- cmake > 3.28
- clang > 17
As a general entry-point See: Template
#list available presets with
#> cmake --list-presets
cmake --preset=Debug::Emscripten && cmake --build --preset=Debug::Emscripten
- Debug::Unix (clang + Ninja)
- Release::Unix (clang + Ninja)
- Debug::Windows (MSVC)
- Release::Windows (MSVC)
- Debug::Emscripten (emcc + Ninja)
- Release::Emscripten (emcc + Ninja)
In vscode with cmake-tools
Select a Configuration and Build Preset from the Status bar
Or view Command Palette [CTRL+Shift+P]
- CMake: Select Configure Preset
- CMake: Configure
- CMake: Build [F7]
.cache/emsdk/upstream/emscripten/emrun --hostname=localhost --no_browser build/Debug-Emscripten/Examples
- Lauch emrun with [ctrl+shift+b]
- Open Browser @ http://localhost:6931