This module was created to plot data created with "cl2 density" tests. Creates PNG files of the Timeline, histograms of each phase and a Piechart with cumulative time of main phases.
Created by me, FilipKatulski, during my cooperation with EP-ADT-DQ group at ATLAS project, CERN
To run the Plotter type with default settings:
go run plotter.go -filepath path/to/timeline.csv -outputpath path/to/folder
Default settings create timeline plot, histograms and pie chart, based on the data labeled with "Stateless" Pods.
However, specific plot types or podstate can also be specified with respective flags.
To see "help" message run:
go run plotter.go -h
Usage of plotter:
-filepath string
Specify the path to the timeline CSV file.
-outputpath string
Specify the path for the output PNG files. (default ".")
-plots string
Specify types of plots, separate with ',' (default "all")
-podstate string
Specify the state of Pods. (default "Stateless")
Input files have to follow a specific format in order to be processed successfully:
Name, Transition, Namespace/PodName, NodeName, pod_state_filter, diff, from_unix, to_unix
pod_startup, {create watch 5s}, test-XXXXXX-1/latency-deployment-0-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXX, node01, State, 6224, 1647419225, 1647419231
As each column means:
Name - name of the Pod's phase
Tranisition - describes Pod's phase as a transition between two states
Namespace/PodName - The name of the Namespace where the testing Pod was deployed
NodeName - Pod was deployed on this node
pod_state_filter - State of the Pod. Possible options: Stateless, Statefull, MatchAll
diff - Time that the Pod spent in the transition between two states
from_unix - Starting point of the Pod's phase
to_unix - Ending point of the Pod's phase
There is also an interactive data plotting module created with Python and Plotly with Jupyter Notebook. Please take a look at the 'analysis' folder.