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add tapering to SpecACF
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andrewdolman committed Oct 3, 2024
1 parent 133da00 commit b284b25
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Showing 5 changed files with 301 additions and 56 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: PaleoSpec
Title: Spectral tools for the ECUS group
Version: 0.31
Version: 0.32
Authors@R: c(
person("Thomas", "Laepple", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Thomas", "Muench", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut")),
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Depends:
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# PaleoSpec 0.32

* SpecACF can now use slepian tapers
* Small fix to rfreq calculation in SpecACF
* RemoveFirst and RemoveLast in gg_spec work on a per spectrum basis for list
and spec_df objects

# PaleoSpec 0.31

* Improve linking between function documentation using @family
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224 changes: 181 additions & 43 deletions R/SpecACF.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#' Estimate Power Spectra via the Autocovariance Function
#' Estimate Power Spectra via the Autocovariance Function With Optional Slepian
#' Tapers
#' @param x a vector or matrix of binned values, possibly with gaps
#' @param bin.width the width of the bins, effectively delta_t
#' @param deltat,bin.width the time-step of the timeseries, equivalently the
#' width of the bins in a binned timeseries, set only one
#' @param pos.f.only return only positive frequencies, defaults to TRUE If TRUE,
#' freq == 0, and frequencies higher than 1/(2*bin.width) which correspond to
#' the negative frequencies are removed
Expand All @@ -20,94 +22,230 @@
#' indicates that the estimates are unbiased such that smoothing across
#' frequencies to remove negative estimates results in an unbiased power
#' spectrum.
#' @inheritParams SpecMTM
#' @importFrom multitaper spec.mtm
#' @author Torben Kunz and Andrew Dolman <[email protected]>
#' @return a spec object (list)
#' @family functions to estimate power spectra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20230312)
#' x <- cumsum(rgamma(200, shape = 1.5, rate = 1.5/10))
#' y <- SimProxySeries(a = 0.1, b = 1, t.smpl = x, nt = 2000,
#' smth.lab = list(type = "rect", tau = 1))
#' y_binned <- BinTimeseries(x, y, bin.width = 15)
#' sp1 <- SpecACF(y_binned$mean.value, bin.width = 15)
#' sp2 <- LogSmooth(sp1)
#' LPlot(sp1)
#' LLines(sp2, col = "red")
SpecACF <- function(x, bin.width,
demean = TRUE, detrend = TRUE,
TrimNA = TRUE,
pos.f.only = TRUE,
return.working = FALSE){
#' # Comparison with SpecMTM
#' tsM <- replicate(2, SimPLS(1e03, 1, 0.1))
#' spMk3 <- SpecACF(tsM, bin.width = 1, k = 3, nw = 2)
#' spMk1 <- SpecACF(tsM, bin.width = 1, k = 1, nw = 0)
#' spMTMa <- SpecMTM(tsM[,1], deltat = 1)
#' spMTMb <- SpecMTM(tsM[,2], deltat = 1)
#' spMTM <- spMTMa
#' spMTM$spec <- (spMTMa$spec + spMTMb$spec)/2
#' gg_spec(list(
#' `ACF k=1` = spMk1,
#' `ACF k=3` = spMk3,
#' `MTM k=3` = spMTM
#' ), alpha.line = 0.75) +
#' ggplot2::facet_wrap(~spec_id)
#' ## No gaps
#' ts1 <- SimPLS(1000, 1, 0.1)
#' sp_ACF1 <- SpecACF(ts1, 1, k = 1)
#' sp_MTM7 <- SpecMTM(ts1, nw = 4, k = 7, deltat = 1)
#' sp_ACF7 <- SpecACF(ts1, 1, k = 7, nw = 4)
#' gg_spec(list(
#' `ACF k=1` = sp_ACF1, `ACF k=7` = sp_ACF7, `MTM k=7` = sp_MTM7
#' ))
#' # With Gaps
#' gaps <- (arima.sim(list(ar = 0.5), n = length(ts1))) > 1
#' table(gaps)
#' ts1_g <- ts1
#' ts1_g[gaps] <- NA
#' sp_ACF1_g <- SpecACF(ts1_g, 1)
#' sp_ACFMTM1_g <- SpecACF(ts1_g, bin.width = 1, nw = 4, k = 7)
#' gg_spec(list(
#' ACF_g = sp_ACF1_g,
#' ACF_g_smoothed = FilterSpecLog(sp_ACF1_g),
#' ACF_g_tapered = sp_ACFMTM1_g
#' ), conf = FALSE) +
#' ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = log10(0.1), slope = -1, lty = 2)
#' ## AR4
#' arc_spring <- c(2.7607, -3.8106, 2.6535, -0.9238)
#' tsAR4 <- arima.sim(list(ar = arc_spring), n = 1e03) + rnorm(1e03, 0, 10)
#' plot(tsAR4)
#' spAR4_ACF <- SpecACF(tsAR4, 1)
#' spAR4_MTACF <- SpecACF(as.numeric(tsAR4), 1, k = 15, nw = 8)
#' gg_spec(list(#'
#' `ACF k=1` = spAR4_ACF,
#' `ACF k=15` = spAR4_MTACF)
#' )
#' ## Add gaps to timeseries
#' gaps <- (arima.sim(list(ar = 0.5), n = length(tsAR4))) > 2
#' table(gaps)
#' tsAR4_g <- tsAR4
#' tsAR4_g[gaps] <- NA
#' plot(tsAR4, col = "green")
#' lines(tsAR4_g, col = "blue")
#' table(tsAR4_g > 0, useNA = "always")
#' spAR4_ACF_g <- SpecACF(as.numeric(tsAR4_g), 1)
#' spAR4_MTACF_g <- SpecACF(as.numeric(tsAR4_g), 1, nw = 8, k = 15)
#' table(spAR4_ACF_g$spec < 0)
#' table(spAR4_MTACF_g$spec < 0)
#' gg_spec(list(
#' `ACF gaps k=1` = spAR4_ACF_g,
#' `ACF gaps k = 15` = spAR4_MTACF_g,
#' `ACF full k = 15` = spAR4_MTACF
#' )
#' )
SpecACF <- function(x,
deltat = NULL, bin.width = NULL,
k = 1, nw = 0,
demean = TRUE, detrend = TRUE,
TrimNA = TRUE,
pos.f.only = TRUE,
return.working = FALSE) {
if (is.null(deltat) & is.null(bin.width) & is.ts(x) == FALSE) {
stop("One of deltat or bin.width must be set")

