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Kelvin Li edited this page May 10, 2014 · 18 revisions

Command bar examples

Reverse complement via BioPython

clotho.run2("py_biorc", ["atcgc"])

Access ServerSideAPI

clotho.run2("py_selfie", [])
clotho.run2("py_selfsetter", [])

Tries to access ServerSideAPI but fails and Python function catches the resulting ClothoError:

clotho.run2("py_api_error", [])

Die at various stages of execution (should expect a run error and a clotho.say message)

clotho.run2("py_die_early", [])
clotho.run2("py_die_run", [])

Simulates Python process crashing really hard (shows that Clotho will cleanup properly)

clotho.run2("py_die_abrupt", [])
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