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Add IntaRNA biocontainer API
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kMutagene committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 43fadc6 commit a659496
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Showing 3 changed files with 308 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .paket/Paket.Restore.targets
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Expand Up @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@

<_NuspecFiles Include="$(AdjustedNuspecOutputPath)\*.$(PackageVersion).nuspec"/>
<_NuspecFiles Include="$(AdjustedNuspecOutputPath)\*.nuspec"/>

<Exec Command='$(PaketCommand) fix-nuspecs files "@(_NuspecFiles)" project-file "$(PaketProjectFile)" ' Condition="@(_NuspecFiles) != ''" />
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/BioFSharp.BioTools/BioFSharp.BioTools.fsproj
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<Compile Include="FastP.fs" />
<Compile Include="Hera.fs" />
<Compile Include="HMMER.fs" />
<Compile Include="IntaRNA.fs" />
<Compile Include="TargetP.fs" />
<Compile Include="Tmhmm.fs" />
<None Include="BioFSharp.BioTools.fsx" />
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306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions src/BioFSharp.BioTools/IntaRNA.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
namespace BioFSharp.BioTools

module IntaRNA =

//TO-DO: add full argument support. Currently only basic arguments are wrapped.

open BioContainer

/// -q [ --query ] arg
///either an RNA sequence or the stream/file name from where to read the query sequences (shouldbe the shorter sequences to increaseefficiency);
///sequences have to use IUPACnucleotide encoding
type QueryInputOptions =
///RNA sequence string
|RNASequence of string
///stream/file name from where to read the query sequences
|File of string

static member make = function
|RNASequence s -> ["-q"; s]
|File f -> ["-q"; f]

static member makeWith (m:MountInfo) =
let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
|RNASequence s -> ["-q"; s]
|File f -> ["-q"; cPath f]

/// --qAcc arg (=C)
/// accessibility computation :
/// 'N' no accessibility contributions
/// 'C' computation of accessibilities
/// 'P' unpaired probabilities in RNAplfold format
/// from --qAccFile
/// 'E' ED values in RNAplfold Pu-like format from
/// --qAccFile
type QueryAcessibilityComputationTypeOptions =
///'N' no accessibility contributions
///'C' computation of accessibilities
///'P' unpaired probabilities in RNAplfold format
///'E' ED values in RNAplfold Pu-like format from

static member make = function
|NoContributions -> ["--qAcc=N"]
|Compute -> ["--qAcc=C"]
|UnpairedFromFile -> ["--qAcc=P"]
|EDValuesFromFile -> ["--qAcc=E"]

type QueryAcessibilityComputationOptions =

|QueryAcessibilityComputationType of QueryAcessibilityComputationTypeOptions

/// --qAccW arg (=150) accessibility computation : sliding window size
/// for query accessibility computation (arg in
/// range [0,99999]; 0 will use to the full sequence
/// length). Note, this also restricts the maximal
/// interaction length (see --qIntLenMax).
|SlidingWindowSize of int
/// --qAccL arg (=100) accessibility computation : maximal loop length
/// (base pair span) for query accessibility
/// computation (arg in range [0,99999]; 0 will use
/// to sliding window size 'qAccW')
|MaximalLoopLength of int

static member make = function
|QueryAcessibilityComputationType t -> QueryAcessibilityComputationTypeOptions.make t
|SlidingWindowSize i -> [sprintf "--qAccW=%i" i]
|MaximalLoopLength i -> [sprintf "--qAccL=%i" i]

type QueryOptions =
|QueryInput of QueryInputOptions
|QueryAcessibilityComputation of QueryAcessibilityComputationOptions list

static member make = function
|QueryInput qi -> QueryInputOptions.make qi
|QueryAcessibilityComputation cList -> cList |> QueryAcessibilityComputationOptions.make |> List.concat

static member makeWith (m:MountInfo) =
let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
|QueryInput qi -> (QueryInputOptions.makeWith m) qi
|QueryAcessibilityComputation cList -> cList |> QueryAcessibilityComputationOptions.make |> List.concat

