To download and install the dotfiles run the following command in your terminal:
bash <(curl -s
This installs:
- git
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- vim
Afterwards it downloads the dotfiles
repository and calls
to create aliases to the config files. Restart the system.
If password-error occurs then restart the system and rerun script.
If there is no USERNAME variable set, run:
USERNAME=user123 bash <(curl -s
The zsh installer may tell you to reopen your terminal and
stops at this point. The command ...
chsh -s /bin/zsh user123
... changes the login shell for the user user123 to zsh. To finish this adjustment of the user configuration it is necessary to stop the current session and login again. Remove or move your ~/.zshrc
file because it will be replaced by a symbolic link to the local clone of the dotfiles repository. Put your user specific configurations to ~/.zshrc.user
or run
cat .bashrc >> .zshrc.user
Check the ~/.installed
folder and rerun the installation script using the zsh.
Get all vim plugins by executing (in vim):
To use powerline fonts, execute ~/Documents/sources/dotfiles/
select a powerline font in the terminal preferences (for example
Droid Sans Mono for Powerline
There are two scripts to customize the settings:
in which the leader should be definedafter.vimrc
to change user specific settings like the colorscheme
For YouCompleteMe with C/C++ support run:
cd ~/.vundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer --system-libclang --system-boost
(do later) For YouCompleteMe with JavaScript support run:
cd ~/.vundle/tern_for_vim
npm install
The .gitconfig
file loads a ~/.gitconfig.user
file which must
be created manually and should user specific settings like:
name = Username
email = [email protected]
user = username
You can check this modification with
git config
If you use Github's two factor authentication and want to store the personal access token in the gnome keyring, install it using the package manager:
sudo apt-get install libgnome-keyring-dev
Afterwards go into the git installation directory ~/Documents/sources/git-.../
. The execute the following commands:
cd contrib/credential/gnome-keyring
sudo make
sudo cp git-credential-gnome-keyring /usr/local/bin
The zsh settings can be customized in the .zshrc.user
where further paths can be added to PATH.
script or the package manager, if it contains the same or a newer version:
sudo apt-get install tmux tmuxinator