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add getCorrelationAtCoor
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bvenn committed Sep 20, 2019
1 parent 6807375 commit 57efb60
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 20 deletions.
89 changes: 69 additions & 20 deletions src/BioFSharp.ImgP/Trace.fs
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Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ module Ricker =

module Trace =

[<Obsolete("Do not use anymore. Switch to getCorrelationAtCoor instead.")>]
let inline cwtDataOfCoor (marr: Marr.MarrWavelet) y x (paddedData:seq<'a[,]>)=
///calculates the wavelet transformation at position 'x,y' with MarrWavelet 'marr'
let C3DWTatPositionAndFrame (marr: Marr.MarrWavelet) (paddedframe:'a[,]) y x =
Expand All @@ -89,13 +91,33 @@ module Trace =
for a = 0 to 2*offset do
for b = 0 to 2*offset do
acc <- ((marr.Values).[a,b] * ((paddedframe).[((x+offsetpadding)+(a-offset)),((y+offsetpadding)+(b-offset))] |> float) )::acc
acc |> List.fold (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0. //CONSTANT ENERGY times 1/(sqrt |scale|)
|> List.sum
|> fun x -> x / (sqrt (Math.Abs marr.Scale)) //CONSTANT ENERGY times 1/(sqrt |scale|)
let result =
[|0..(Seq.length paddedData) - 1|]
|> (fun fr ->
C3DWTatPositionAndFrame marr (paddedData |> Seq.item fr) y x)

///calculates the correlations value at a specified coordinate
let inline getCorrelationAtCoor borderpadding (marr: Marr.MarrWavelet) y x (paddedData:seq<'a[,]>)=
///calculates the wavelet transformation at position 'x,y' with MarrWavelet 'marr'
let C3DWTatPositionAndFrame (paddedframe:'a[,]) y x =
let offset = marr.PadAreaRadius
Array2D.init (2*offset) (2*offset) (fun a b ->
let waveletvalue = (marr.Values).[a,b]
let datavalue = float paddedframe.[((x+borderpadding)+(a-offset)),((y+borderpadding)+(b-offset))]
waveletvalue * datavalue)
|> Array2D.toLongColumnArray
|> Array.sum
|> fun x -> x / (sqrt (Math.Abs marr.Scale))

let result =
Array.init (Seq.length paddedData) (fun fr -> C3DWTatPositionAndFrame (paddedData |> Seq.item fr) y x)

[<Obsolete("Do not use anymore. Switch to getTraceOfBestCorrelation instead.")>]
let inline findTraceOfBestCoor marrList (paddedData:seq<'a[,]>) (coor:float*float) =
let yCoor = (fst coor) |> Core.Operators.round |> int
let xCoor = (snd coor) |> Core.Operators.round |> int
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|> (fun x ->
let corrcoeff = cwtDataOfCoor x yCoor xCoor paddedData

//searches for the index of the wavelet in marrList with the highest score (representing the best matching waveletfunction).
let indexOfBestScale =
let foldedIntensities=
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let radius = (marrList.[indexOfBestScale]).Zero

///calculates the correlation values of a specified coordinate with given wavelets and returns the trace of highest correlation
let inline getTraceOfBestCorrelation borderpadding marrList (paddedData:seq<'a[,]>) (coor:float*float) =
let yCoor = (fst coor) |> round 0 |> int
let xCoor = (snd coor) |> round 0 |> int
//calculates the summed correlation values of each wavelet transformed trace
let intensityList =
|> (fun x ->
getCorrelationAtCoor borderpadding x yCoor xCoor paddedData
|> Array.sum)
//gives the index of the best matching waveletfunction based on summed correlation values for each wavelet
let indexOfBestScale =
|> List.indexed
|> List.maxBy snd
|> fst
//trace of highest correlation (best matching waveletfunction at this position)
let trace = intensityList.[indexOfBestScale]
//radius of the best matching waveletfunction at this position
let radius = (marrList.[indexOfBestScale]).Zero

[<Obsolete("Do not use anymore. Use FSharp.Stats.Signal.Padding.Discrete.padRnd with borderpadding=20,000 instead.")>]
///padds the trace with 20k data points randomly selected for
let paddTrace (cwtTrace:float[])=
let rnd = System.Random()
let padding = 20000 //number of zeros the data is padded with
let listRnd = (fun x -> cwtTrace.[rnd.Next(0,cwtTrace.Length-1)]|> float ) [|0..padding-1|]
let listRnd = Array.init padding (fun _ -> cwtTrace.[rnd.Next(0,cwtTrace.Length-1)]|> float )
let paddedCWT3Dtrace = Array.append (Array.append listRnd cwtTrace) listRnd