// -t [ --target ] arg either an RNA sequence or the stream/file name
// from where to read the target sequences (should
// be the longer sequences to increase efficiency);
// use 'STDIN' to read from standard input stream;
// sequences have to use IUPAC nucleotide encoding

type TargetInputOptions =
|RNASequence of string
|File of string

static member make = function
|RNASequence s -> ["-t"; s]
|File f -> ["-t"; f]

static member makeWith (m:MountInfo) =
let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
|RNASequence s -> ["-t"; s]
|File f -> ["-t"; cPath f]

// --tAcc arg (=C) accessibility computation :
// 'N' no accessibility contributions
// 'C' computation of accessibilities
// 'P' unpaired probabilities in RNAplfold format
// from --tAccFile
// 'E' ED values in RNAplfold Pu-like format from
// --tAccFile

type TargetAcessibilityComputationTypeOptions =

static member make = function
|NoContributions -> ["--tAcc=N"]
|Compute -> ["--tAcc=C"]
|UnpairedFromFile -> ["--tAcc=P"]
|EDValuesFromFile -> ["--tAcc=E"]

type TargetAcessibilityComputationOptions =
|TargetAcessibilityComputationType of TargetAcessibilityComputationTypeOptions

// --tAccW arg (=150) accessibility computation : sliding window size
// for query accessibility computation (arg in
// range [0,99999]; 0 will use the full sequence
// length) Note, this also restricts the maximal
// interaction length (see --tIntLenMax).
|SlidingWindowSize of int

// --tAccL arg (=100) accessibility computation : maximal loop size
// (base pair span) for query accessibility
// computation (arg in range [0,99999]; 0 will use
// the sliding window size 'tAccW')
|MaximalLoopLength of int

static member make = function
|TargetAcessibilityComputationType t -> TargetAcessibilityComputationTypeOptions.make t
|SlidingWindowSize i -> [sprintf "--tAccW=%i" i]
|MaximalLoopLength i -> [sprintf "--tAccL=%i" i]

type TargetOptions =
|TargetInput of TargetInputOptions
|TargetAcessibilityComputation of TargetAcessibilityComputationOptions list

static member make = function
|TargetInput ti -> TargetInputOptions.make ti
|TargetAcessibilityComputation cList -> cList |> TargetAcessibilityComputationOptions.make |> List.concat

static member makeWith (m:MountInfo) =
let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
|TargetInput ti -> (TargetInputOptions.makeWith m) ti
|TargetAcessibilityComputation cList -> cList |> TargetAcessibilityComputationOptions.make |> List.concat

//Helix (only if --model=H):
type HelixOptions =
/// --helixMinBP arg (=2) minimal number of base pairs inside a helix (arg
/// in range [2,4])
|MinBP of int
/// --helixMaxBP arg (=10) maximal number of base pairs inside a helix (arg
/// in range [2,20])
|MaxBP of int
/// --helixMaxIL arg (=0) maximal size for each internal loop size in a
/// helix (arg in range [0,2]).
|MaxInternalLoop of float
/// --helixMaxED arg (=999) maximal ED-value allowed (per sequence) during
/// helix computation (arg in range [-999,999]).
|MaxEDValue of float
/// --helixMaxE arg (=0) maximal energy considered during helix
/// computation (arg in range [-999,999]).
|MaxEnergy of float
/// --helixWithED if present, ED-values will be used within the
/// energy evaluation of a helix

static member make = function
|Default ->[""]
|MinBP i ->[sprintf "--helixMinBP=%i" i]
|MaxBP i ->[sprintf "--helixMaxBP=%i" i]
|MaxInternalLoop f ->[sprintf "--helixMaxIL=%f" f]
|MaxEDValue f ->[sprintf "--helixMaxED=%f" f]
|MaxEnergy f ->[sprintf "--helixMaxE=%f" f]
|WithED ->["--helixWithED"]

