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eximus edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 1 revision


Long Name Units
WDIR Wind direction degrees
WSPD Wind speed m/s
GST Peak 5 or 8 second gust speed m/s
WVHT Significant wave heigh m
DPD Dominant wave period seconds
APD Average wave period seconds
MWD The direction from which the waves at the dominant period (DPD) are coming. degrees
PRES Sea level pressure hPa
ATMP Air temperature Celsius
WTMP Sea surface temperature Celsius
DEWP Dewpoint temperature taken at the same height as the air temperature measurement. K
VIS Station visibility nautical
PTDY Pressure Tendency is the direction (plus or minus) and the amount of pressure change hPa
TIDE The water level in feet above or below Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) feet

Taken from:



    • GFS (NOAA)
    • GEFS
  • WAVE
    • WW3 (NOAA)
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