Enables deathmatch style gameplay (respawning, gun selection, spawn protection, etc).
- Weapon Menu
- Free For All (FFA)
- Display Panel for Damage
- Different Game Modes:
- Headshot Only
- Primary Weapons Only
- Secondary Weapons Only
- Random Weapons Only
- No Knife Damage (Guns Only)
- Objective Removal (C4/Hostage)
- Spawn Editor and Menu
- Replenish Ammo & Clip
- Replenish Grenades
- Hide Radar for Players
- Kill Reward (HP/AP/Ammo/Grenades)
- Line of Sight Spawning
- 3rd Party Knife Plugin Support
- Auto-Update Support
- Multi-Lanugage Support
- English Supported
- Spanish Supported
- French Supported
- Polish Supported
- Brazilian Supported
- Integrated Stats (ELO)
- Team Selective Spawns
- sm_guns - Opens the !guns menu
- dm_spawn_menu - Opens the spawn point menu.
- dm_respawn_all - Respawns all players.
- dm_stats - Displays spawn statistics.
- dm_reset_stats - Resets spawn statistics.
- dm_enabled - (Default) 1 - Enable Deathmatch.
- dm_valve_deathmatch - (Default) 0 - Enable compatibility for Valve's Deathmatch (game_type 1 & game_mode 2) or Custom (game_type 3 & game_mode 0).
- dm_welcomemsg (Default) 1 - Display a message saying that your server is running Deathmatch.
- dm_free_for_all - (Default) 0 - Free for all mode.
- dm_hide_radar - (Default) 0 - Hides the radar from players.
- dm_display_panel - (Default) 0 - Display a panel showing health of the victim.
- dm_display_panel_damage - (Default) 0 - Display a panel showing damage done to a player.
- dm_sounds_bodyshots - (Default) 1 - Enable the sounds of bodyshots.
- dm_sounds_headshots - (Default) 1 - Enable the sounds of headshots.
- dm_headshot_only - (Default) 0 - Headshot Only mode.
- dm_headshot_only_allow_world - (Default) 0 - Enable world damage during headshot only mode.
- dm_headshot_only_allow_knife - (Default) 0 - Enable knife damage during headshot only mode.
- dm_headshot_only_allow_taser - (Default) 0 - Enable taser damage during headshot only mode.
- dm_headshot_only_allow_nade - (Default) 0 - Enable grenade damage during headshot only mode.
- dm_remove_objectives - (Default) 1 - Disables bomb sites, and removes c4 and hostages.
- dm_respawning - (Default) 1 - Enable respawning.
- dm_respawn_time - (Default) 2.0 - Respawn time.
- dm_gun_menu_mode - (Default) 1 - 1) Enabled. 2) Primary weapons only. 3) Secondary weapons only. 4) Random weapons only. 5) Disabled.
- dm_los_spawning - (Default) 1 - Enable line of sight spawning.
- dm_los_attempts - (Default) 10 - Maximum attempts to find a suitable line of sight spawn point.
- dm_spawn_distance - (Default) 0 - Minimum distance from enemies at which a player can spawn.
- dm_sp_time - (Default) 1.0 - Spawn protection time.
- dm_no_knife_damage - (Default) 0 - Knives do NO damage to players.
- dm_remove_weapons - (Default) 1 - Remove ground weapons.
- dm_replenish_ammo - (Default) 1 - Replenish ammo on reload.
- dm_replenish_clip - (Default) 0 - Replenish ammo clip on kill.
- dm_replenish_reserve - (Default) 0 - Replenish ammo reserve on kill.
- dm_replenish_grenade - (Default) 0 - Unlimited player grenades.
- dm_replenish_hegrenade - (Default) 0 - Unlimited hegrenades.
- dm_replenish_grenade_kill (Default) 0 - Give players their grenade back on successful kill.
- dm_hp_start - (Default) 100 - Spawn HP.
- dm_hp_max - (Default) 100 - Maximum HP.
- dm_hp_kill - (Default) 5 - HP per kill.
- dm_hp_hs - (Default) 10 - HP per headshot kill.
- dm_hp_knife - (Default) 50 - HP per knife kill.
- dm_hp_nade - (Default) 30 - HP per nade kill.
- dm_hp_messages - (Default) 1 - Display HP messages.
- dm_ap_max - (Default) 100 - Maximum Armor Points (AP).
- dm_ap_kill - (Default) 5 - Armor Points (AP) per kill.
- dm_ap_hs - (Default) 10 - Armor Points (AP) per headshot kill.
- dm_ap_knife - (Default) 50 - Armor Points (AP) per knife kill.
- dm_ap_nade - (Default) 30 - Armor Points (AP) per nade kill.
- dm_ap_messages - (Default) 1 - Display AP messages.
- dm_nade_messages - (Default) 1 - Display grenade messages.
- dm_armor - (Default) 0 - Give players chest armor.
- dm_armor_full - (Default) 1 - Give players full armor.
- dm_zeus - (Default) 0 - Give players a taser.
- dm_nades_incendiary - (Default) 0 - Number of incendiary grenades to give each player.
- dm_nades_molotov - (Default) 0 - Number of molotov grenades to give each player.
- dm_nades_decoy - (Default) 0 - Number of decoy grenades to give each player.
- dm_nades_flashbang - (Default) 0 - Number of flashbang grenades to give each player.
- dm_nades_he - (Default) 0 - Number of HE grenades to give each player.
- dm_nades_smoke - (Default) 0 - Number of smoke grenades to give each player.
This plugin is tested on the following Sourcemod & Metamod Versions.
Your server must be running at least one of the following extensions:
- cURL (Recommended)
- Socket
- SteamTools (0.8.1+)
Auto-Update Support requires updater to be installed.
- Extract zip file and place files in the corresponding directories of /addons/sourcemod
- /configs/deathmatch/deathmatch.ini
- /configs/deathmatch/spawns/*.txt
- /plugins/deathmatch.smx
- /scripting/deathmatch.sp (necessary only for compiling)
To view the most recent changelog visit the changelog file.
Once installed, the plugin will update itself as long as you've done as described in the requirements section; otherwise, downloaded the latest release below. Please download the latest deathmatch.zip file from my releases.
If there are any bugs, please report them using the issues page.
A thank you to those who helped:
- Snip3rUK (Original Plugin)
- Dr!fter (General Code Support)
- DoomHammer (Debugging and Beta Testing)
- int64 Shrandy (Fixing the ammo clip and reserve refill)
- szyma94 (Polish translation)
- Rbt (Brazilian translation)
- splewis (Weapon skins implementation)
If you think I am doing a good job or you want to buy me a beer or feed my cat, please donate. Thanks!