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Add tactic to call Coq
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lyonel2017 committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent 8746da3 commit 115a662
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Showing 13 changed files with 428 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

(include_subdirs unqualified)

(name ecLib)
(public_name easycrypt.ecLib)
(modules :standard \ ec)
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340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
open EcUtils
open EcFol
open EcEnv
open EcDecl

module P = EcProvers
module ER = EcReduction
module BI = EcBigInt
module EI = EcInductive

module WIdent = Why3.Ident
module WTerm = Why3.Term
module WTy = Why3.Ty
module WTheory = Why3.Theory
module WDecl = Why3.Decl
module WTask = Why3.Task

type prover_call = {
prover : Why3.Whyconf.prover ;
call : Why3.Call_provers.prover_call ;
steps : int option ;
timeout : float ;
mutable timeover : float option ;
mutable interrupted : bool ;
type verdict =
| NoResult
| Invalid
| Unknown
| Timeout
| Stepout
| Valid
| Failed
| Canceled

type result = {
verdict : verdict ;
cached : bool ;
solver_time : float ;
prover_time : float ;
prover_steps : int ;
prover_errpos : Lexing.position option ;
prover_errmsg : string ;

let result ?(cached=false) ?(solver=0.0) ?(time=0.0) ?(steps=0) verdict =
verdict ;
cached = cached ;
solver_time = solver ;
prover_time = time ;
prover_steps = steps ;
prover_errpos = None ;
prover_errmsg = "" ;

let no_result = result NoResult
let valid = result Valid
let invalid = result Invalid
let unknown = result Unknown
let timeout t = result ~time:t Timeout
let stepout n = result ~steps:n Stepout
let failed ?pos msg = {
verdict = Failed ;
cached = false ;
solver_time = 0.0 ;
prover_time = 0.0 ;
prover_steps = 0 ;
prover_errpos = pos ;
prover_errmsg = msg ;
let canceled = result Canceled

let is_valid = function { verdict = Valid } -> true | _ -> false

let ping_prover_call ~config p =
let alive = ref true in
let status = ref None in

while !alive do
match Why3.Call_provers.query_call with
| NoUpdates
| ProverStarted ->
if p.timeout > 0.0 then
match p.timeover with
| None ->
let started = Unix.time () in
p.timeover <- Some (started +. 2.0 +. p.timeout)
| Some timeout ->
let time = Unix.time () in
if time > timeout then
p.interrupted <- true ;
Why3.Call_provers.interrupt_call ~config
else Unix.sleep 1
| InternalFailure exn ->
let msg = Format.asprintf "@[<hov 2>%a@]"
Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn in
status := Some (failed msg);
alive := false
| ProverInterrupted ->
status := Some (canceled);
alive := false
| ProverFinished pr ->
let r =
match pr.pr_answer with
| Timeout -> timeout pr.pr_time
| Valid -> result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps Valid
| Invalid -> result ~time:pr.pr_time ~steps:pr.pr_steps Invalid
| OutOfMemory -> failed "out of memory"
| StepLimitExceeded -> result ?steps:p.steps Stepout
| Unknown _ -> unknown
| _ when p.interrupted -> timeout p.timeout
| Failure s -> failed s
| HighFailure -> failed "Unknown error"
status := Some (r);
alive := false


let call_prover_task ~timeout ~steps ~config prover call =
let timeout = match timeout with None -> 0.0 | Some tlimit -> tlimit in
let pcall = {
call ; prover ;
interrupted = false ;
steps ; timeout ; timeover = None ;
ping_prover_call ~config pcall

let run_batch pconf driver ~config ?script ~timeout ~steplimit prover task =
let config = Why3.Whyconf.get_main config in
let steps = match steplimit with Some 0 -> None | _ -> steplimit in
let limit =
let memlimit = Why3.Whyconf.memlimit config in
let def = Why3.Call_provers.empty_limit in
{ Why3.Call_provers.limit_time = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time timeout;
Why3.Call_provers.limit_steps = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_steps steps;
Why3.Call_provers.limit_mem = memlimit;
let with_steps = match steps, pconf.Why3.Whyconf.command_steps with
| None, _ -> false
| Some _, Some _ -> true
| Some _, None -> false
let steps = if with_steps then steps else None in
let command = Why3.Whyconf.get_complete_command pconf ~with_steps in
let inplace = if script <> None then Some true else None in
let call =
Why3.Driver.prove_task_prepared ?old:script ?inplace
~command ~limit ~config driver task
call_prover_task ~config ~timeout ~steps prover call

