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Douwe Horsthuis edited this page Feb 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

This script creates dashboards on both an individual participant level and a group level. The thinking here is that while you have been able to look at your data, and some particpants might have already been eliminated from you study, you should be able to still get more information about the quality of the data.

In essence the dashboard is a figure with subplots and annotations. This leaves room for everyone to make their own version and variation. Our data always has readme files, or text files with information about the particpant. These we use to gather text and create textboxes. Beside that we also have some text (e.g. filter sizes, % data deleted, amount of bad channels, amount of bridged channels) that we collect from the previous scripts from the EEG structures. We also add here how many trails are accepted per Bin.

The main reason to use this pipeline is to generate ERPs, so these are included here. While still somewhat under construction right now you can choose which bins you want to plot. This wil result in one figure per channel, with several bins in it. Right now 5 is the max channels, but you could change this by moving around all the plots.

Besides text and ERPs we include eye tracking gaze, on an individual level the edf_to_figure function will show the gaze of the participant, the amount of EDF files used and the % of time the participant was looking at the screen. On a group level we do more or less the same, but we combine all the EDF files of all the particpant of that one group. It is possible here that there are white parts to the plot, this is due to the particpant not having looked at that side of screen. Right now the function is set up to read the screen size from the EDF file (this should be a part of the experiment code). so that the center of the plot is equal to the center of the screen.

Then we have 3 plots that say something about the quality of the data. We have 1 plot with bridged channels, this one is empty if there are no bridged channels. For this we use plotting_bridged_channels, which is an adaptation on eBridge, this is only ran on an individual level. We also look at the location of the deleted channels using plot_deleted_chan_location and combine these on a group level using plot_group_deleted_chan_location. Lastly we show the remaining compontens (so the not deleted ones) from the ICA. This should give some insight into the state of the data.

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