# Convert ts to vector
if (is.ts(x)){
if (is.ts(x)) {
d <- dim(x)
dt_ts <- deltat(x)

x <- as.vector(x)

if (is.null(d) == FALSE){
if (is.null(deltat) == FALSE) {
if (dt_ts != deltat) stop("timeseries deltat does not match argument deltat")

if (is.null(bin.width) == FALSE) {
if (dt_ts != bin.width) stop("timeseries deltat does not match argument bin.width")

if (is.null(deltat)) deltat <- dt_ts
if (is.null(bin.width)) bin.width <- dt_ts

if (is.null(d) == FALSE) {
dim(x) <- d

if (is.null(bin.width) & is.null(deltat) == FALSE) {
bin.width <- deltat

if (is.null(bin.width) == FALSE & is.null(deltat)) {
deltat <- bin.width

# Convert vector to matrix
if (is.vector(x)){
if (is.vector(x)) {
x <- matrix(x, ncol = 1)

if ( == TRUE){
if ( == TRUE) {
x <- as.matrix(x)

if (TrimNA){
if (TrimNA) {
x <- TrimNA(x)

if (detrend){
i <- seq_along(x[,1])
if (detrend) {
i <- seq_along(x[, 1])
x <- apply(x, 2, function(y) {
stats::residuals(stats::lm(y ~ i, na.action = "na.exclude"))

# remove mean from each record
if (demean){
if (demean) {
x <- x - colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE)

lag = (0:(nrow(x)-1))
lag <- (0:(nrow(x) - 1))

if (return.working == TRUE){
working <- mean.ACF(x, return.working = TRUE)
ncolx <- ncol(x)

## Tapering
if (k > 1) {
n <- nrow(x)

dpssIN <- multitaper:::dpss(n,
k = k, nw = nw,
returnEigenvalues = TRUE
dw <- dpssIN$v #* sqrt(bin.width)
ev <- dpssIN$eigen

x <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) {
lapply(1:ncol(dw), function(j) {
x[, i] * dw[, j]
})), nrow = nrow(x), byrow = FALSE)

if (return.working == TRUE) {
working <- PaleoSpec:::mean.ACF(x, return.working = TRUE)
acf <- working[["acf"]]
} else{
acf <- mean.ACF(x)
} else {
acf <- PaleoSpec:::mean.ACF(x)

freq <- (lag / (nrow(x))) / bin.width

if (k > 1){
spec <- Re(stats::fft(acf)) * bin.width * nrow(x)
} else {
spec <- Re(stats::fft(acf)) * bin.width

freq = (lag / (nrow(x))) / bin.width
spec = Re(stats::fft(acf)) * bin.width

rfreq = max(freq)

if (pos.f.only){
spec <- spec[freq > 0 & freq <= 1/(2*bin.width)]
freq <- freq[freq > 0 & freq <= 1/(2*bin.width)]

rfreq <- max(freq)

if (pos.f.only) {
spec <- spec[freq > 0 & freq <= 1 / (2 * bin.width)]
freq <- freq[freq > 0 & freq <= 1 / (2 * bin.width)]

out <- list(bin.width = bin.width,
rfreq = rfreq,
nrec = ncol(x),
lag = lag, acf = acf,
freq = freq, spec = spec, f.length = 1,
dof = rep(2*ncol(x), length(freq)))
out <- list(
bin.width = bin.width,
rfreq = rfreq,
nrec = ncolx,
lag = lag, acf = acf,
freq = freq, spec = spec, f.length = 1,
dof = rep(2 * ncolx * k, length(freq))

class(out) <- c("SpecACF", "spec")
class(out) <- c("SpecACF", "spec")

if (return.working){
if (return.working) {
out <- list(working = working, spec = out)


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