You can still run CGNet in the open-cd repository.
The Pytorch implementation for::gift::gift::gift: “Change Guiding Network: Incorporating Change Prior to Guide Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery,” IEEE J. SEL. TOP. APPL. EARTH OBS. REMOTE SENS., PP. 1–17, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3310208. C. HAN, C. WU, H. GUO, M. HU, J.Li AND H. CHEN, 😋😋😋
[2 Sep. 2023] Release the first version of the CGNet
-Pytorch 1.8.0
-torchvision 0.9.0
-python 3.8
-tensorboardx 2.4
-Cuda 11.3.1
-Cudnn 11.3
python --epoch 50 --batchsize 8 --gpu_id '1' --data_name 'WHU' --model_name 'CGNet'
python --gpu_id '1' --data_name 'WHU' --model_name 'CGNet'
You can change data_name for different datasets like "LEVIR", "WHU", "SYSU", "S2Looking", "CDD", and "DSIFN".
You can directly test our model by our provided CGNet weights in output/WHU, LEVIR, SYSU, S2Looking, CDD, and DSIFN
. Download in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023 😋😋😋
And also we provide all test results of our CGNet in the CGNetTestResult!!!! Download in CGNetTestResult or Baidu Disk,pwd:2023 😋😋😋
LEVIR-CD: , our paper split in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023
WHU-CD: ,our paper split in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023
SYSU-CD: Our paper split in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023
S2Looking-CD: Our paper split in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023
CDD-CD: Our split in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023
DSIFN-CD: Our split in Baidu Disk,pwd:2023
Note: We crop all datasets to a slice of 256×256 before training with it.
LEVIR-CD or WHU-CD or SYSU-CD or S2Looking-CD
| |—A
| |—B
| |—label
| |—A
| |—B
| |—label
| |—A
| |—B
| |—label
Where A contains images of the first temporal image, B contains images of the second temporal image, and label contains ground truth maps.
Although our proposed method of CGNet does not achieve the effect of SOTA on CDD-CD and DSIFN-CD datasets, we still provide our results here for the convenience of peer comparison experiments.
Thanks to all my co-authors Haonan Guo,Meiqi Hu,Jiepan Li, and Hongruixuan Chen. Thanks for their great work!!
If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.
author={Han, Chengxi and Wu, Chen and Guo, Haonan and Hu, Meiqi and Jiepan Li, and Chen, Hongruixuan},
journal={IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing},
title={Change Guiding Network: Incorporating Change Prior to Guide Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery},
[1] C. HAN, C. WU, H. GUO, M. HU, J.Li, AND H. CHEN, “Change Guiding Network: Incorporating Change Prior to Guide Change Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery,” IEEE J. SEL. TOP. APPL.EARTH OBS. REMOTE SENS., PP. 1–17, 2023, DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3310208 .
[2] C. HAN, C. WU, H. GUO, M. HU, AND H. CHEN, “HANet: A hierarchical attention network for change detection with bi-temporal very-high-resolution remote sensing images,” IEEE J. SEL. TOP. APPL.EARTH OBS. REMOTE SENS., PP. 1–17, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3264802.
[3] HCGMNET: A Hierarchical Change Guiding Map Network For Change Detection.
[4]C. Wu et al., "Traffic Density Reduction Caused by City Lockdowns Across the World During the COVID-19 Epidemic: From the View of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 5180-5193, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3078611.