let pp_to_file f pp =
let cout = open_out f in
let fout = Format.formatter_of_out_channel cout in
pp fout ;
Format.pp_print_flush fout () ;
close_out cout
with err ->
Format.pp_print_flush fout () ;
close_out cout ;
raise err

let make_output_dir dir =
if Sys.file_exists dir then ()
else Unix.mkdir dir 0o770 ;

type mode =
| Batch (* Only check scripts *)
| Update (* Check and update scripts *)
| Edit (* Edit then check scripts *)
| Fix (* Try to check script, then edit script on non-success *)
| FixUpdate (* Update and fix *)

let editor_command pconf config =
let ed = Why3.Whyconf.editor_by_id config pconf.Why3.Whyconf.editor in
String.concat " " (ed.editor_command :: ed.editor_options)
with Not_found ->
Why3.Whyconf.(default_editor (get_main config))

let scriptfile ~(loc:EcLocation.t) ~ext =
let l,r = loc.loc_start in
let sid = string_of_int l ^ string_of_int r in
let file = loc.loc_fname in
let path = Filename.dirname file in
let path = path ^ "/.interactive" in
make_output_dir path;
let name = Filename.basename file in
let name = Filename.remove_extension name in
Format.sprintf "%s/%s%s%s" path name sid ext

let safe_remove f = try Unix.unlink f with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()

let updatescript ~script driver task =
let backup = script ^ ".bak" in
Sys.rename script backup ;
let old = open_in backup in
pp_to_file script
(fun fmt ->
ignore @@ Why3.Driver.print_task_prepared ~old driver fmt task
close_in old ;
let d_old = Digest.file backup in
let d_new = Digest.file script in
if String.equal d_new d_old then safe_remove backup

let editor ~script ~merge ~config pconf driver task =
if merge then updatescript ~script driver task ;
let command = editor_command pconf config in
let config = Why3.Whyconf.get_main config in
let call =
~command ~config script
call_prover_task ~config ~timeout:None ~steps:None pconf.prover call

let prepare ~coqmode ~loc driver task =
let ext = Filename.extension (Why3.Driver.file_of_task driver "S" "T" task) in
let force = coqmode <> Batch in
let script = scriptfile ~loc ~ext in
if Sys.file_exists script then Some (script, true) else
if force then
pp_to_file script
(fun fmt ->
ignore @@ Why3.Driver.print_task_prepared driver fmt task
Some (script, false)
else None

let interactive ~notify ~coqmode ~loc pconf ~config driver prover task =
let time = 10 in
let timeout = if time <= 0 then None else Some (float time) in

match prepare ~coqmode ~loc driver task with
| None ->
notify |> oiter (fun notify -> notify `Critical (lazy (
Format.asprintf "Missing script(s) for prover %a." Why3.Whyconf.print_prover prover
| Some (script, merge) ->
match coqmode with
| Batch ->
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task
| Update ->
if merge then updatescript ~script driver task ;
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task
| Edit ->
editor ~script ~merge ~config pconf driver task |> obind (fun _ ->
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task)
| Fix ->
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task
|> obind (fun r ->
if is_valid r then Some r else
editor ~script ~merge ~config pconf driver task |> obind (fun _ ->
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task))
| FixUpdate ->
if merge then updatescript ~script driver task ;
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task
|> obind (fun r ->
if is_valid r then Some r else
let merge = false in
editor ~script ~merge ~config pconf driver task
|> obind (fun _ ->
run_batch ~script ~timeout ~config pconf driver ~steplimit:None prover task))

