A Ruby gem, just for showing on interview. This is alternative for Bash grep, but in that library implemented only 3 most common operations.
When I develop gem I wish to implement really CLI commands like true "grep". Thats why I used gem "thor", which help me with that. Now we can call commands from console and pass arguments. Also we can pass multipule arguments - I detailed will described it below in section "Usage". You can see all commands in console:
cd lib
ruby Rgrep.rb --help
Some problems coming with that gem:) cause his dont have stable version yet. As an example I cant write whole spec test like I wont - I cant write section "failed when", because I should to rewrite some methods in thor gems. TODO: as fast as I can find some time:)
Also I used gem "os" which help me works correct on Windows/Mac/Linux. This is great gem - really love it.
You can simple install gem by command:
gem install Rgrep
after that you can check in irb:
irb(main):002:0> Rgrep.start(["--help"])
irb Difference between two files # diff file1 ...
irb List all running_process # list -n 'My...
irb Search by names in dir/contents of files -n, --name=Name # find --dir ...
irb help [COMMAND] # Describe av...
=> {}
- Gem works correct on Windows, Mac and Linux.
- You should have ruby > 1.9.
- Gems dependency( of course in gemspec also): thor, os, rspec.
In that gem was been implemented three operations that inspired by work with "grep".
Inspired by "ps aux | grep" - Its not really grep fucntions, but most users common used grep like that, thats why I implemented fuction "list".
cd lib
ruby Rgrep.rb list
or on ruby
This is equivalent "ps aux" in Linux/Mac and "tasklist" in Windows. operations list, like all CLI commands, have parameters: name, greater-than and less-than.
Show all runing process with name that we passed in arguments:
ruby Rgrep.rb list --name chrome
or on ruby
we also can just pass only part of word.
cd lib
ruby Rgrep.rb list --name chr
or on ruby
Show all runing process that allocate greater than memory:
ruby Rgrep.rb list --greater-than 100
or on ruby
Show all runing process that allocate less than memory:
ruby Rgrep.rb list --less-than 500
or on ruby
You can combine all parameters:
ruby Rgrep.rb list --name chr --less-than 500 --greater-than 100
or on ruby
example result:
1: chrome.exe 4220 Console 1 205 440 КБ
2: chrome.exe 3672 Console 1 159 148 КБ
3: chrome.exe 4972 Console 1 107 756 КБ
4: chrome.exe 3800 Console 1 105 880 КБ
5: chrome.exe 6324 Console 1 135 860 КБ
6: chrome.exe 7456 Console 1 104 260 КБ
7: chrome.exe 5084 Console 1 107 396 КБ
Inspired by "grep -f file1 file2" - used to find difference between two files.
In common case "diff" shows difference lines between two files. In 1 block - show lines that we have only in first file, and in other only lines from second files
cd lib
ruby Rgrep.rb diff /home/Documents/1.txt /home/Documents/2.txt
or on ruby
output example:
File: /home/Documents/1.txt
File: /home/Documents/2.txt
2: different line
Show similar lines instead different.
ruby Rgrep.rb diff /home/Documents/1.txt /home/Documents/1.txt --show_similar
or on ruby
Inspired by simple "grep" - search for files and for contents in file.
Search only for file names or directory names, not for contents.
cd lib
ruby Rgrep.rb find /home/Documents --name Diary
or on ruby
output example:
In additionally search for the contents. Shows also nuber of lines and file.
ruby Rgrep.rb find /home/Documents --name Diary --contents
or on ruby
output example:
Into files:
/home/Documents/Rgrep/lib/Rgrep.rb 104: desc "Search by names in dir/contents of files", "find --dir --contents '/home' --name 'Diary'"
/home/Documents/Rgrep/spec/rgrep_spec.rb 50: expect(Rgrep.start(["find", PATH.to_s, "--name", "Diary"]).to_i).to eq( CLI_VALID_RESPONSE)
/home/Documents/Rgrep/spec/rgrep_spec.rb 53: expect(Rgrep.start(["find", PATH.to_s, "--name", "Diary", "--contents"]).to_i).to eq( CLI_VALID_RESPONSE)
/home/Documents/TestGit/TestGit/Diary.txt 5: Diary for test
Off course I developed test using "rspec" for gem. You can run it:
cd spec
rspec rgrep_spec.rb
output example:
Finished in 0.42 seconds (files took 0.54 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures