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Developer Guide

SabineEmbacher edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 8 revisions

Coding practices


We use Python 3.5+ and exploit its features. Developers are encouraged to use the Miniconda 64-bit environment. You can create a new development environment by using the environment.yml file located in the project root, type conda env create --file environment.yml. This is also used by RTD to generate our docs, see Docs on ReadTheDocs.

Don't use any platform-specific features of Python!


  • Write good tests. Good tests are ones that test expected core behaviour. Bad tests make it hard to refactor production code towards better architecture. See article Why Most Unit Testing is Waste. Thanks, Ralf!
  • Target at 100% code coverage to make sure we don't access inexistent attributes, at least for a given test context. But remember that 100% code coverage does not imply 100% coverage of the possible configuration permutations (which can be close to infinity). Therefore it is still the quality of tests that provide value to the software and that result in high code coverage.
  • Use pytest for testing, to run test with coverage type pytest --cov=cate test


  • Not push any code to master that isn't backed by one or more unit-tests.
  • Keep master unbroken, only push if all test are green.
  • Always create new branches for new experimental API or API revisions. Don't do that on master. Merge when branch is ready and reviewed and accepted by the team. Then delete your (remote) branch.

Coding conventions

Code style

Like most Python projects, we try to adhere to PEP-8 (Style Guide for Python Code) and PEP-257 (Docstring Conventions) with any modifications documented here. Be sure to read those documents if you intend to contribute code to Cate project.

Spaces or tabs, etc

  • According to PEP-8, we use 4 spaces for indention.
  • Lines shall be no longer than 120 characters.
  • Put a 2-line space between global classes, functions, variable declarations. Put a 1-line space between class methods.

Private components and properties

  • According to PEP-8, we use a leading underscore to make components private.
  • In most cases, class instance variables should be private. Use the @property annotation on a getter method to export them in a controlled way. Think twice if you want write access.


  • Use double quotes for docstrings """.

  • Use single docstrings """bla bla bla.""" if you have no docstring attributes and if the text fits into one line. Otherwise, add a line break after the opening """ and before the closing """.

  • Use the Sphinx-style docstring attributes, e.g. :param <name>:, :return:, etc and references, e.g. :py:class:\`or:py:meth:``` etc. (This is TBC, there is an alternative for Sphinx that is nicer for IPython, see numpydoc)

  • Use the Sphinx #: syntax to document variables.

  • All modules must have a docstring that explains a module's intend, content, usage, and requirements that lead to its design.

  • All public (API) classes must have a docstring that explains a class' (single!) purpose and its constructor parameters passed to the __init__ method.

  • All public (API) functions or methods must have a docstring that explains a function's or method's (single!) behaviour, parameter values + types and return value + type (if any).

  • All public (API) variables must have a docstring that explains a variable's purpose, value and type.

See also PEP-257 and PEP-258.

Type annotations

Use type annotations when it makes sense. It makes sense, when it helps the IDE to point you to coding errors. It makes sense to help other people understand our code. When it makes sense, use type types from the new Python 3.5 typing module. However, if you allow a certain function argument to be of multiple types, don't try to construct wild type annotation expressions, because this will reduce the readability of the code again. In this case it is better to provide a reasonable docstring.

TODO comments

Feel free to use TODO comments in the code on your personal branches, but avoid them on master. If you need one, use following format

# TODO (forman, 20160613): bla bla bla

Ideally, TODO comments are backed by a GitHub issue providing more background info

# TODO (forman, 20160613): bla bla bla, see
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