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Set up with Docker

  1. Create a docker-compose.env.yaml file in the project folder:

    • you can use docker-compose.env.yaml.template as a base, it does not need any changes if you want all features enables
    • change DEBUG and the rest of the Django settings if needed
    • set entrypoint/startup variables according to taste
      • SETUP_DEV_OIDC, creates a working OIDC environment
      • CREATE_SUPERUSER, creates a superuser with credentials admin:admin ([email protected])
      • APPLY_MIGRATIONS, applies migrations on startup
      • GENERATE_OPENID_KEY, generates a RSA key on startup
  2. Run docker-compose up

The project is now running at localhost:8000

Set up w/o Docker


Tunnistamo runs on postresql. Install the server on Debian based systems with:

apt install postgresql

Then create a postgres user and db as root:

createuser <your username>
createdb -O <your username> tunnistamo


Clone the repo:

git clone
cd tunnistamo

Initiate a virtualenv and install the Python requirements:

pyenv virtualenv 3.9.10 tunnistamo-env
pyenv local tunnistamo-env
pip install -r requirements.txt

You may choose some other Python version to install but currently Tunnistamo requires Python 3.

Create in the repo base dir containing the following line:

DEBUG = True

In case you want to modify the default database configurations, you may also modify them in the same file by adding these lines:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'custom_database',
        'USER': 'custom_user',
        'PASSWORD': 'your_password',
        'HOST': '',

Run migrations:

python migrate

Create admin user:

python createsuperuser

Create RSA keys:

python manage_openid_keys

In order to automatically rotate the server RSA key at set intervals the above command should be added to cron.daily.

Run dev server:

python runserver

and login to using the admin user credentials.

To access the themed views you also need to install npm and run npm install at the project root.


Outdated Python dependencies

Tunnistamo uses pip-tools to manage the Python dependencies.

Update the requirements with:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip-compile --upgrade
pip-compile --upgrade
pip-compile --upgrade


Client IP obtaining

Tunnistamo uses django-ipware to obtain client ip addresses for user login history entries. By default, a client ip address is read from REMOTE_ADDR. If you need to use some HTTP header(s) instead, for instance when deploying Tunnistamo behind a reverse proxy, use setting IPWARE_META_PRECEDENCE_ORDER to set the header(s), for example:


Getting geo location data for IP addresses

In order to get geo location data for IP addresses, which is in included user login history entries if available, you'll need GeoLite2 City dataset in binary format from here. Unzip it to somewhere (inside this repo /data/ is the preferred place as that is in .gitignore), and add setting GEOIP_PATH pointing to that directory.

See Django docs for more info.

Rotating server RSA keys with Key Manager

For added security the server RSA keys, used to sign/encrypt ID tokens, should be rotated at regular intervals. This can be done automatically with the Django admin utility manage_openid_keys provided in the Key Manager module. This utility performs the following tasks:

  1. If there are no server RSA keys one is created with KEY_MANAGER_RSA_KEY_LENGTH bits (default 4096).
  2. If an RSA key is older than KEY_MANAGER_RSA_KEY_MAX_AGE days the key is expired and a new one is created.
    • This happens also for all existing keys not recognized by the Key Manager
  3. If an RSA key has been expired over KEY_MANAGER_RSA_KEY_EXPIRATION_PERIOD days ago it is removed from the system.

This command should be run on production servers at regular intervals, e.g. once a day, using cron or similar tool.

See OIDC_provider docs for more information about server RSA keys.

Configuring access levels authentication provider has dynamic scopes and claims based on access levels and attributes configured in a YAML file. The default YAML file, suomifi_fields.yaml, has configurations for suppea, keskilaaja and laaja access levels. The resulting OIDC scopes will be suomifi_suppea, suomifi_keskilaaja and suomifi_laaja, respectively. The claims these scopes provide are maps with the friendlyName of the attribute as key and the value of that attribute as value.

The YAML file can be processed using command:

python populate_suomifi_attributes --load suomifi_fields.yaml

API documentation

When the dev server is running, auto-generated API documentation is available at http://localhost:8000/docs/


This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.