark tool for Kubernetes CNI
There are two modes :
- benchmark mode : will actually run benchmark on a cluster
- from data mode : read data generated by previous benchmark with "-o data" flag
=====[ Benchmark mode ]====================================================
Mandatory flags :
-cn <nodename>
--client-node <nodename> : Define kubernetes node name that will host the client part
-sn <nodename>
--server-node <nodename> : Define kubernetes node name that will host the server part
Optionnal flags :
-d <time-in-scd>
--duration <time-in-scd> : Set the benchmark duration for each test in seconds (Default 10)
--keep : Keep data directory instead of cleaning it (tmp dir that contains raw benchmark data)
-n <namespace>
--namespace <namespace> : Set the target kubernetes namespace
--name <name> : Set the name of this benchmark run
-ot <testlist>
--only-tests <testlist> : Only run a subset of benchmark tests, comma separated (Ex: -ot tcp,idle)
Possible values: all, tcp, udp, p2p, p2s , p2ptcp, p2pudp, p2stcp, p2sudp, idle
-sbs <size>
--socket-buffer-size <size> : Set the UDP socket buffer size with unit, or 'auto'. ex: '256K' (Default: auto)
-t <time-in-scd>
--timeout <time-in-scd> : Set the pod ready wait timeout in seconds (Default 30)
=====[ From Data mode ]====================================================
Mandatory flags :
-fd <path>
--from-data <path> : Define the path to the data to read from
Data file must be rendered with '--output data'
=====[ Common optionnal flags ]============================================
--debug : Set the debug level to "debug"
-dl <level>
--debug-level <level> : Set the debug level
Possible values: standard, warn, info, debug
-f <filepath>
--file <filepath> : Set the output file
--help : Display this help message
--plot : Plot data using plotly/orca
--plot-dir : Directory where to save graphs
Defaults to the current directory
--plot-args : Arguments to the plotly's 'orca graph' function
Defaults to '--width 900 --height 500'
-o <format>
--output <format> : Set the output format. Defaults to 'text'
Possible values: text, yaml, json, data
--verbose : Activate the verbose mode by setting debug-level to 'info'
--version : Show current script version
Added for ATLAS benchmarks :
--host-name-server : Set server's hostNetwork to True (Default $HOST_NETWORK_SERVER)
--host-network-client : Set client's hostNetwork to True (Default $HOST_NETWORK_CLIENT)
--additional-command : Used to pass additional commands to run on the client pod
--custom-command : Custom command to be executed by the Client Pod
=====[ Examples ]==========================================================
Simple benchmark from "node1" to "node2" in verbose mode
| knb -v -cn node1 -sn node2 |
Benchmark from "nA" to "nB" with data saved in file "mybench.knbdata"
| knb -cn nA -sn nB -o data -f mybench.knbdata |
Generate report in json from previous benchmark file "mybench.knbdata"
| knb -fd mybench.knbdata -o json |
Create graph images from previous benchmark file "mybench.knbdata"
| knb -fd mybench.knbdata --plot --plot-dir ./my-graphs |
Run only idle and tcp benchmark :
| knb -cn clientnode -sn servernode -ot idle,tcp |
KNB Autotester : KNB Autotester
Autotester is a Python script created to help automate multiple network tests. It runs knb script mutilple times, according to the configuration file.
This script was created by Filip Katulski [email protected]
Here are some highlights:
- Plain Python3 script with very few dependencies
- Runs knb script accordingly to the specified YAML configuration file
- Ability to select multiple Server-Client pairs
- Saves results in the specified location
- Can run multiple custom tests
- Can run specified combination of basic tests with all additional parameters possible
- Option to create data plots from data folder specified by YAML configuration file
- No need for high privileges
This script needs valid kubectl setup and has all requirements of knb script and additionally:
- art (for art message)
Simple benchmark of files specified in config.yaml file:
python3 -i config.yaml
Simple data plotting accordingly to plotconf.yaml file :
python3 -p -i plotconf.yaml
knb script usage message :
python3 -k
To display usage, use the -h
flag :
knb is a network benchmark tool for Kubernetes CNI.
Autotester script is used to automate running multiple knb tests one by one or create plots for multiple tests,
according to provided yaml files.
The output testing data is saved to a tar file. Test names as combination '<server>-<client>-<customtestindex>.knbtest'.
The output plots are png files saved in the directory named after the test, at the specified location.
-h, --help | displays this help message
-k, --knb-help | displays knb script help message
-i, --input <filename> | input yaml file with test or plotting configuration
-p, --plot | switches to plotting mode
Required parameters are:
- "server, client" pairs
- namespace
- output-folder
Optional parameters:
- individual specified servers and clients for grid testing
- basic-tests
- custom-tests
- optional
- kubeconfig-file
To see the full description of parameters required by knb script please use "-k" flag.
Input test specification yaml file should follow this structure:
- server-1, client-1
- server-2, client-2
- node-k8s-1
- node-k8s-2
- node-k8s-3
- node-k8s-2
- node-k8s-4
- node-k8s-6
- p2p
- tcp
- "--cport 5201 -O 1 -f m -t 10"
- "--cport 5202 -O 1 -f m -t 20"
- -v
- --debug
- -hnc
- -hns
Required parameters are:
- input-folder
- output-folder
- namespace
Optional parameters are:
- kubeconfig-file
- optional
To see the full description of parameters required by knb script please use "-k" flag.
Input plotting specification yaml file should follow this structire:
- -v
- --debug