You can find the new ChloePy Chatbot in Python. It's more simple and powerful.
Chloe is a telegram chat bot backended by openai.
You can talk to her 1 on 1 or in group chat. In group chat you need to name her at the beginning of your question or @ her bot username.
Please change config.yml and put your own keys there.
You need to get 3 things done to make this work:
- An OpenAI apikey: get one free at .
- A telegram bot: send /newbot to BotFather on telegram.
- (optional) An api key on for free, if you want to produce text-to-speech synthesis voice.
Run command:
go run main.go
go build && ./chloe
Run with docker(recommended, this includes pyservice):
- in docker dir
- modify your .env file for detectlanguage apikey
- docker-compose up
Have fun!
Ask question in voice(if you want a reply in voice you need to setup pyservice localy):