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A read-only Unity assets extractor for Kotlin based on AssetStudio and refers to UnityPy.

All the C++ code used to decode texture compression come from AssetStudio/Texture2DDecoderNative.

7zip-LZMA SDK is included to decompress bundle files.

If you encounter an error and want to start a new issue, remember to submit the assets files as well.

Many things are not tested yet.


  • Load
    • File(s)
    • Folder
      • Files under the folder only, or
      • All reachable files under the folder, recursively.
    • ByteArray, bytes of an asset bundle file.
      • A String is required as the identifier "file name" of this ByteArray.
  • UnityAssetManager
    • The entry point of loading object. It contains all objects read from all files that are loaded through it, except AssetBundle objects.
    • Use with three parameters assetRootFolder, readerConfig and debugOutput to get an instance.
      • assetRootFolder is optional (nullable), and it can be a, java.nio.file.Path or just a String. When present, it will be used by PPtr to look for object according to the mDependencies in the AssetBundle object of the file.
      • readerConfig is the loading configuration and is also optional.
      • debugOutput is a lambda function takes a String. It is used to redirect the debug information. By default, it does nothing.
  • Loading Configurations
    • When loading file(s)/folder/ByteArray, an optional ReaderConfig can also be passed to override the configuration given to the manager, or the configuration given to the manager will be used by default.
    • The configuration will be applied before loading.
    • offsetMode - MANUAL or AUTO; Default: MANUAL
      • If the offsetMode is AUTO, all the \x00 bytes at the beginning of the file will be ignored. The reading of the file will start at the first non-zero byte. The config manualOffset is ignored under this mode.
      • If the offsetMode is MANUAL, the number of bytes that is ignored depends on manualOffset.
    • manualOffset: Int; Default: 0
      • Determine the number of bytes that needs to be ignored at the beginning of the file, no matter the byte is \x00 or not.
      • This property works under OffsetMode.MANUAL mode only, will be ignored under AUTO mode.
      • e.g. If an asset bundle file has 1024 bytes of useless non-zero data at the beginning, these bytes can be skipped by setting offsetMode to MANUAL and setting manualOffset to 1024.
  • ImportContext
    • For each file loaded, an ImportContext with file name and directory will be returned. An ImportContext contains all objects read from the file.
    • When load files/folder, an array of ImportContext will be returned.
    • Don't forget to call the method close() to close and release the resources used by the manager, or call the static method closeAll() in UnityAssetManager to release resources used by all manager instances. It implements Closeable interface, so the function use for Closeable can be used.
  • Object Reading
    • The data of a UnityObject will not be read until you access any of its properties.
      • However, access to the fields related to the UnityObject's metadata will not cause the initialization of the UnityObject.
        • e.g. Its assetFile which is a SerializedFile, mPathID, unityVersion, etc. Those are the fields enclosed in the metadata region. See UnityObject class.
  • Shortcuts
    • See utils.kt and PPtr.kt
    • Should always use PPtr<T>.safeGetObj() or PPtr<T>.getObj() to get the object, or use PPtr<*>.safeGetObjAs<T: UnityObject>() to get and cast.


So far the objects that can export data includes:

  • Mesh
    • exportString - A string with the same content as exporting mesh to .obj file using AssetStudio.
    • exportVertices - The data of lines starts with "v" in the .obj file, grouped by Vector3.
    • exportUV - The data of lines starts with "vt" in the .obj file, grouped by Vector2. Only the data mUV0 is exported.
    • exportNormals - The data of lines starts with "vn" in the .obj file, grouped by Vector3.
    • exportFaces - The data of lines starts with "f" in the .obj file, grouped by Vector3.
  • Texture2D
    • getRawData - Returns compressed texture data in ByteArray.
    • getDecompressedData - Image data as ByteArray after decoding. Can be used to create image directly. The color channels are BGRA. The size of the array is mWidth * mHeight * 4.
    • getImage - A BufferedImage created from the decompressed data. It is usually up-side-down.
    • If the format of the texture is unsupported, both functions will return null.
  • Sprite
    • getImage - An BufferedImage cropped from a Texture2D image. Will return null if the Texture2D object is not found or the format is unsupported.
      • The packing mode SpritePackingMode.Tight is not supported yet.
  • TextAsset
    • text(charset) - This function is used to export content in this object as String. A Charset can be passed as a parameter, by default it is Charsets.UTF_8.
  • Shader
    • exportString - Export as String. Include the Spir-V Shader data (experimental).
  • AudioClip and VideoClip
    • getRawData - To get the raw data ByteArray. The export functions are not implemented yet.
  • All objects
    • typeTreeJson - A JSONObject contains all the properties they have, including those properties that is not implemented yet. The json could be null.
      • May throw exception for some types of object like Font because of some unsolved problems.


