Scheduler is a project designed and coded by Katelyn Marsala, Nathan Velliquette, and Ryan Pont. The purpose is to build a schedule without scheduling workers outside of their selected avalability. Employees can login and select their available times for the week. Admins can login and select employees to work for the week. Only three employees can be selected for each shift and no employee can work more than eight shifts a week. Employees can work two shifts in one day. This project assumes each shift is five hours.
I worked on several aspects of this project on both front end and back end. I contributed to database calls in python using SQL. I was also given the task of dynamically displaying checkboxes on the makeSchedule page in HTML. Another task of mine was making calls to the python server so both client and server could communicate back and forth. For this I used JavaScript, JQuery, and AJAX from the HTML page.