This repo contains the project for the UNIPI Advanced Software Engineering course.
The project members are:
- Deri Gabriele
- Turchetti Gabriele
The project consists of a gacha game where the gacha items are pieces of chess. A player can buy a packet where it can pull diverse pieces with specific probabilities, or it can obtain the pieces joining the audicions created by other players.
In this section it's explained how to run the application (both backend and frontend).
To run the backend:
cd server
docker compose up
First it's needed to install the dependencies for the client. So, from the project forlder:
cd client/chess-heroes
npm install
To run the client from the chess-heroes folder:
npm start
In this section it's explained how to perform unit, integration and performance tests.
First remove all previous volumes and images (if you had already executed unit tests):
cd server
docker compose -f docker-compose-unit-tests.yml down -v
Then, to build the docker compose and run the backend:
docker compose -f docker-compose-unit-tests.yml up
In order to perform unit tests you have to import the collections in Postman (from the folder docs/tests/unit_tests
) and execute them. The order of the individual collections is not important, but a fresh environment is needed.
Before starting the build remove all volumes and images from the unit tests (if you had executed them), so that the service starts with a fresh environment:
cd server
docker compose -f docker-compose-unit-tests.yml down -v
This is needed so that we do not get errors when creating a new user which could result in a duplicate user. Then, to perform the integration tests:
docker compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml down -v
docker compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml up
In order to perform unit tests you have to import the collections in Postman (from the folder docs/tests/integration_tests
) and execute them. The order of the individual collections is not important, but a fresh environment is needed.
As the integration tests, to run the performance tests it's needed to clean the environment from the previous tests (if they were made). So:
docker compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml down -v
docker compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml up
Now go to the performance_tests forder and run the first collection of tests:
cd docs/tests/performance_tests
The host is https://localhost:3000
For the distribution tests:
locust -f
The distribution of the last test is written in output when the test stops. The distribution is rappresented by a dictionary where the keys are the grade of the pieces pulled (C
for common, R
for rare and SR
for super rare).