ValheimPlus Manager makes the installation and configuration of ValheimPlus on Windows a breeze!
- Automatically install ValheimPlus to your game client or server client directory
- Manage the configuration of ValheimPlus through a GUI
- Update ValheimPlus directly through ValheimPlus Manager
- Keep settings from previous versions and just add/activate new settings automagically
- Enable/disable ValheimPlus on game client, so you can join non-modded servers on the fly
- Launch Valheim(Plus) from the Manager
- In-app settings of installation paths for game client and server client
- Backup your game client data and server client data
- Server list manager, join servers from the Manager
- Backup your configuration files (to send to friends for example)
- Swapping between different config files
- Management of server admins
- Uninstall ValheimPlus from game client/server client
- Automatic updates for the ValheimPlus Manager
- .NET 5 available for download at:
- Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
- x64 operating system (you have this if you have more than 4GB of RAM)
- Download ''
- Unzip wherever you like
- Start manager through the 'ValheimPlusManager.exe'
- If using a VPN where your assigned IP has been polling the Github API over 60 times in the last hour an error will be thrown. Try changing your VPN IP-address or disabling your VPN when checking for updates.
Just download the source code, open in Visual Studio 2019 and restore the NuGet packages. Hit F5 to start running/debugging the project.
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