///computes the continious wavelet transform of the padded trace with wavelet type Ricker.
let cWT1D (paddedTrace: float []) (myRicker: Ricker.myRicker)=
let padding = 20000
///computes the continuous wavelet transform of the padded trace with wavelet type myRicker.
let transform2D borderpadding (myRicker: Ricker.myRicker) (paddedTrace: float []) =
let padding = borderpadding
let myRickerOffsetRise = (6. * myRicker.ScaleRise) |> ceil |> int
let myRickerOffset = myRicker.PadArea
let arr = Array.zeroCreate (paddedTrace.Length - (2 * padding))
Expand All @@ -144,12 +189,14 @@ module Trace =
else (arr.[i-padding] <- (acc2 / Math.Sqrt(myRicker.ScaleDecay))) //corrects for admissibility (see Polikar wavelet tutorial)
loop 0. (- myRickerOffsetRise)

let findLocalMaxima2D paddedTrace ricker neighbourPoints =
[<Obsolete("Do not use anymore. Use transform2D instead.")>]
let cWT1D (paddedTrace: float []) (myRicker: Ricker.myRicker) = transform2D 20000 myRicker paddedTrace

///calculates the positions of maxima with given neighbourPoints and returns a maximaArray and the wavelet transformed trace
let isolateLocalMaxima borderpadding paddedTrace ricker neighbourPoints =
let (cWTArray: float []) =
cWT1D paddedTrace ricker
transform2D borderpadding ricker paddedTrace
let arrayOfMaxima = Array.zeroCreate (Array.length cWTArray)
///gets coordinates of pixel and number of pixel in surrounding and gives bool, if coor has highest value
let checkListsForContinuousDecline pointindex =
Expand All @@ -171,28 +218,30 @@ module Trace =
//checks order of each direction (left/right)
let boolList = surroundingList |> (fun x -> isSortedAsc x)
//if any list is not sorted -> false
not (boolList |> List.contains false)

not (List.exists (fun x -> x = false) boolList)
//calculates decline for every point
for i=neighbourPoints to (cWTArray.Length)-(neighbourPoints+1) do
if checkListsForContinuousDecline i = true
then arrayOfMaxima.[i] <- cWTArray.[i]
else arrayOfMaxima.[i] <- 0.

///gives maximaarray (checked with x neigbours) * CWT trace of maximal correlation
let collectMaxima rickerarray neighbourPoints (paddedTrace:float[]) =
let numberOfFrames = paddedTrace.Length - (2 * 3000)
[<Obsolete("Do not use anymore. Use isolateLocalMaxima instead.")>]
let findLocalMaxima2D = isolateLocalMaxima

///takes a collection of wavelets and a padded trace and computes a merged trace, where maxima of each trace are merged
let collectMaxima rickerarray neighbourPoints borderpadding (paddedTrace:float[]) =
let numberOfFrames = paddedTrace.Length - (2 * borderpadding)
let arr = Array.zeroCreate numberOfFrames
let arrCurve = Array.zeroCreate numberOfFrames
let maximaArray =
|> (fun x -> fst (findLocalMaxima2D paddedTrace x neighbourPoints))
|> (fun x -> fst (isolateLocalMaxima borderpadding paddedTrace x neighbourPoints))
|> fun x -> x |> JaggedArray.transpose
|> (fun x -> x |> Array.max)
let curveArray =
|> (fun x -> snd (findLocalMaxima2D paddedTrace x neighbourPoints))
|> (fun x -> snd (isolateLocalMaxima borderpadding paddedTrace x neighbourPoints))
|> fun x -> x |> JaggedArray.transpose
|> (fun x -> x |> Array.max)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,9 +288,9 @@ module Trace =

/// gets finalcentroidlist and cellnumber and fits the fitting with threshold to trace. With numberOfSurroundingIntensities you can set the area in which a maxima has to be the highest point
let fittingCaSignalToMaxima rickerarray threshold numberOfSurroundingIntensities rise (paddedTrace:float[]) =
let numberOfFrames = paddedTrace.Length - (2 * 3000)
let (maximaarray,cWTCurve) = collectMaxima rickerarray numberOfSurroundingIntensities paddedTrace
let fittingCaSignalToMaxima rickerarray threshold borderpadding numberOfSurroundingIntensities rise (paddedTrace:float[]) =
let numberOfFrames = paddedTrace.Length - (2 * borderpadding)
let (maximaarray,cWTCurve) = collectMaxima rickerarray numberOfSurroundingIntensities borderpadding paddedTrace

let fittedList =
[|(int rise)..numberOfFrames-1|]
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