Used openJDK 11.0.10 and Kotlin Language 1.8.21.

Note: The decoding for texture compression of Texture2D that needs to call native library is available on Windows 64-bit JVM only.

  • Gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Deficuet:UnityKt:{version}'
  • Maven


  • SBT

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""

libraryDependencies += "com.github.Deficuet" % "UnityKt" % "{version}"	
  • Leiningen

:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]

:dependencies [[com.github.Deficuet/UnityKt "{version}"]]


Example for reading and saving an image from a Texture2D object.

import io.github.deficuet.unitykt.*
import io.github.deficuet.unitykt.classes.*
import javax.imageio.ImageIO

fun main() { {
        val context: ImportContext = it.loadFile("C:/path/to/AssetBundle.aab")
        //If there is no Texture2D object, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown. 
        //Use the function firstOfOrNull<>() if the existence of the object is not guaranteed.
        //The data of this Texture2D object has not been read yet.
        val tex: Texture2D = context.objects.firstObjectOf<Texture2D>()
        //The object data will initialize as long as you access its properties.
        tex.getImage()?.let {
            ImageIO.write(it, "png", File("C:/whatever/you/want/name.png"))
        //The manager will automatically close under the scope of 'use' function.
    // Instantiate another manager
    ).use {
        //Loading configurations
        //The new config with mode `MANUAL` and offset `217` will be used, instead of the default config.
        //The files and objects loaded by this manager will not show in previous manager.
        val context = it.loadFolder("C:/foo/bar", ReaderConfig(OffsetMode.MANUAL, 217))

        //The manager holds all the objects loaded through it,
        // except those AssetBundle objects, their PathID is usually (always?) 1.

        context.objectMap.getAs<Material>(4054671897103428721)      //Map<Long, UnityObject>.getAs<T: UnityObject>(pathId: Long): T
                                                                    //                  or  .safeGetAs<T: UnityObject>(pathId: Long): T?
            .mSavedProperties.mTexEnvs.values.first()[0].mTexture   //PPtr<Texture>
            .safeGetObj()       // if PPtr can not find the object under the same assetFile (SerializedFile)
                                // nor others loaded assetFiles, it will return null.
                                // don't forget to load all dependencies first
            ?.safeCast<Texture2D>()?.getImage()?.let { image ->
                ImageIO.write(image, "png", File("C:/whatever/you/want/name.png"))


  • 2024.01.02

    • Refactor
    • Renamed Object to UnityObject.
    • Fixed some errors and incorrect behaviors in Matrix4x4 and PPtr.
    • Removed implementation of Font object because of some unsolved errors.
    • Extended some fields for GameObject and VideoClip.
    • ...many other things.
  • 2022.12.25

    • Create Canvas object, tested on version 2018.4.34f1, not guaranteed to be stable on other versions.
  • 2022.12.23

    • Catch up on the newest version of AssetStudio. Try to optimize memory use, re-design some structures.
  • 2022.02.20

    • Publish on JitPack
  • 2022.02.19

    • Add the export functions for MonoBehaviour, TextAsset and Shader.
    • Change AssetManager from an object singleton to an instance class.


Unity AssetBundle Extractor for Kotlin







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