Submit a pull request to have your subplebbit added, or contact devs on Telegram @plebbit.
In the future, this process will be automated by submitting proposals to a plebbit DAO, using the plebbit token.
- "adult" (NSFW)
- "anti" (NSFW): all subs anti-something
- "country": all country-centered subs
- "ens": all .eth subs
- "gore" (NSFW)
- "international": all non-english subs
- "plebbit": all plebbit-related subs
- "project": all subs about a specific project
- "random": all multiple-topic or memes subs
- "sns": all .sol subs
- "support"
- "token": all subs dedicated to specific tokens
- "topic": all single-topic subs
a nsfw sub must have at least one of the specific nsfw tags
specific topic/interest tags (like politics, news, video, music, pics, etc) may be added if enough subs share the specific topic (ie. a category is needed)