DDL music from Youtube with Python GUI(wxPython)V2.2
A project based on pytubefix !
Thanks for their work !
Install from youtube-zik Pypi with PIP :
pip install youtube-zik
Once installed just use with this command:
py -m youtube-zik
Create a virtual env : Python Venv Setup
inside your Venv install requirements :
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Use your favorite editor to code on Youtube-zik.py !
Download YoutubeDDL.rar
Use your favorite archiver(winrar,winzip,7z...)
Double click on YoutubeDDL.exe ! (just run it lol)
Hello all !
Really simple to use :
- "Collection" folders created on app launch if doesn't exist
- Right click a BLUE music to download it
- A RED music means that you already own it
- You can't download twice the same music
- "More Results" button to fecth more (actually 17 results)
- Mp3/mp4 download format choice
- You can enter a youtube URL directly to find your media !
That's all folks !