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Documentation ➜ OpenAPI Specification
A .env
file must be created in the root of the project, for this you can execute the following command and copy the
provided variables template
cp template.env .env
After setting the environment variables the project can be executed in various ways. The docker-compose.yml
file will
read the NODE_ENV
environment variable defined in the .env
file to start the project in the correct environment.
- In Docker
# no logs
docker-compose up -d
# show logs
docker-compose up
NOTA: If you want to use the local database via docker-compose you should set this environment variable like this:
- In Local
# run only the database
docker-compose up -d db
# install dependencies locally
npm install
# run app in development mode
npm run start:dev
# run app in production mode
$ npm run start:prod
To fill the database for the first time you must use the following endpoint: POST: /api/posts/refresh
, it will fill
the posts
table for the first time and keep it updated once a time.
Then a user must be created to authenticate and generate an access token and thus be able to interact with the other routes.
All endpoints are documented in the following endpoint: GET: /api/docs
In the /docs folder there is a postman collection with all the endpoints ready to test
Before executing the e2e tests, make sure you have the database up and running. For this you can use the command:
docker-compose up -d db
- Test Commnands:
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
NOTA: Please note that this project was built and tested using the following technologies environment:
- docker v20.10.13
- docker-compose v1.29.2
- node v16.14.2
- npm v8.7.0
- nestjs/cli v8.2.5