let is_trivial (t : Why3.Task.task) =
let goal = Why3.Task.task_goal_fmla t in
Why3.Term.t_equal goal Why3.Term.t_true

exception CoqNotFound

let cfg = lazy (Why3.Whyconf.init_config None)

let config () = Lazy.force cfg

let build_proof_task ~notify ~coqmode ~loc task =
let config = config () in
let provers = Why3.Whyconf.get_provers config in
let test p = p.Why3.Whyconf.prover_name = "Coq" in
let provers = Why3.Whyconf.Mprover.fold
(fun p _ acc -> if test p then p :: acc else acc)
provers []
let prover =
match provers with
| [] -> raise CoqNotFound
| h :: _ -> h

let main_conf = Why3.Whyconf.get_main config in
let ld = Why3.Whyconf.loadpath main_conf in
let env = Why3.Env.create_env ld in

let pconf = Why3.Whyconf.get_prover_config config prover in
let drv = Why3.Driver.load_driver_for_prover (Why3.Whyconf.get_main config)
env pconf
let task = Why3.Driver.prepare_task drv task in

if is_trivial task then
Some valid
interactive ~notify ~coqmode ~loc pconf ~config drv prover task
| CoqNotFound ->
notify |> oiter (fun notify -> notify `Critical (lazy (
Format.asprintf "Missing prover Coq."
| exn ->
notify |> oiter (fun notify -> notify `Critical (lazy (
Format.asprintf "[Why3 Error] %a" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn

let check ~loc ?notify ?(coqmode=Fix) (hyps : LDecl.hyps) (concl : form) =
let env,_,tenv,decl = EcSmt.init hyps concl in
let init_select _ ax = ax.ax_visibility = `Visible in
let toadd = EcEnv.Ax.all ~check:init_select env in
List.iter (EcSmt.trans_axiom tenv) toadd;
let task = WTask.add_decl (EcSmt.tenv_task tenv) decl in

match build_proof_task ~notify ~coqmode ~loc task with
| None -> false
| Some r -> match r.verdict with
| Valid -> true
| _ -> false
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/ecCoq.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
open EcFol
open EcEnv
open EcProvers

type mode =
| Batch (* Only check scripts *)
| Update (* Check and update scripts *)
| Edit (* Edit then check scripts *)
| Fix (* Try to check script, then edit script on non-success *)
| FixUpdate (* Update and fix *)

val check: loc:EcLocation.t -> ?notify:notify -> ?coqmode:mode-> LDecl.hyps -> form -> bool
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,19 @@ let process_smt ?loc (ttenv : ttenv) pi (tc : tcenv1) =
| `Report ->
t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:`No) (t_smt ~mode:(`Report loc) pi) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let process_coq ~loc (ttenv : ttenv) (tc : tcenv1) =
match ttenv.tt_smtmode with
| `Admit ->
t_admit tc

| (`Standard | `Strict) as mode ->
t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:`No) (t_coq ~loc ~mode) tc

| `Report ->
t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:`No) (t_coq ~loc ~mode:(`Report (Some loc))) tc

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_clear symbols tc =
let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ecHiGoal.mli
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Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ val process_generalize : ?doeq:bool -> genpattern list -> backward
val process_move : ?doeq:bool -> ppterm list -> prevert -> backward
val process_clear : psymbol list -> backward
val process_smt : ?loc:EcLocation.t -> ttenv -> pprover_infos -> backward
val process_coq : loc:EcLocation.t -> ttenv -> backward
val process_apply : implicits:bool -> apply_t * prevert option -> backward
val process_delta : und_delta:bool -> ?target:psymbol -> (rwside * rwocc * pformula) -> backward
val process_rewrite : ttenv -> ?target:psymbol -> rwarg list -> backward
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Expand Up @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ and process1_logic (ttenv : ttenv) (t : logtactic located) (tc : tcenv1) =
| Pwlog (ids, b, f) -> process_wlog ~suff:b ids f
| Pgenhave gh -> process_genhave ttenv gh
| Prwnormal _ -> assert false
| Pcoq -> process_coq ~loc:(loc t) ttenv
tx tc

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