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Troubleshooting: Upgrading

Tom edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 1 revision

The following warning message may be displayed after upgrading the Reports module:

"It looks like you upgraded from a previous version of the Reports module. Due to a minor limitation, there are a few manual steps that must be performed to properly clean up old files. Please read the DesktopModules/Reports/AppCodeCleanup.text file for instructions. This message will disappear when the clean-up is complete".

This warning indicates that a Code Sub-directory could not be found. The information below (and the steps documented in the DesktopModules/Reports/AppCodeCleanup.text file) may correct the issue:

In this version of the Reports Module, the module has been converted from an "App_Code-based" module to a pre-compiled module. If upgraded from a previous version, the App_Code/Reports directory must be removed. The upgrade process should have emptied this folder, but due to some minor limitations, the directory itself cannot simply be removed. Follow the steps below to remove the directory. Removing this directory is not mandatory, as the site should operate correctly if it is not removed. However, it is recommended you remove it to ensure that no issues arise.

Open the web.config file and remove the entire line:

<add directoryName="Reports" /> from the area between

<codeSubDirectories> and </codeSubDirectories>

E.g. If the web.config contains the following:

<add directoryName="HTML" />
<add directoryName="Reports" />

After this process, this section should contain the following:

<add directoryName="HTML" />

Finally, delete the App_Code/Reports folder.