Interact with your favourite Chat Bot (ChatGPT) with voice, also play saved musics with it. It can more functions than ChatGPT like shutting down computer , playing songs. It uses ChatGPT api to assist you. If you found it helpful, please STAR IT.
For custom chatbot, dm me on instagram @coding_memz
Add following info into config.json file
- Name
- Music directory where songs are stored on your computer.
- GPT Organization Name
git clone
cd Jarivs-GPT
pip install -r requirements.txt
- change config.json
sudo python3
This is created and tested it on Windows 11, Also on Manjaro. It will work perfectly on Windows. Soon i'll add web interface. Its still under testing so if you found any bug, report it.
Will Add Soon
- Paypal: @maazwaheed123
For any help iam mostly active on instagram @cyber_dioxide , @coding_memz