/// -m [ --mode ] arg (=H) prediction mode

type PredictionModeOptions =
///'H' = heuristic (fast and low memory),
|Heuristic of HelixOptions list
///'M' = exact and low memory
///'E' = exact (high memory)

static member make = function
|Heuristic hList-> ("--mode=H":: (hList |> HelixOptions.make |> List.concat))
|ExactLowMemory -> ["--mode=M"]
|Exact -> ["--mode=E"]

type SeedOptions =
/// --noSeed if present, no seed is enforced within the
/// predicted interactions
/// --seedTQ arg comma separated list of explicit seed base pair
/// encoding(s) in the format startTbpsT&startQbpsQ,
/// e.g. '3|||.|&7||.||', where startT/Q are the
/// indices of the 5' seed ends in target/query
/// sequence and 'bps' the dot-bar base pair
/// encodings. This disables all other seed
/// constraints and seed identification.
|SeedList of string
/// --seedBP arg (=7) number of inter-molecular base pairs within the
/// seed region (arg in range [2,20])
|BPAmount of int
/// --seedMaxUP arg (=0) maximal overall number (query+target) of
/// unpaired bases within the seed region (arg in
/// range [0,20])
|MaxUnpairedBases of int

static member make = function
|NoSeed -> ["--noSeed"]
|SeedList sL -> [sprintf "--seedTQ=%s" sL ]
|BPAmount i -> [sprintf "--seedBP=%i" i ]
|MaxUnpairedBases i -> [sprintf "--seedMaxUP=%i" i ]

/// --outMode arg (=N)
type OutputModeOptions =
///'N' normal output (ASCII char + energy),
///'D' detailed output (ASCII char + energy/position details),
///'C' CSV output (see --outCsvCols),

static member make = function
|Normal -> ["--outMode=N"]
|Detailed -> ["--outMode=D"]
|CSV -> ["--outMode=C"]

///Top level type for modelling basic command line arguments for IntaRNA
type IntaRNAParams =
| Query of QueryOptions list
| Target of TargetOptions list
| PredictionMode of PredictionModeOptions list
| Seed of SeedOptions list
| OutputMode of OutputModeOptions

static member makeCmd = function
| Query qList -> qList |> QueryOptions.make |> List.concat
| Target tList -> tList |> TargetOptions.make |> List.concat
| PredictionMode pList -> pList |> PredictionModeOptions.make |> List.concat
| Seed sList -> sList |> SeedOptions.make |> List.concat
| OutputMode o -> OutputModeOptions.make o

static member makeCmdWith (m:MountInfo) =
let cPath p = (MountInfo.containerPathOf m p)
| Query qList -> qList |> (QueryOptions.makeWith m) |> List.concat
| Target tList -> tList |> (TargetOptions.makeWith m) |> List.concat
| PredictionMode pList -> pList |> PredictionModeOptions.make |> List.concat
| Seed sList -> sList |> SeedOptions.make |> List.concat
| OutputMode o -> OutputModeOptions.make o

let runIntaRNAAsync (bcContext:BioContainer.BcContext) (opt:IntaRNAParams list) =
let cmds = opt |> (IntaRNAParams.makeCmdWith bcContext.Mount)
let tp = "IntaRNA"::(cmds |> List.concat)
printfn "starting process IntaRNA\r\nparameters:"
cmds |> List.iter (fun op -> printfn "\t%s" (String.concat " " op))

async {
let! res = BioContainer.execReturnAsync bcContext tp
return res

///Runs IntaRNA with the given the input parameters in a container specified by the bcContext
let runIntaRNA (bcContext:BioContainer.BcContext) (opt:IntaRNAParams list) =
runIntaRNAAsync bcContext opt
|> Async.RunSynchronously

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