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Plugin Instalation

EyeOdin edited this page Mar 7, 2024 · 2 revisions


Installing Krita plugins can be done using two methods.

One of them uses a native Krita plugin "Python Plugin Importer" that handles everything but requires some restarts to have everything put into place and is the recommend method to be used however it does not work all the time.

When the plugin method does not work I suggest using the manual method but it involves some risk as your handling your files directly and mistakes can be made. The manual method is especially useful when files are not being correctly written or overwritten making installation seem impossible to process.

After importing the plugin into your resource folder using one of the two above methods an activation is required.

Python Plugin Importer

Activating the "Python Plugin Importer" plugin (if disabled) : Settings > Python Plugin Manager > check "Python Plugin Importer" > restart Krita.

This will open up two methods of installation and which one you use is optional.

Tools > Scripts >

  1. Import Python Plugin from File > select "zip file from disk" > restart Krita
  2. Import Python Plugin from Web > paste "zip/github hyperlink" > restart Krita

Manual Import

The manual method requires you to have the plugin zip file on disk.

Open the resource folder : Settings > Manage Resources > Open Resource Folder > Close Krita

Since we are installing a python plugin open the pykrita folder and unpack the zip files inside with no sub-folders.

Plugin zip contents include a file plugin_name.desktop and a folder plugin_name.

Activating Plugins

Activation : Settings > Python Plugin Manager > check "plugin_name" > restart Krita.

Depending on the type of plugin installed do one of the following next.

Extension Plugin : Tools > Scripts > "plugin_name"

Docker Plugin : Settings > Dockers > check "plugin_name"

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